Best Carpeting Ideas For Your New Office Building

An office building isn’t just a regular building – it’s a place where business grows and thrives. It’s important to make sure that the office building is comfortable and inviting for both you and your employees. There’s a lot to do when it comes to outfitting an office building, and carpeting is one of the things that adds comfort and luxury to the working environment.

A huge boost in commercial carpet tile popularity has come about due to the advancement of the product because of the new styles, textures, and colors that are now available. The days of boring beige carpets are gone. You can now get creative with your office’s flooring and choose a style that reflects your company’s personality. Here are some of the interesting carpeting ideas:

1) Abstract

If you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching style, then go with abstract carpeting. This type of carpeting features bold and colorful designs that will really stand out. Abstract carpets are perfect for businesses that want to make a statement.

2) Wood-Look

Another popular option is wood-look carpeting. This style gives your office a warm and cozy feeling, and it’s perfect for businesses that want to create a relaxed atmosphere.

3) Textured

Want to look a bit different, but don’t want something too flashy? Then go with textured carpeting. This style features a variety of different textures, which can help to add some visual interest to your office space.

4) Carpet Tiles

If you’re looking for a versatile option, then carpet tiles are a great choice. You can mix and match different colors and styles to create a unique look that’s perfect for your office. Additionally, carpet tiles are easy to replace if they get damaged.

5) Berber

If you’re looking for a classic and timeless look, then Berber carpeting is a great choice. This style is perfect for businesses that want a sophisticated and luxurious feel.

There are a few things that should be considered before choosing a carpet for your office building:

Consider the Traffic Patterns in Your Office

Take these questions into account; are there a lot of people who will be walking on the carpet? Is the carpet going to be in a high-traffic area? How much wear and tear will the carpet receive? You have to think about what kind of traffic the carpet will be dealing with on a daily basis.

Think About the Environment You Want to Create

Do you want your office to feel formal or informal? Do you want it to be comfortable and inviting, or more professional? The type of carpeting you choose can help to set the tone for the entire office.

Consider Your Budget

Carpeting can be expensive, so make sure to consider your budget before making a decision. There are a variety of different types and styles of carpeting available, so there’s sure to be something that fits your needs and budget.

Choose a Color That Reflects Your Company’s Personality

You don’t want your office to feel like a bland, corporate space – choose a color and style of carpeting that will reflect your company’s personality. If you’re unsure about what color to choose, consider consulting with an interior designer.

Consider the Climate in Your Office

If you’re in a colder climate, you’ll need to choose a carpet that’s resistant to moisture and staining. If you’re in a hot climate, you’ll want to choose a light-colored carpet that doesn’t attract heat.

Think About the Maintenance Required

Some types of carpets require more maintenance than others. If you don’t want to worry about having to vacuum and clean your carpet often, choose a type that is low-maintenance.

Can Your Office Carpet Handle Stains Such as Coffee Spills? 

When it comes to choosing the commercial office carpet, one of the main things you’ll want to think about is how well it can handle stains. Coffee spills, for example, are a common occurrence in many offices, so you’ll want to choose a carpet that’s resistant to moisture and staining.

Different Carpet for Different Areas

You will have to choose different carpets for specific areas in the office. The entranceway and lobby may need a luxurious carpet, while the hallways can be fitted with a low-cost option. Cafeteria, breakrooms, and other food-preparation areas will need a commercial kitchen floor that is easy to clean and resists water and grease. The executive office should have a luxurious carpet, while the worker’s area can have a hard surface.

When choosing the right type of carpeting for your office building, it’s important to think about the overall atmosphere you want to create. Whether you’re going for something abstract, wood-look, textured, or traditional, there are plenty of options to choose from. So take your time and find the style that’s perfect for your business.

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Realistic Time Management Techniques for Remote Workers

Remote work provides employees with a newfound sense of freedom and flexibility, not just in how they work but also where they work. People appreciate having more time to enjoy homemade coffee, flexible schedules, and spend some quality time with their loved ones. 

However, when you have plenty of deadlines to meet and countless projects to tackle, you need some sound time management techniques to ensure you have an amazing work-life balance. These realistic time-management techniques will help you get more done on your available time without getting stressed or working past your scheduled time. 

