Service Delivery Is Being Changed By Technology

In the past, service deliveries and quality of services were evaluated mostly based on direct human interaction. This fact is no longer valid because technology is actively changing how most services are delivered and designed. There are many different trends that can be mentioned in regards to the way in which technology is changing services so let us explore some of the trends. 

Moving To Self Service And Automation

Whenever looking at service delivery in the past, there were personnel that had to be met in order to start the customer journey. Nowadays, there are many more options available, mainly because of the evolution of automated solutions and self-service. 

A very good example of this is Shift. The logistics platform uses technology to pair people interested in deliveries with free spots available in fleets. This means that there is no longer a need to interact with a human and the entire service becomes automated. We can also mention retail stores and their self-service lanes, supermarkets, gas pumps, and airline check-ins as wonderful examples. 

In addition, when you call customer support, you are often met by automated operators. At the same time, many language software programs are responsible for the responses you receive via email to some queries. 

Automated services and self-service technologies are very beneficial for consumers. This is because the service that is received is more accurate while time is not wasted in queues. Simply put, inquiries are being processed much faster than ever, all while operational costs are decreased. Services can easily be offered at lower costs right now. 

More Services Available

The internet practically eliminated boundaries. Technology drastically expands the potential reach when it comes to servicing customers. Just some years ago, this was just a dream. 

Most of the services we consumed in the past were local. Nowadays, with a few clicks, transactions and services are becoming accessible across countries and even continents. 

Most of the services that can be delivered across large distances are digital. This is actually an opportunity for companies that can focus on this as opposed to having to rely on physical inventories that are very costly. We just need to think about services like Netflix and Amazon to realize how valuable this is. 

Consumer Data

When technology started to influence service delivery and availability, a large part of the criticism that appeared was that human touch was lost. This did not happen. We now have access to many different online tools that allow businesses to gather a lot of consumer data. In fact, it is much easier to get consumer data on the internet than in a face-to-face scenario, especially when referring to wishes and needs because the online world also offers anonymity. 

On the whole, the most important thing is that technology increases automation and reduces costs for businesses. At the same time, customer data can be gathered really fast so that it is analyzed with the purpose of meeting the needs of the customers. Companies have to stay ahead of the curve and adapt. 

Disguised Threats: 11 Common Cyber Attacks You Should Watch Out On Various Devices

Cyber attacks are common threats to computers or user’s personal data by an organization or a particular individual who wants to crack any information from other individuals. Attackers often wish to get the same benefits from disturbing the network of the victim. 

One of the most usual targets of the attackers is the business industries. Almost every day, numbers or victimized businesses are being recorded. According to John Chambers, the Former Cisco CEO, business companies have two types: those who are aware that they have been hacked and those who haven’t yet realized. 

Why Do Attackers Launch Cyber Attacks?

There are various motives for why people attack an individual or a particular organization. Most of them want to get the benefits from the business systems or get a significant amount of ransom. A study shows that 53% of those cyber-attacks resulted in $500,000 damages. 

There are different cyber-attacks you should be aware of. We have summarized these common internet threats that can attack a user anytime. These threats affect your system in different ways and may put your data at risk. 

Zero-day Exploit

The zero day exploit is a popular cyber attack that can occur when there is a weakness found in a particular software or program. In some circumstances, attackers may quickly destroy or exploit the entire program before the creator fixes it. An organization can prevent this risk by using local area networks (LANs) to secure transmitted data or even using a secure WiFi system or a firewall. 


This is a cyber threat where attackers will send you deceptive messages or emails and appear to be reputable texts. Attackers will steal your personal data, such as your login information or credit card number for financial gain and advanced company attacks. They will also try to install malware on the prey’s machine. 

Denial-of-service Attack

This is a cyber threat method where attackers fill the network, system, or servers with excessive traffic to drain the bandwidth or the resources, which disable systems to grant various requests. Another method used by attackers to launch this cyberattack is called distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, where they use multiple devices. 


This is a term used for malicious software such as ransomware, worms, spyware, and viruses. This threat breaches a vulnerable network by making users click malicious email attachments and links to upload risky software. Once the malware enters the user’s system, they can install additional harmful software to the system without your consent, block the user’s access, and even illegally obtain it. 

SQL Injection

An SQL (Structured Query Language) injection is a cyber threat where attackers intentionally insert malicious code to the server to deceive the victim. It forcefully demands the server to reveal essential details by sending malicious code to the website’s search box. 

Password Attack

This is a common cyberattack that illegally gets the user’s login password for illegal purposes. In password attacks, crackers will use dictionary attacks or crack programs to steal the user’s personal data adequately. There are proven defense mechanisms for this intent risk, but commonly, the most recommended solution is to create a secure account password with minimum length and unfamiliar terms. 

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

This is a cybersecurity attack that lets the attackers eavesdrop a conversation between two users. It was named a “man-in-the-middle” attack as an attacker can intercept communication between two parties. 

They can listen to the entire conversation and retransmit the message. Both entities seem to have usual communication. They don’t have the idea that the message sender is an anonymous perpetrator who changes the message before it reaches the recipients. The intruder fully controls the entire message.

Cross-Site Scripting

Cross-Site Scripting is a kind of cyber threat injection that uses malicious scripts to the content. The attackers send those scripts and appear to be a script from a reputable website. The code is usually sent to the target’s browser as pieces of Javascript code. The malicious scripts come with different languages such as HTML, Ajax, Java, and Flash. 