How to manage your time when working remotely 

Whether working from home is new to you or you’re a seasoned pro, there are many ways you can make remote working better and less stressful. But what works for one telecommuter might not work for someone else. That means you will only learn through trial and error. You get to experiment, test out, and change various approaches to find what works for you right now. 

There’s a reason many people think remote work sounds like a dream until they actually do it – they are unable to manage their time.

Distractions are everywhere – try to reduce them

While it may be impossible to fully avoid distractions no matter your task at hand, you can take a few steps to minimise them. 

Organise your workspace in a way that will promote creativity and productivity while reducing interruptions. Place your equipment so the things you need will be in immediate proximity when you need them. Also, don’t forget to keep your workspace tidy and clutter-free. To get your work done, you can:

  • Take regular breaks to prevent distractions caused by burnout 
  • Play white noise or music that helps you concentrate 
  • Make sure your phone is in “do not disturb” mode 
  • Inform your family members about your work schedule so that they don’t disturb you 

Take your do-do lists seriously 

Even the savviest list-maker can benefit and stay on top of their duties with a do-do list. At the start of every day, create a list of your urgent tasks, as well as those that don’t necessitate immediate action. 

Check your list during the day, making off items as they’re completed and making sure you’re on track to meet your duties. Make sure you review your list and set priorities for the next day. By doing so, you will begin your workday without worrying about other tasks. To stay motivated, mark every task complete the moment you complete them. When you finish each task, you’ll be encouraged to start the next. 

Set timelines and deadlines 

Deadlines are a powerful tool to help you manage your time and stay on top of everything. Make sure your to-do lists include estimates of how different long tasks should take. Then, with the larger and more urgent goals in mind, think about the smaller steps you need to complete, and set deadlines for yourself for each of those tasks. 

Throughout your workday, check back to make sure you’re not spending too much time on any one step. 

Prevent Overworking 

It’s easy to slack off when working from home, as easy as it is to overwork yourself. But keeping track of your time when you’re working from an office is easy. There’s a fixed hour to punch in and out, and you will know it’s time to go home when you see your colleagues leaving. 

However, remote working leaves no room for these indicators. Almost every task, no matter its priority, can keep you busy, and you might not have enough time left for your personal life. To avoid overworking: 

  • Shut down your work devices after work hours
  • Have an alarm to announce  the end of the day 
  • Ask other team members to notify you when it’s time to stop

Use productivity tools 

Now it’s possible to know how productive you are during the day. Using productivity tools can help you unravel your most productive hours and what activities distract you. A piece of reliable software can help you keep track of the tasks you need to complete, record the time it takes to finish every task and project, and give your full report on how you spent your day.

You can also complete your productivity tool arsenal with a user-friendly PDF page remover to make sure you don’t spend too much time looking after one on shady websites. Since you are a remote employee, you might not have the necessary tools at home, and their absence might make your remote work problematic. 

Play to your strengths 

Once you’ve set up deadlines, consider ordering your tasks to help you stay on target and keep you motivated.

For instance, if you’re a morning person and feel as you start the day, consider handling the nitty-gritty tasks first. Conquering more challenging tasks when you’re in the best mental form likely means you can accomplish them faster, leaving you more time for less urgent tasks later in the day. 

On the other hand, if it takes you a while to get going in the morning, starting your day with the most challenging tasks may not inspire you or not drain your energy. If that’s the case, start with a less demanding task or one that requires less mental strength. 

Don’t forget to reward yourself 

Small rewards for completing a certain amount of work can be a great motivator – just make sure those rewards are healthy. Taking small breaks, treating yourself to tea, or listening to a favourite song after getting over a particular task can be extremely rewarding and soothing. 

By implementing these methods, you will master time management, leading to a more productive and efficient workday. We hope these tips will help you become the telecommuting pro you want. 

A Guide To Building A Compensation Strategy For Your Remote Workers

Companies and their employees both benefit from the convenience of remote working. Entrepreneurs can attract a wider talent pool, while employees can work in the comfort of their homes. More so, business owners don’t need to rent and maintain a larger office space, so this approach is less costly.

While implementing a remote team is beneficial for organizations, entrepreneurs often face challenges regarding employee compensation. Without an effective plan to pay employees, the process can be time-consuming and prone to errors. 

In turn, businesses may face employee retention hurdles, and the hiring team needs to constantly look for new candidates to fill remote roles.

As an entrepreneur, you need to look for ways to implement an effective employee payment plan. So, this article will provide you with a four-step plan for establishing a successful compensation strategy for your virtual workforce.

Select Pay Schedule And Payment Terms

The most important decision you’ll have to make when paying employees is your pay schedule. Fitting your pay schedule with the needs of your remote workers will allow your team to manage their finances better. Indeed, your ability to retain employees will highly depend on how employers manage their organizational budget.

Identifying the best way to pay global teams is a critical component of cash flow management and payment schedule. That said, here are some payment terms you need to understand so you can select the most appropriate option to pay your remote workforce:


  • Upon Project Completion


This payment is the safest option if you outsource contractors, but it’s the riskiest for the individuals. That said, you can prevent those negative scenarios by clearly communicating your needs to your remote employees. Doing so will allow your workers to trust that you’re paying for their output after accomplishing their tasks.


  • Down Payment


One way to boost your organization’s credibility is by making a down payment during the first pay period. This option provides safety for your remote workers and gives them a sense of motivation as they complete their jobs.


  • By The Hour


Another excellent option is to pay your workforce for the amount of time they’ll spend working on their projects. That said, you must state the payment schedule so they know when to expect the money. 

Automate Payrolls

Due to recent technological innovation, global companies now resort to automating their business processes. Doing so allows them to get rid of repetitive tasks by letting machines accomplish them accurately. So, organizations that utilize some form of modern payroll software reduce their companies’ operating expenses and improve their bottom lines.

After choosing the most appropriate schedule and payment term, you’re all set with your compensation strategy. However, your employees are likely to face delays in receiving their salaries, which may be bad for your reputation. Fortunately, the best way to manage your payroll is by enabling instant payments online.

Although human errors are natural, they may happen from time to time. Furthermore, your team will need ample time to correct issues regarding multiple reimbursements. Indeed, automating payrolls eliminates the chances of overworked human resource teams committing employee wage miscalculations. 

Determine Specific Pay Grades

Identifying the most effective compensation strategy is more challenging without considering the location of your employees. That said, you must assess the existing addresses of your remote workforce so you can be more cost-effective in making your payment strategy. Doing so will empower your organization as you set competitive wages without having to comply with the highest rates across various markets.

Ideally, this plan is much easier if you have workers from the United States. However, if you have access to virtual positions worldwide, you have to establish a highly complex strategic compensation scale. This process allows you to calculate fair total compensation for workers outside your regional offices.

Another thing you must do is conduct a thorough competitor assessment to help you determine how they handle remote workforce compensation. This method enables you to benchmark your current compensation strategy, which will serve as a reference when you develop a new one. 

Furthermore, this strategy ensures that you regularly comply with diverse regional laws from all across the globe.

Allocate Sufficient Budget

Your new compensation strategy won’t happen if you don’t allocate the right amount of budget. That said, you must take a more realistic approach to your organization’s operational and human resource budgets. Also, determine the total amount you can spend on each remote employee as you list down costs, such as payroll and local taxes.

As you analyze your budget, you need to consider how you can maximize your compensation package to increase employee performance and engagement and boost workforce retention. In turn, this strategy is an excellent way to secure your budget if some employees decide to leave the company within the minimum period.

Key Takeaway

As you learn how to adopt the remote workplace environment, you need to identify ways to effectively pay your employees. That said, establishing a comprehensive compensation strategy for your remote employees includes these four tips. In turn, your company will reap the rewards as you enhance your new payment strategy that ensures organizational growth.

5 Mistakes When Choosing Entrance Carpet

House accessories aren’t exclusive to your house’s interior. You can also place essential items outside your property to improve your living condition and house’s appearance.  

For instance, placing an entrance carpet has various benefits. For one, it’s a great addition to your house’s exterior and can help keep your home clean. However, if you hastily purchase one, you may end up experiencing inconveniences instead.  

Here are some mistakes you should avoid when purchasing your entrance carpet.

  • Picking A Soft Material 

If you plan on buying a carpet for your outdoor area, you should pick one with durable material. One mistake you shouldn’t make when getting an outdoor rug is purchasing a piece meant for indoor use. Regular carpets are commonly made with softer materials like cotton or wool. They’re delicate, so you won’t feel uncomfortable every time you step on them with your bare feet. 