Credential Reuse

Because of many account logins, users nowadays usually use the same credentials across social media accounts. However, this could be the biggest asset of most attackers. They may collect all the user’s usernames and passwords and use them for logging in an attempt. They can easily hack and access your emails and bank accounts. 

You can use a password manager to prevent this internet risk. Using a password manager for your credentials is a big help in securing your privacy. You can install and use the program to easily manage your input usernames and passwords. 

Eavesdropping Attack

Also known as sniffing or snooping, the eavesdropping attack is a network security attack where the attackers try to steal the victim’s information through digital devices. This is one of the most challenging threats to detect, as it doesn’t produce questionable data transmission. 

An eavesdropping attack uses unsecured network transmission to access the transmitted data between the client and the server. This is usually done by installing network monitors like sniffers on a device as the attacker’s medium for data eavesdropping. You can avoid this threat by determining first the networks connected to a particular device, and the software runs. 

Insider Threats

This is a malicious attack completed on a network or computer system performed by an attacker to access the system. Insiders who performed this attack get more benefits compared to those external attackers since they can have authorized access to the entire system. Insiders can also comprehend network architecture and system policies. 


Modern technology offers users a ton of benefits. However, users should know those possible internet threats they can encounter. Cyber-security attacks are common threats that can steal a user’s private information or damage the device system. Above are some of those attacks that function differently with ulterior motives. It is highly advisable to have some necessary background knowledge of those cyber threats, which can help you escape from risks.


Protect Yourself: 6 Cybersecurity Threats You Should be Aware Of

Cybersecurity is one of the global threats fronting many businesses today. The reputational and financial cost of a breach of data can be disastrous for any organization, and that is why it’s essential to have the proper cybersecurity professionals and protocols in place. 

Despite the extensive efforts to defeat cybersecurity threats and significant improvements in IT security practices and technology, the number of cybersecurity concerns approaching businesses continues to propagate.

Though today’s cybersecurity threats are not the same threats as before, they will still change and evolve as time advances. Hence, it’s critical for businesses to stay updated regarding the risks of their IT foundation and data security. Here are some cybersecurity threats that everyone should watch out for.


Although Malware might not cause significant damage for some, it can be a total headache when you have to deal with this cybersecurity threat. Most of the time, malware can lay dormant in a system and can attack anytime. When it attacks, prepare to have  a rude awakening. 

Malware can enable hackers to steal  your private information such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, names, dates, passwords, and pictures of you. To avoid such a program from doing damage to your system, you need a proper firewall. 

Your firewall can be your first line of defense as it prevents malicious websites from automatically installing malware on your PC without you knowing. Firewalls such as Fortigate 80e are one of the best in the market. 

Criminal for Hire

Groups of criminals will continue their current development and be more increasingly sophisticated. The complex collaborations, hierarchies, and partnerships that imitate a substantial private sector will facilitate their entry into fresh markets, and the scale of their activities lies at a global level. 

Some organizations are having the ancestry of existing illegal structures, while some will emerge focused primarily on cyber-crime. Organizations will strive to keep the pace with this expanded sophistication, and the influence will cover worldwide, with “crypto ware,” becoming the top malware because of its impact and threat value. 

The developing cyber occurrence in the years to come will probably be more damaging and persistent than organizations have encountered previously, making the disruption of business and trust loss in existing security contracts.

Although hackers or groups of hackers might have similar activities with groups that do social engineering schemes, they differ in many ways. First off, hackers are highly skilled with what they do. It’s very hard to get loose from a hacker, especially if they have the right tools to attack you. Social engineering scammers on the hand, can be easy to spot and can totally be avoided.

Another thing that separates the experts from the amateurs is their security. A skilled group of hackers can quickly hide their location if needed. Amateurs, on the other hand, blatantly hide behind legit businesses and can easily be tracked with just a simple email or a phone call.


Ransomware attacks may happen anytime, and any businesses of all sizes can be a victim every day. Companies can easily avoid ransomware attacks if all of their systems are updated while having the trusted anti-virus software installed. 

Also, businesses will need to always make sure that they regularly back up their company’s data and be careful enough with the files they’re opening on their computers. More so, they have to make sure that they will engage in educational cyber security seminars regularly with their staff who have access to the company’s files.

Social Engineering

Social Engineering runs closely associated with some cyber attacks, involving a hacker searching for information from an inexperienced employee in many ways to start a targeted attack. 

For example, any hacker may call the target organization, asking the names of employees, their job titles, and many more. Then, they can make an email that seems more realistic and more possible to get a click or a download. Once again, educating employees is the most effective defense, so they are informed of this threat.

Social Engineering schemes are often done in plain sight of the authorities. There are cases where these illegal “call centers” act as a legit service provider to avoid getting sniffed by authorities. These call centers can have as few as five employees or more than a hundred operating at the same time. 

Distributed Denial of Service

The Distributed Denial of Service, or more popularly known as DDOS attack, is an assault on a site or server where hackers will overload the target website with malicious web traffic with the purpose of crashing it because of an overload of information. Lots of small business’ websites are victim to these attacks as they don’t have the necessary security in place. The firewall and even a VPN can help lessen this type of threat.

DDOS attacks are also common in competitive gaming. Most of the time, hackers work together with illegal bettors to crash a game and put their bets on the winning side. DDOS attacks can be used from almost everywhere in the world and can be hard to track.