However, an outdoor carpet doesn’t have to be soft as you will often step on it with your shoes on. Instead, it’s best to purchase a product with more durable and tougher material to ensure it’ll last long without breaking apart. For instance, you can get a primary entrance carpet made with thick fiber so that it’ll stay intact even when stepped on repeatedly.  

Material like polypropylene is an excellent choice for outdoor carpets. Tough and durable, this material won’t break easily. So, when buying your rug, check the material. This way, you can get an excellent quality item that’ll last you for a long time.  

  • Getting A Light-Colored Carpet  

Another mistake you should avoid making when getting an entrance carpet is buying one in a light color. Your property entrance is one of the places with the most foot traffic. This means people wearing shoes will step on the carpet all the time. If you get a light-toned item like white or cream, it may look dark and dirty, affecting the appearance of your entrance. 

A dirty outdoor mat won’t look presentable. However, not placing one at all may result in a messy hallway.  

So, the best option is getting a carpet in a darker shade. For instance, a black or grey carpet will look presentable as dirt marks won’t show easily. A good practice is to ask your guests and family members to take off their shoes before entering your home to prevent your floor from getting dirty. You can also add shoe storage beside your outdoor mat so they can place their footwear conveniently before going inside.  

  • Choosing A Thick Mat 

When getting an outdoor carpet, you should think about its thickness. For instance, if you put a mat at the entrance, opening the door shouldn’t be a struggle. Going in and out of the house can be bothersome if your carpet is too thick and interferes with your door’s movement. Hence, you should pick a suitable outdoor carpet with the ideal thickness.  

If there’s a gap between the floor and the door, you can try to measure it to determine which carpet will fit. On the other hand, you can opt to purchase a thinner outdoor mat to ensure it won’t get stuck on your door.  

  • Not Securing Your Carpet  

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of adjusting your carpet every time someone steps on it, securing it on your floor would be an excellent idea. You can use a carpet gripper to keep your mat in place. This item is also easy to install.  

On the other hand, you can also secure it using carpet glue. However, if you choose this method, cleaning your mat may be challenging to do. You may need a vacuum to maintain your carpet as you can’t take it off and wash it.  

  • Getting The Wrong Size  

Different houses have varying entrance designs and sizes. Some properties may have a bigger door, while others feature a standard-sized entrance. So, before choosing your mat, it’s vital to determine the dimensions of your front area and entry door.

If your entrance carpet is too small, you’ll probably see footprints outside the mat. But if you have an oversized item, it can make your front area look crowded and messy. At any rate, your carpet won’t be suitable if it’s not the correct size. 

So, it’s best to get a carpet that fits your home’s entrance. If you can, get a customized item to ensure it’ll look neat and tidy once you install it. 

Final Thoughts  

When picking your outdoor carpet, consider its material and color before purchasing. These factors can affect the performance of your mat and the appearance of your entrance, so be sure to keep them in mind.  

How To Find the Best Financial Consolidation Software For Your Business

Small businesses have limited budgets. They need to make sure that they meet their expenses without the need to fall into a debt trap, and still earn some amount of profits. Financial management is an essential component when running a business. Every business owner is looking for a financial consolidation solution, that will cost him less and provide more productivity and deeper analysis of business finances.

Many people rely on manual financial consolidation processes. However, manual work is not only time taking but also prone to errors. A little mistake in the finances of a business can cost heavily. Therefore, there is no room for mistakes when managing your business numbers. 

A spreadsheet is another method to manage the financial situation of your business. This is comparatively easier and may offer better management of data. However, the biggest disadvantage of using spreadsheets is that you can not get a deeper analysis of your business data. For the smooth running of the business, you need to keep an eye on your progress regularly.

Having financial consolidation software is the best thing you can do for your business management. Such software can help you draw an analysis of your business data, and help you make better and more informed decisions. Now the question arises, how to find the best software for your business? Here are a few tips to find out. 

Dexterity Of The Software

Choose the software that has the intelligence to mold itself into your business requirements. Having tailored software can manage your business processes in a customized manner. The speed with which software can manage your business data and compare it with the international business standards determines the quality of that software. 

Better Integration

The software you choose should allow you to better integrate your multiple-faceted business. It may be possible that your business has multiple subsidiaries. While managing finances, you have to look into each subsidiary individually, and then analyze them collectively. Your financial consolidation software should be able to do that to make your tasks easier. 