Shady Cloud Storage Services

The services of cloud computing are genuinely improving the ways on how small institutions function and are growing as a primary option for small and medium-sized corporations. Cloud storage services make the lives of plenty of business owners easy as they have timely security updates and other defense measures. 

While the cloud storage may seem like an excellent idea, you might never know if your storage provider is as secure as the way you want it to be. Hence, ensure that you are working with reputable service providers to avoid as much as possible those cloud storage issues.


If people believe that their daily actions won’t draw interest from criminals online, think again. Most of the time, hackers often target unsuspecting victims online. When they’re done, you can be sure that hackers won’t leave a thing uncovered about you. 

Aside from hackers, you should also be aware of other threats online, such as those mentioned above. Arm yourself with knowledge, the right netiquette, and the most efficient tools so these threats won’t stand a chance against you.

Firewall 101: Everything You Need To Know About This Cyber Security

We often hear a firewall for security protection. However, some of us have no idea what actually a firewall is, how it works, and why it is essential to personal computers. In fact, there is a huge percentage that you are currently using a firewall for your device. 

What Is A Firewall?

Firewalls are typically built-in security devices in modern operating systems. Users also opt for a third-party firewall app for security and personal purposes. A firewall was initially made as a protective device in case of internet threats, securing your private documents and other credentials. This device is present in the phone, tablet, laptop, TV, and other common technological devices. 

When exchanging data takes place between a particular device to a router, a firewall monitors the entire online activity and checks whether or not it is safe. Take, for example, how a Palo Alto PA200 works. Its featured automated tools will do the examination, accepting or rejecting any suspicious applications or data. 

Why Should You Need It On Your Device?

Now that we have cleared the functions and definitions of a firewall let’s look at these major reasons you should employ its service on your device. We will also discover the top features you should look for when looking for a trusted firewall. 

Secures Online Gaming

In this digital age, online gaming is one of the most usual internet activities. However, it can also put your computer at risk. There are much malware that are initially created by prying eyes to target online gamers. Most of these malware exists in unsecured game servers. Using a firewall to defeat these potential threats is the smartest idea you should use. Firewalls will automatically block any attempted attacks before it harms your entire system. 

Secures Old Personal Computers

Despite being launched in 2001 and 2009, there are still people who regularly use Windows XP and 7. The worst thing is, most of these users don’t have firewalls installed. This can put their computers at risk at any moment. 

To avoid potential risks, users should use a third-party firewall to their old PCs to secure them, and once installed; they can upgrade the operating system to Windows 10 or Linux. This makes the device more secure. 

Filters Content

Firewalls can also filter content from the internet by blocking suspicious online destinations and even adult sites. In the United Kingdom and particular areas in the European Union, the blocking of dubious content might be administered by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). However, this service is an opt-out. You can tell the ISP if you wish to disable the block. 

Different Types And Characteristics Of A Good Firewall

Data breaches are one of the most significant issues today that usually resulted from an unprotected network. A good firewall should control all apps or sensitive details on a wireless network. This will limit traffic and prevent risks. 

There are vital factors you should always consider when purchasing a new firewall for your security protection. There are hundreds of firewalls available that are packed with various functions. It would be helpful if you look for the best one that will also suit your preferences. We have provided a list of multiple types of a firewall and its characteristics. 

Proxy Firewalls

Proxy Firewalls are also called as application-level gateways. One of its primary purposes is to filter the incoming traffic between the source and your network. The firewall inspects all incoming data packets and builds a connection to the traffic source, ensuring that they don’t contain any malware. 

Packet-Filtering Firewalls

Packet-Filtering Firewall makes a checkpoint at a router or traffic switch or router. It scrutinizes data, including IP address destination, packet type, or surface-level details. The firewall is also regarded as a convenient network security protection service because of its resource-intensive characteristics. 

Next-Generation Firewalls

This refers to the modern firewall. Next-Generation Firewalls features deep-packet inspection, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) handshake, and even surface-level packet. There are types of next-gen firewalls that feature Intrusion Prevention Systems, preventing any potential internet attacks. 

Cloud-Based Firewalls

The primary purpose of a Cloud-Based Firewalls network is to the database and other IT applications. This firewall is popularly known for having a top security and protection level that is administered by a qualified maintenance team. It has no unscheduled downtime because of its related features that let all the sites forward traffic. One of the best highlights of this firewall is its ability to protect remote offices and many websites. 

Circuit-Level Gateways

The primary objective of Circuit-Level Gateways is to approve or deny traffics when you are using limited resources of computing. It also verifies the Transmission Control Protocol handshake. TCPs are initially designed to confirm the source’s authority. 

Software Firewalls

Also known as a Host Firewall, and is highly regarded as a rising star in the cybersecurity industry. Software Firewalls feature standard and advanced security services. The firewall works for two purposes: for your network and computer security systems. 

Hardware Firewalls

Hardware firewalls represent an independent of particular hardware between your external and internal networks from the name itself. The firewall is also called an Appliance Firewall. The major difference between the software and hardware firewall is their resources. The tool will not consume Random Access Memory (RAM) and even your Central Processing Unit (CPU) in hardware. 


Think firewall as a guard in school and business buildings, controlling who will just enter the infrastructure. It also blocks all the outsiders as they might be a potential threat. The firewall’s most common function is to keep your entire computer system safe from any online attacks and data breaching. 

Firewalls are also useful for elections. Representatives will use and set a firewall to prevent any prying eyes during the computation. If you want to employ its service for your data or computer systems protection, consider the types mentioned above to pick a particular product that suits your needs. Adding an extra security step will go a long way. There are hundreds of products available. Select and purchase wisely.