Multiple Analytical Methods

The software you choose for your business should analyze the data using different techniques. It should be able to add all the finances, draw comparative pie charts and graphs and also draw conclusions of your progress. Some software is smart enough to predict the future of your financial landscape. Such software can be an investment rather than a liability. 


The automation of the software is important to make your work easier. The software you choose must be able to automatically prepare data for analysis, draw comparative reports and increase accuracy along with reduced processing time. You can get your financial department trained from to make your financial consolidation much easier and error-free. Your financial management staff should be well-trained and equipped to run the consolidation software and understand its analytical reports and conclusions. 

Documents To Digital Data How To Automate Your Financial Office_page-0001

Infographic created by DFIN, a financial compliance software company

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4 Modern Ways to Communicate Across Your Business

Over the past couple of years, work has been redefined and the pandemic sped up changes in the business world. Due to strict measures, face-to-face communication dwindled. Remote work and structures are no longer a luxury but a new work path.

Companies now have to adopt modern means of communication to keep teams connected. However, staff engagement will be terribly affected without the right communication channels. As much as remote working is the new normal, it still has its shortcomings. One downside to remote work is how easy it is for employees to feel isolated and disconnected from the organization.

Effective workplace communication involves sharing the right information to employees promptly through their preferred communication channels. Managing communication structure helps reduce work silos and isolation. A proper communication structure keeps employees engaged and productive. Whether top-down or peer-to-peer communication, business growth is stunted without the right communication channels and processes.

The nature and industry of your business will determine your communication channel and strategy. For some, it could be emails, intranet, or newsletter. There are several modern ways to transform communication and increase employee engagement.

1. Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is simple to use and easily accessible with the tap of a button or screen. Text messages have the highest click and open rate of all forms of communication. This says a lot about its usefulness for in-house communication and reaching out to customers.

Many businesses leverage instant messaging to reach out to employees promptly and privately. Research shows that over 23 billion texts are sent out daily, making it a good tool for brand awareness. Instant messaging improves efficiency and reduces interference in workplace communication when compared to using a generalized communication platform. 

Instant messaging offers a way for consumers to get updates and order notifications from their favorite brands. Businesses can use messaging to improve customer relationships with a bit of personalization.

2. Virtual Conferencing

You need a tool that improves engagement, especially when you have a vast and diverse remote team. At some other times, face-to-face communication is a must-have. But when a physical meeting isn’t possible, virtual conferencing can suffice. For crucial gatherings, such as annual or strategy meetings, it is important to have the entire team gathered at the same time to share complex ideas. 

Video conferencing reduces the otherwise enormous cost of having all team members in the same location. Virtual conferencing eliminates misinterpretation, which is common with textual forms of communication. It offers a real-time opportunity for clarification with no back and forth. Businesses can tap into a global pool, improve employees’ work-life balance, and enjoy round-the-clock availability.

3. VoIP Services and Shares Lines

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) has redefined telephone calls. Compared to the traditional route, VoIP is cheaper and allows remote teams to communicate, not minding international call rates. It also offers voicemail to email features, auto attendants and will enable you to use your phone wherever you are. Teams can use VoIP to improve unified communications. 

Teams can communicate through audio, video, and text-based formats with VoIP, improving the possibility for teams to collaborate through one platform. VoIP enables you to share a phone number across multiple devices and receive calls in various locations without transferring calls. Businesses that run a chain of companies can use a toll-free number across different devices, thus improving customer experience. You can also add more devices through the cloud system.

4. Collaboration Software

Collaboration software allows businesses that run projects and tasks to communicate efficiently. Project management tools allow employees to communicate and actively change project requirements in real-time. Working in silos is also eliminated as teams can easily delegate tasks and plan activities more efficiently. 

Document sharing tools also make it possible for teams to communicate and work on a project together. Teams can edit, make suggestions, and reference other resources within the software. Irrespective of the functionalities of the team, there are collaborative tools to improve productivity and efficiency.

Enhance Communication and Collaboration

For many businesses, the focus is on becoming more efficient and saving time. There are many solutions like Ooma out there you can adopt to save time and improve productivity. Why struggle with communication tools that don’t capture the essence of your business? Many tools directly address your needs with templates to save your time and lead to business growth.