Top 7 Best Running Applications To Help Boost Your Daily Runs

Many experts recommend a few minutes up to hours of running as a form of cardio exercise. Aside from easy access, it is also one of the easiest ways to get a workout’s positive benefits. Since it improves aerobic fitness, it is an excellent way to boost a person’s cardiovascular health. Not to mention, it burns calories and builds strength.

Whether you are doing running as an exercise for the first time or you are trying to break your own highest record again, you may need a little extra help to make your run stand out. Good thing, there are many ready to download running apps that can help. That being said, here is a shortlist of the most helpful apps for your daily run.


If you aim to train like a runner, what is the best way to utilize a trainer’s help? Even most running applications won’t do the trick, Aaptiv could. With Aaptiv, you don’t have to get a face-to-face coach to assist you. The application allows you to use and browse various music workouts conducted by real trainers.

Aside from music workouts, they also have various projects ready, making them one of the best running apps. They have the training and running programs for 5K runs and even full long-distance races. Furthermore, Aaptiv additionally has virtual classes for treadmill and strength classes. With the application, you can be headed to turning into a full-fledged runner.

Unlike most applications, Aaptiv is a paid service for $14.99/month. It is available for download in both iOS and Android and lets you access their regimens and virtual training whenever you want.

Adidas by Runtastic

Some people run casually as exercise. However, more committed runners will plan in more extensive ways. If you think sounds like you, then Adidas by Runtastic (previously called Runtastic) is an extraordinary running application to satisfy your desires.

Whether it is creating races or marathon plans, Adidas by Runtastic will assist you in reaching your goals. This app has a calorie tracker, speed tracker, mile tracker, and many more. It also motivates you with voice coaching during your runs. Also, you have an option to engage in the application’s community goals, functions, and challenges.

Adidas by Runtastic is free for Android and iOS. But it also offers a premium subscription, which will allow you to access more powerful features. Some of these features are route mapping, training plans, interval training plans, and many more. Although you need to spend a few amounts, it is guaranteed that you’ll get excellent service.

Charity Miles

Running applications are an exceptional help to keep you in shape and fit. But, did you know that you could also run for a cause? In using Charity Miles, you can run as much as you can, knowing that all of your efforts will pay off.

How Charity Miles works is that it lets you donate money for every 25 miles that you run. Through this, you can help the less fortunate by donating to whichever charity of your choosing.

Charity Miles even made the experience more engaging and fun once you run with friends. You can combine your funds to come up with a larger fundraiser amount and an even bigger donation. This app is positively free on Android and iOS. Running has never been this fulfilling and purposeful, right? 


For runners who are looking for running apps that let them track their cycling, walking, and even running activities, Endomondo can be your go-to. With this application, you may follow the distance, time, speed and even calories burned from those exercises. It won’t matter if it is hiking, cycling, walking or running.

Endomondo users can track the trails they have taken if they want to know where they have been. It displays a trail on the map to help runners visualize their run. Aside from tracking, you can also set your goals and schedule your workouts. This application can be used for both running and hiking and is free on both Android and iOS.


People can do almost anything they set their attention to. Dedicating yourself to something can be very testing. Motivation rarely comes. If you struggle with motivation, give the Human application a try.

Running applications are great when they have training regimens and trackers. However, they rarely excel in inspiring you to get up and do the work. The Human app gives you an everyday reminder to hit your requirements. Also, it allows you to compare your data with other users nearby. This app is also free on both Android and iOS.


If you are looking for a reliable and feature-rich running app, try checking out  MapMyRun. This is one of the few that has lasted for a long time since it has been released. Although it was initially created to measure routes, additional features have been added over time. 

One of the coolest features MapMyRun offers is tracking your gear, though shoes may be the only real gear any runners have. You can add your shoes to your app, and it will let you know when it is time to buy new ones. Aside from that, it allows you to get in touch with the running community to keep motivated.


Few wants an application with a full feature and a straightforward interface. Pacer could be the answer to that. It has all the basics that you need and can also run in the background.

Pacer uses your device’s sensors to keep track of your progress. You also have an option to check your tracking history. It even worked with other fitness apps like Apple Health, Fitbit, and many more. To explore the app, you may download it as it is free on both iOS and Android.


Running applications have been an essential tool for most runners today. Apart from the fact that it helps them keep track of their activity and progress, some also provide additional entertainment. As to which one they are going to use will always vary on their needs and preferences.

5 Best Cricket Wireless Plans That Offers The Best Deals 

Nowadays, we can only save a few bucks from our salary. With bills and other necessities piling up, saving is becoming a challenge. However, you could spare a couple of extra cash from your wallet by slashing telephone charges and shifting to an economical cellular carrier like Cricket wireless.

We have handled everything for you, regardless of whether you are seeking restricted or limitless packages. In this post, we will talk about the finest wireless Cricket plans you could pick up without busting your budget.

Cricket Wireless 2GB Plan

Do you recall the time when you were seeking to gain the finest mobile device offers at a discounted cost as you were digging up the internet? It is entirely compatible with the finest Cricket Wireless plan you want. The only dissimilarity is that policies for Cricket Wireless have lower cost stickers than the newest mobile device. If you are still skeptical,  you can check out the best Cricket wireless plan here. 