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How to Keep Yourself from Being Sued for Intellectual Property

Intellectual property law is a complex and ever-evolving area of law. It can be difficult to keep track of all the changes and even more difficult to know how to protect yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement. In this blog post from Mike G Law, we will discuss some tips on keeping yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement.

Educate Yourself on Intellectual Property Law

One of the best ways to protect yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement is to educate yourself on the basics of intellectual property law. Know what is protected by intellectual property law, and be aware of infringing on someone else’s rights. This can be tricky, as the law is constantly changing.

This includes learning what types of ideas are protected by copyright, trademark, and patent law, and understanding how to use proper citations when quoting or referencing others’ work.

Don’t Copy or Plagiarize Others’ Work

Another key element of protecting yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement is not copying or plagiarizing others’ work. This is a common mistake that many people make, and it can be very costly.

If you are caught plagiarizing someone else’s work, you could be sued for copyright infringement. Even if you don’t get caught, you could still face disciplinary action from your school or employer. Use proper citations when quoting or referencing others’ work, and make sure that you are only using ideas protected by intellectual property law.

Use Proper Citations When Quoting or Referencing Others’ Ideas

As we mentioned earlier, it’s important to use proper citations when quoting or referencing others’ ideas. This helps to protect both you and the person whose work you are quoting or referencing.

This helps to ensure that you are giving credit where credit is due and protects you from any potential intellectual property infringement claims. It’s also a good idea to use a plagiarism checker to make sure that your work is original.

Register Your Trademarks and Copyrights with the Government

Another way to protect yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement is to register your trademarks and copyrights with the government. This provides formal protection for your intellectual property and can help you to enforce your rights in the event of a dispute.

It’s also a good idea to keep track of any unauthorized use of your trademarks or copyrights. This can be done by monitoring online and print publications and search engines.

Protect Your Computer Files with Passwords and Encryption

Another way to protect yourself from being sued for intellectual property infringement is by password-protecting your computer files and using encryption software. This helps to keep your ideas and work safe from unauthorized access.

This helps prevent others from accessing and copying your work without permission and can help you avoid any potential legal issues.

Consult a Lawyer If You Are ever In Doubt

If you are ever in doubt about whether an idea is protected by intellectual property law, it’s always best to consult a lawyer. Intellectual property law is a complex area, and it can be difficult to know exactly what you are and aren’t allowed to do. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and responsibilities under intellectual property law and can help to protect you in the event of a dispute.

Intellectual property law is a complex and ever-evolving area of the law. It’s important to educate yourself on what is protected and how you can avoid infringing on others’ intellectual property rights. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can lead to lawsuits for copyright infringement or trademark violation. Citations are an essential part of academic writing but should also be used when quoting or referencing other people’s ideas in your business writing. Registering your trademarks and copyrights with the government provides additional protection against infringement. Protecting your computer files with passwords and encryption helps safeguard them from theft or unauthorized use. If you’re ever in doubt about whether an idea is protected by intellectual property law, consult a lawyer for advice.

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Ways to Grow Your Business

Do you run a business that has been fairly successful but you are ready to take things to the next level? Whether you run the business entirely on your own, you have a small team of employees, or you are running a medium to large size business, there are various ways that you can help it grow so you can continue to do well long into the future. To help you start generating some ideas for your own organization, we’ve compiled the helpful tips below. 

Make Smart Investments

One way to keep your business going strong is by making smart investments that will help you do things like lead your team more effectively or produce products more efficiently. Whether you invest more of your own money into your business if you are a sole proprietor or you invest in better machinery for your large company using its profits, the goal is the same. The key is to make the right investments so you don’t end up wasting hard-earned money and resources on things that won’t be helpful. In the same way that you’d check a forex economic calendar to make smarter forex trades with your own money, you’d want to see the direction that your industry is going in, and what your competitors are up to, so your business could keep up and get ahead. 

Keep Your Existing Customers Coming Back for More

Another strategy that can help you grow your business involves finding ways to keep your existing customers happy and coming back for more. Many businesses do this by giving current customers access to special offers. For instance, you might send out discounts to customers who have bought from you in the past and signed up for your email list. And, to encourage them to bring new customers to you, you could create a referral program that rewards them for referring their friends and family to you. If these methods work, your existing customers will become increasingly more loyal, they won’t forget about you, and they will feel appreciated enough to want to tell other people about how great your company is. This can lead to substantial growth over time. 