Cricket 2 GB Plan is the very first scheme on the Cricket Wireless series. It charges 30 dollars a month and allows access to US phone calls, SMS, image emails, and 2 GB LTE data. The plan is equipped with an 8 Mbps speed limit, which would suffice for many people for their daily data needs. 

You will have no difficulties accessing music and clips, browsing the net, or administrating your login in social networking sites. The 2 GB Plan does not accept a smartphone hotspot, but uses a “Stream More” function, which enables to reduce playback of your clip to 480p video performance so that it won’t use up most of your data. 

It is automatically enabled, but you could still disable it whenever you would like to watch a high-definition video. Remember that the 2 GB package for Cricket does not qualify for auto-paid and group rebates. You could perhaps bring 1 GB for $10 if you’d like more data.

Cricket Wireless 5GB Plan

Cricket 5 GB Plan is a good alternative when you want identical features of a 2 GB Plan, but rather a greater high-speed data restrict. With auto-pay, this package plan costs $35 per month for 5 GB data for LTE or unlimited 2G data. 

You also receive free calls, SMS, and photo texts for your phone information across the US, and even the Stream More function. However, the Cricket 5 GB Plan will not enable the mobile hotspot and operates  with a speed limit of 8 Mbps. Likewise, if you ran out of data for emergencies, you could still avail an extra data of 1 GB for only $10. 

Cricket Wireless Core Plan

Cricket Core Plan is the most affordable and unlimited business data package beginning at $50 a month, with autopay. You will have access to open phone calls, SMS, photo messages, and limitless LTE high-speed, so that everything you would like to browse and movies can be saved from data. 

Remember, even then, that the download speed is up to 3 Mbps optimum. This 3Mbps speed limit could be a trouble if you’re accustomed to browsing or broadcasting at higher web speed. Of course, anything from video clips to social media management could still load; however, the troublesome load periods could annoy you a lot.

Cricket Wireless More Plan

Worry no more with Cricket More if you’re searching for a great limitless Cricket Wireless mobile network package. It is among the finest smartphone offers in the industry. You will benefit from premium accounts without any speed limit for just $55 per month, with autopay. 

This package plan is strongly suggested for those who need more data. You don’t need to wait when loading any website, compared to other Cricket subscriptions that have a data limit. In relation, communications, SMS, and messaging services to and from Canada, the United States, and Mexico are boundless. 

The More Plan also has a personal hotspot of 15 GB. In response, if you used your allocated data, you could always append extra data for hotspots. Furthermore, this package is also recommended if you need access to worldwide calls on the stateside. Even so, please note that your download frequency can be transiently lowered whenever your local network is cramped.

Cricket Wireless Multi-Line

Cricket Wireless distinguishes its unequaled family rebates from other cellular carrier operators. The 4 Line Plans are usually the AT&T network’s cheapest available options. So when you have families or a couple of buddies who use a wireless Cricket plan, it is a wise choice to lend a hand to spare money by registering for multiline special offers.

You have the first string at a full price of $55 per month once you use the Cricket Core Plan. A $30 reduction is provided on the next line, with $80 a month. After that, you can take a price reduction of $75 or even a complete of $90 a month. 

Finally, you’re given an additional $120 rebate on the final line to get a sum of $100 bill at the finish of every month. This fact is a step beyond most family special offers because you can start saving more. If you wish to apply for the fifth line, the additional line will be paid $25. Overall, that will also be $125 every month for all lines. 

Choose Cricket Wireless 

Technology has evolved so much as years and years go by, especially when it comes to messaging, calls, social media, and the internet. Having the knowledge or the ability to distinguish prices of a plan to another is vital, especially when you are planning to save up some money. This is why you need to be careful when choosing a plan. 

You will save so much more with Cricket, especially with their multi-line discounts. A single line can already give you the best services. Furthermore, adding more people to your subscription plan can give you more discounts. So if there are other family members that can do the switch with you, the better. We hope we have helped you in deciding which plans you want to spend your money on.

Video Format Problems: Try These 5 Reliable Online Video Converters

The video converters online process the conversion of your existing videos to a different format that you need. You might have experienced that some videos won’t play on the device you’re using. The reason might be the operating system, or the media player doesn’t support the videos. Hence, these won’t play on your laptop, smartphone, or whatever device you have. 

You may feel disappointed or pissed if you encounter these scenarios, especially when you urgently need the videos in your task at work or school. There are many video converters online that you can choose. However, not all of them are reliable. Hence, read the list of online video converters below that will surely provide you with the right video format you need. 


The Convert2MP3 is an online video converter that’s easy and convenient to use. If you’re looking for a conversion tool for both video and audio, this will be your best choice. It converts your videos to an MP3 format. It also processes conversion from the existing video and audio format you have to another format that you need.  

Besides that, if the converted video is from an audio format, you can add a thumbnail by going to the file settings. The Convert2MP3 processes conversion of videos from YouTube, Clipfish, and Dailymotion. It supports different formats, such as MP3, MP4, 3GP, AVI, WMV, FLAC, OGG, AAC, WMA, and M4A. 


There are many available video conversion tools online. However, if you only need to convert videos from Youtube, Converto will be enough for your needs. This conversion tool will convert videos on Youtube to MP4 or MP3. Connect your device to a reliable internet to avoid any interruption during the conversion process. 

Besides that, the Converto processes conversion in high-quality formats. Hence, it’ll assure you that no digital information or details will lose after converting the videos. For quality, you also have an option to choose what video quality you want that depends on the file size to save in your hard drive storage. 

You need not be a techy person before you can use this online tool. Converto is easy and convenient to use. Even first-time users or elementary graders can use this conversion tool. You copy the YouTube URL of the video you want to convert and paste it on Converto. Once finished, you can save it to your storage file.

Free Video Converter

If you have a lot of videos to convert at school or work, it’ll be difficult and time-consuming to process one video at a time. If you’re a busy person, doing the video conversion process this way won’t work for you at all. Hence, the Free Video Converter is available online to help you with your conversion problem. 

Free Video Converter will let you do batch conversion. It means you can process conversion to multiple videos at the same time. If you have tons of videos lined up, you need not wait until the conversion is done before you can start a new one to another video. Hence, it’ll significantly save your time and effort. 

The Free Video Converter has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use even for first-time users. You only need to upload the videos, choose what format you need them to be converted to, and select what quality you want for your converted videos. Then, click the convert button, and wait until it’s done. When ready, you can now download the converted videos to your hard drive. 

Freemake Video Converter

People consider an online video converter a good one if it uses a reliable system and doesn’t limit in a few video formats. Freemake Video Converter is a conversion tool online that supports tons of formats you need for your videos at school or work. It also offers you various functions and helpful features. 

Freemake Video Converter isn’t new in the market. In fact, many people have been using this online tool for almost a decade now and still counting. It supports over 500 different formats, such as WMV, DVD, MP3, PM4, and many others. It also supports both Android and iPhone. Besides, Freemake Video Converter uploads your files to iOS or iTunes automatically. Hence, it’s an advantage for all Apple users. 

Moreover, this online tool can process conversion from DVD to other formats and vice versa. It also has a feature of burning these files to have copies in your CD or DVD storage. Other exciting features of Freemake Video Converter include creating slideshows and even embedding a particular video into a web page. It can also let you edit or modify the videos like putting subtitles, trimming, or cutting video parts, combining various video clips, and many other helpful features that you can use to improve your videos. 


Since there are tons of video converters online today, you might get confused about which one is better than the others. Many conversion tools are for the operating system of Windows. Some are intended for Apple users, and the same thing goes with Linux OS. Sometimes, it’s an additional workload to check what operating system is compatible with a particular video converter.

Therefore, HandBrake online video conversion tool is available in the market to help you with your dilemma. It’s an online tool that’s compatible with three different operating systems. Many Apple users have been using it for many years in dealing with their tons of videos to convert to other formats they need. 

HandBrake has more advanced features that will surely make your videos way much better than the original format. It lets you use its advanced filtering feature to enhance the video quality.  You can also crop the videos, make an adjustment to its frame, and many other useful and exciting video enhancements. Even if the HandBrake system isn’t so user-friendly than other conversion tools online, it’s still worth the effort to exert and learn its basics. 


If dealing with a lot of videos is part of your task at school or work, you should need a reliable video converter based on your needs and preferences. The list of online video converters above is only a few of those available in the market today. If you need another format of your existing videos, you can choose one above. It’ll surely be a great help for you to process video conversion quickly and conveniently.

6 Best Video Converters To Try

Do you happen to find an interesting video online, and you want to save it, but the file is too broad? Or perhaps you want to turn a video file into an audio file, but you’re not sure how to? Either of the two, you will need to use a video converter.

There are video converters on the Internet that you can freely use for your videos. However, if you want to have more features and options, a paid video converter might be for you. You don’t have to worry about video formats anymore, or if it’s compatible with the device you are using because here are some of the best video converters you can try today. 

Any Free Video Converter

By reading the program’s name, you can undoubtedly convert ANY video type using this video converter. Making it up first place in this review guide, Any Converter is probably the best video converter you can find online. 

For any video converter, you will have tons of options to choose from, including what type of videos you can convert into the program. Most converters only allow videos from YouTube or uploaded files. Any Converter can support other styles, such as CDs, DVDs, and even Facebook videos. 

Not only that, but Any Converter does more than turning your videos into audio files and vice versa. The program has a video editing tool that you can use a well. You can add effects, change the video, and even put subtitles if you wish. Also, if you get the premium paid version, you can burn videos on CDs. 

Converto Video Converter

If you are a fan of YouTube videos and want to keep a copy for yourself to watch anytime, converting it in Converto is a must. This conversion app is perfect for YouTube videos, and you can also turn it into MP3 or MP4. 

For support and function, Converto is limited to that. However, in terms of strength and stability in converting videos, the program is 100% reliable. This is also the best video converter app to use if you are a beginner. Simply copy-paste the YouTube link on the website, and the conversion will start in an instant. 

Free Video Converter

From the name itself, Free Video Converter is a free converter site that anyone can use for all their video and audio conversions. If you are looking for the best converter online that offers a bulk conversion, this is the best one. 

Perfect for beginners and professionals, this converter allows users to turn videos into an audio file format and vice versa in batches. Say goodbye to the hassle of converting videos one by one. You can use your time to do other more worthy things. 

Free Video Converter supports many file formats, including DVD, MPEG, iOS, and AVI. You can also convert music videos into audio via the MP3 form. Although the support is only limited, you can get high-quality conversion right after.

Hand Brake Video Converter

One dilemma that users experience when finding a video converter tool is its compatibility with operating systems and devices. If you are looking for a universal video converter, Hand Brake is the best to get. 

Whether you have a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine, Hand Brake can be accessed freely for your conversion needs. Not only that, but it has tons of features you can use, such as video editing features. You can adjust the frame, crop, or even add effects, filters, and presets on your video before converting it. 