Focus on New Ways of Promoting Your Business

You already know that marketing and promoting your business effectively is a key to your success. But when was the last time you took a good look at your marketing strategies? Are they out of date? Are they still working for you or are they not performing like they used to? If it’s time to make changes, make them as soon as possible so you can gain momentum again when it comes to attracting customers to your brand. You might need to hire experts, such as social media managers and content creators who can write articles for your blog or make videos for your Facebook page. It’s all about keeping your brand relevant and in front of customers who would otherwise forget about you. 

Get Customer Feedback

Finally, if you want to grow your business, you might want to ask your customers how you can do better. Simply asking for their feedback can be a great way to do some research into what your strengths and weaknesses are. Then, you can focus on your weaknesses to implement improvements that will make your customers happier and help lead to more growth. 

f what you are looking for is rapid growth, you can look for EOR services and outsource your services abroad safely, avoiding all the problems that may arise with administrative procedures.

Trapezium- Definition, Real-life Examples, Area, Various Types and Properties

A trapezium is a two-dimensional geometrical figure which consists of one pair of sides that are parallel to each other. We can see various real-life examples of the shape of a trapezium, some of which are buckets, suitcases, popcorn boxes, etc. The word ‘trapezium’ has its origin from the word ‘trapeze’, a Greek word, the meaning of which is the table. This two-dimensional geometrical figure can be classified as a quadrilateral whose opposite parallel sides are known as the bases of the trapezium and the other two remaining sides are known as the legs of the trapezium. In this article, we will discuss the area of a trapezium, various types of the trapezium, and also discuss some of the important properties related to the quadrilateral along with solving some examples.

Area of a Trapezium

The total area that is occupied by a trapezium is known as the area of a trapezium. Calculation of the area of a trapezium is very easy. We can calculate it by obtaining the average of the two bases of the trapezium and then multiplying it with its altitude. To put it in a mathematical manner, we can say that the area of a trapezium is: A = h (x+y) / 2 square units where x and y are the bases of the trapezium and h is the altitude or the height of the trapezium.

Various Types of Trapeziums

We can classify trapezium into three broad categories which are discussed as follows:

  • Right Trapezium: A trapezium is known as a right trapezium when two of its sides have angles equal to 90 degrees that are adjacent to each other. 
  • Isosceles Trapezium: A trapezium is known as an isosceles trapezium when its two legs are of equal length i.e., one leg of the trapezium is equal to the other leg of the trapezium.
  • Scalene Trapezium: A trapezium is known as a scalene trapezium when neither its sides nor its angles are equivalent to each other.

Various Properties of Trapezium

Each and every geometrical figure has its own set of properties that are unique which helps in the differentiation of the geometrical figure from the rest. The properties help us in understanding the given geometrical figure more vividly. The various properties of a trapezium are as follows:

  • It is a two-dimensional geometrical figure.
  • The two sides of the trapezium that are parallel to each other are known as the bases of the trapezium.
  • Both the diagonals of the trapezium are of equivalent length.
  • Trapeziums have diagonals that always intersect each other. 
  • In a trapezium, all the interior angles sum up to 360 degrees always. This property is common in all the different types of quadrilaterals.

Some Solved Examples of Trapezium

Example 1: Find out the area of a trapezium if its height is 6 units and its bases are 16 units and 14 units respectively.

Solution: The area of a trapezium can be given as A = h (x+y) / 2 square units.

Here, x = 16 units, y = 14 units, and h = 6 units. 

Thus, area of the given trapezium =  h (x+y) / 2 = 6 (16 + 14) / 2= 6 * 15 = 90 square units.

Example 2: One of the angles of a right trapezium is 80 degrees. Find out the fourth angle of the right trapezium.

Solution: We know that a right angle trapezium has two angles as 90 degrees. 

We also know that the sum of all the interior angles of the right trapezium is 360 degrees.

Now, we can conclude that, 90 degrees + 90 degrees + 80 degrees + 4th angle = 360 degree.

Now, the fourth angle of the right trapezium is = 360 degrees – 260 degrees = 100 degrees. 

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