The only downside of Hand Brake is it is difficult to use. The program’s interface is useful, and it can be a little sketchy to use, especially for beginners. However, you can learn to use the program by watching tutorial videos. Once you know how to use the program, it will be all worth it. 

Online Video Converter

If you are looking for a popular video converter online, Online Video Converter is the best. This converter tool is quick and efficient compared to other conversion tools online. This is also best for beginners to learn.

With the best user interface and easy navigation tools, one can convert videos quickly through this website. You can easily convert videos by copy-pasting the URL of the video you wish to convert and choose a file format. 

The website is free to use. With the best features and multiple file conversion formats, Online Video Converter is worth your time. It also provides the best and highest quality of conversion right after. 

Video Proc Video Converter

If you think free online video converters are limited and do not suit your conversion needs, you can opt for a premium one or a paid video converter. One of the best to get is Video Proc. you can use this program whether you have a Mac or Windows device.

One of the best things about Video Proc is it can convert videos up to 8K resolution. This is the right choice for professionals. Besides the 8K resolution, you can also do your video conversions in this program, even when you are in a hurry. It is fast and efficient.

If you are into video editing, you can also edit your videos before converting them in another file format. You can choose to add filters and effects, flip, cut, crop, or even merge videos into one. This program is also fit for GoPro users, so if you are making video content, Video Proc is the way to go. 


For video editing and conversion, you can always find a tool that will suit your needs and standards online. The ones mentioned in this article are the best and top-rated video converters, so check them.

Always remember that the best video converters do not depend on how expensive it is. Whether you opt to use a free tool or a premium paid one, the best converters offer the best quality conversions. Either way, there is always a video converter out there for you that fits you.

The Peak of Mobile Gaming: All You Need to Know About the Samsung Game Launcher

At some point in time, a person would need a hobby to unwind and relax to be relieved of all the stress work or school has given. It’s a compelling idea to have at least one hobby to keep your mind off of all unpleasantries. Fortunately, to help fight your everyday stress, Samsung has the perfect application for you, the Samsung Game Launcher.

It’s a fantastic application overall; however, the app is only restricted to Samsung devices. Users would be able to play games and browse recent releases that are a perfect fit to your liking. Hence, keep reading to perceive all there is to know about the Samsung Game launcher 

Exclusive Only to Samsung Devices

Unfortunately for users who are not using Samsung, the Samsung game launcher is only exclusive to Samsung devices and on all of the latest releases of Samsung mobiles. People who either have a tablet or smartphone made by Samsung know about the feature and how it made their mobile gaming experience a whole lot better.

The initial release of Samsung’s game launcher was when Samsung’s Galaxy S7 was launched. The app even came in with another software suite called Samsung Gaming Tools. Users can quickly access the app from the app drawer of any Samsung device. However, if you’re having a hard time finding it, you can always use the ‘Finder Search’ bar at the app drawer’s top.

Getting Started With the Samsung Game Launcher

For quick and easy access to the app, users can automatically find the application on the phone, and they can add games to the folder. There’s also a feature where users are asked if they would like to hide the app drawer’s games. Thus, making all the games you have access through Samsung’s game launcher.

Game Discovery Feature

The ‘Game Discovery’ feature of Samsung’s game launcher app is probably the best feature that the app has. Users would have the capability to browse through a massive library of games with different genres and locate the perfect one. Additionally, all of the segment’s games have their separate page filled with complete details of the game.

Within a mobile game page, users will find all the information they need, such as screenshots, videos, walkthroughs, guides, and even statistics. This feature is admirably useful for all the users who want to get to know the game better before diving right into it.

Pausing The Game to Access Other Apps Simultaneously

Samsung’s game launcher has a neat little feature that allows users to pause the game and access other apps simultaneously completely. To do so, users would need to open the pop-up menu of the application, and then they can toggle between recently accessed or opened apps. However, it’s only limited to four opened apps simultaneously.

With this feature, users can multitask while playing their favorite games. However, always put in mind that users won’t be able to change settings for the game’s visuals during the gameplay. 

Samsung’s Game Tools

Considered to be an indispensable partner of the game launcher, the Game Tools will allow users to have complete control over its functions. Also, this feature can be quickly accessed from the game launcher itself. The Game Tools’ location is at the lower-right corner of the application. It also has a slider bar to control the device’s power efficiency.

Moreover, accessing the Game Tools while in-game is also possible. All the user needs to do is put two fingers on each side of the screen and make a pinching motion. A pop-up notification will appear over the game you’re currently playing. Also, users can finally access the tools on the navigation bar.

Sharing Your Captured Screenshots and Videos

When playing a game, there are times that you unexpectedly play a move and receive an achievement that doesn’t come by very often. With this feature, users can capture videos or screenshots of your gameplay so that you can brag about it to your friends or post on social media. All you need to do to take a screenshot is pressing the unlock and volume up button together.

Samsung’s Game Tools have a fast and reachable feature that can quickly capture your gameplay. However, there is an easier way to capture screenshots or record a video. The user would only need to play two fingers and make a pinching motion on the screen. Then, Game Tools would appear, and you can select the ‘Screenshot’ option.

Recording a video of your gameplay is a different story. All you need to do is access Game Tools and press ‘Record’ from the available options. After you’ve recorded the gameplay that you want to show to your friends, you either save it as a moving GIF image or a standard video. Users can easily access the clip from the memory of the phone.

Checking Your Progress

If you’re eager to know how far you’ve already gone and how good you’re doing in a game, Samsung Game Launcher allows its users to view their overall statistics in a game. Users can easily access this feature by going to the app’s main menu and tapping the head or the profile icon.

Afterward, the application will exhibit all of the player’s statistics in a game in the form of a pie chart, breaking down all the games you’ve played regardless of type and genre. In the information, users can find the total number of hours spent in the game and how frequently the game is played. 

In A Nutshell

Samsung’s game launcher application is the perfect way for all mobile gamers and enthusiasts to have quick and easy access to all of their favorite games. In this article, we’ve discussed all there is to know about the application. For instance, a compelling list of its features and a way to disable the app if you don’t need it.

With the Samsung Game Launcher’s help, sharing your experience in games to social media or other people has never been this easy. Even though the application is only restricted to Samsung devices, we hope that this article may prove itself useful and may benefit from the tips provided. Try out Samsung’s game launcher and experience mobile wonders!

No One Knows Movies Like We Do: IMDb the Digital Encyclopedia of Movies

Watching television is everyone’s favorite stress reliever. Before all these technological advancements, people usually go to the cinema to marvel at a film with their loved ones or a date. Also, sometimes setting up TV antennas is a thing.

Now, with just a simple typing, scrolling through the web, and a little patience thrown in the mix, watching your favorite film or show is made possible. There were no silly long lines to buy the ticket or crowded room. With just the comfort of your own home, you can dig deep into the crazy montages and marvelous experience all that with unlimited popcorn and drinks.

Even though TV antennas and cinemas on weekends are outdated yet still thriving is admirable. However, introducing the streaming services in our modern society altered the course of how people watch films and TV series. IMBd may be one of the most popular database sites that offer an array of information regarding movies, shows, trivia, facts, etc.

What used to be a fan site became significant to the world of cinema. IMDb is now still continuously evolving and developing—morphing into something new. Thus, the development of IMDb TV and IMDb Pro in which it includes tons and tons of films that you can savor and relish bit by bit, inch by inch.


IMDb or also known as Internet Movie Database or IMDb movie—to some—which is the biggest and most all-inclusive movie database to exist on the world wide web. Some of you may know it, some of you don’t. That is not a problem at all. Amazon Prime Video subscribers have known or heard about it since it is an Amazon subsidiary. The site IMDb movie also has its fair share of collections of films and shows.

The idea about it is it is like a digital encyclopedia that contains information about the movie, the cast, and characters, the actors and actresses, some fun facts or trivia. IMDb also has critics and reviews that may help you in choosing what movies to watch or not. This also includes movie showtimes at the global or local theater, together with the cast lists.

What makes IMDb unique is that it has a feature where it shows film or shows quotable or memorable quotes, some goofs, and trivia. You could also immerse yourself by getting to know more about film production since IMDb offers behind-the-scenes cuts and even director commentaries at their page. So, if you are feeling glum and gloom, you will have a good giggle and fun at the blooper rolls section.


Clearing the notion of what IMDb is. It is time to dig deep and talk about the great IMDb TV. You might have heard or known it if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber, but you have no clue what it is. Here is the breakdown. IMDb TV is an ad-supported free movie streaming service established by Amazon.

Unlike most streaming services like Hulu or Netflix, this streaming platform is free, with no hidden charges, no bunch of tomfoolery, and shenanigans at play, just entirely free for your enjoyment. It has no subscription plans or anything. However, it has ads sprinkled at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the film, and there is no available option to skip that.

To give you a clear picture of how the ads are at play. If you are watching a film with an hour duration, you may get 4-5 ads, and if you are watching a half an hour show, it would have 2-3 ads, give or take if it is a two-hour film, you would have to survive 6-7 ads. The ads run for about 90 seconds. I mean, for high-quality content, a 90-second ad won’t absolutely hurt.

IMDb TV Top Films and Shows

This collection of movies at IMDb may not be as large compared to Netflix or Hulu, but it sure keeps you entertained, considering that it is a 100% free platform. The pool of films on this platform centered on classics, yet popular and mainstream movies are available. Films like Memento, La La Land, The Ring and top TV shows like Fringe, Schitt$ Creek, and a ton more. Give you an idea that there is a promise of a lot more to come.

You can browse TV shows and films by genre, whether comedy, action, thriller, horror, etc. IMDb also has original content that will leave you in awe. Take, for example, Casting Calls, in which it also includes the behind-the-scenes regarding some well-known acting parts and roles in history.


There is an option in which you can pay some of its premium features, but that is only beneficial to businessmen or women or people looking for some connection or contacts in the world of entertainment. 

When you subscribe to IMDb Pro, you can have your own IMDb page. With only $20 per month on a month-by-month basis, you can have the latest information on the people and even title profiles. It also allows you to find a talent representation or even an industry contact and see many more titles that are not offered on the regular IMDb. There is a 30-day free trial if you are interested but still undecided.


Considering that IMDb is a free streaming service, it is immersive, pleasing, and delightful. Its catalog of films and shows could make gigantic paid streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu making a run for their money. The thing about IMDb is that you can still be entertained, find the best shows without spending a single penny. 

Even though the commercials or the ads could get a little irritating and bothersome at some point, what you need to remember is that they do not charge; it is a free platform that is ad-supported. You may have to take in a little patience with you while using the service since the ads are unskippable and not going anywhere. If at some point, you are living in the US and interested in getting stream infused on your television, IMDb TV is calling you, so might want to try it.