End of COVID? What the Future of International Shipping of Trade Looks Like

Observation by Victor Restis


Technology is one of the coolest, most important aspects of human life and it has guided humanity toward a more sustainable future, extended the average lifespan, and has given cutting-edge advancements. Now that we are a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Victor Restis, a Greek shipping magnate and president of Enterprises Shipping and Trade, touches on new technologies in shipping and trade.


The article discusses technological advancements in the shipping and trade industry that were accelerated due to COVID. In the early days, ships sailed (not powered) and were guided by the stars. Today, ships use power (of course) and state-of-the-art navigational systems to chart courses based on time, speed, weather, cargo, etc. and are designed to deliver the most amount of cargo in the fastest, safest, and most cost-effective way possible. Technology drives this process, but it seems that a new era in international shipping may be taking place and a record rate of implementation.


Mr. Restis mentions technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence being implemented to shipping and trade to not only continue with the fastest, safest, and on-time delivery but with grander targets like reducing the number of carbon emissions and using alternative sources of energy to move ships across the seas and oceans. These technologies are leading not just the shipping and trade industry, but nearly every other industry in the world.


Technologies are being directed not only at the machines but toward the human resources that power our international supply chains. Using distance learning and virtual reality for recertifications, safety tests, and other operational programs seems like a cost-effective, and safer, process. Instead of seafarers conducting these tests in a classroom setting, many times, they can now perform these extracurricular, yet professionally mandated courses, from home or while onboard their vessel.


Restis does address the idea of autonomous shipping (meaning large cargo vessels being entirely operated by AI machines, or from a remote location) with the caveated that this is an unlikely scenario anytime soon despite the leaps and bounds offered by new technologies. I have to agree with this, but the technology is there. Self-driving cars are becoming more advanced, commercial planes can nearly fly themselves (they can take-off and land by computer operation) with AI, so it makes sense that cargo vessels may get a boost from AI and robotics. In the end, technology is being used to strengthen our processes, while keeping people safe during a global pandemic. It will be interesting to see how this new year plays out, and what further technologies may be implemented.

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Mark Zamuner and The New Style Virtual Pitch

For CEOs like growth consultancy agency CEO Mark Zamuner, one of the biggest challenges of the lockdown which we have been through over the course of the last 5 months has been not being able to meet clients and customers face to face, which has had a big impact on pitching. The inability to take clients out, showcase the business through events or simply to have a chat in their offices has forced ad and media agencies to get creative and to switch the focus around what they are doing when it comes to pitches, and here is how they have adapted. 

Back to Basics 

The ad pitch has become incredibly creative over recent years and more and more agencies are trying to be as novel as possible in order to get the better of the competition. As Mark Zamuner rightly puts it however, businesses aren’t looking out to be entertained and as he has stated “There is a greater focus on specifics, deliverables, case studies, capabilities and providing examples of output”.This has seen ad agencies take things back to basics with less razzmatazz and more focus on action and high speed performance. 

Touches of Sparkle

Some ad agencies are still recognizing the need to add a smattering of creativity with their pitches, be it changing the background on their screen or sending a drink to the client which they can share on the call. The important stuff is what Mark mentioned but many agencies are still aware of the fact that there is a competition on their hands. There is a need to do something to make up for the lack of body language and feeling which you can convey when you are in a room with someone, something that just doesn’t come across through a computer screen. 


More and more companies are looking to create great content such as pre-made videos which they can use as part of their pitch, and this has now taken on far more importance than it ever has. Previously videos and graphic displays were still used but not in the way that we are seeing them presented at the moment. This now forms a far larger percentage of the pitch. 


The conditions around how we go about getting more business has changed, much in the way advertising has with regards to the sentiment and the mood of any pitch. The last thing a struggling business which has just furloughed staff needs is a pitch which is trying to make light of the situation, so gauging mood is something far more important than it has ever been. A slight misjudgment and the essence of the whole pitch could be lost, this requires more careful planning and more empathy within the pitch than anyone would normally have considered. 

Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of text which identifies and extracts subjective information in source material, and helps a business to understand the social sentiment of their brand, product or service while monitoring online conversations. There are many sentiment analysis website out there.

The changes which have been made around pitches could very well be something that we see continuing into the future, rather than a click of the fingers and everything back to normal, as the truth is there is no definitive end to all of this. 

The Complete 25-Trick UX-Design Checklist

The idea behind UX design is simple: happy, confident users are more likely to buy from you. They’re more likely to trust you, sign up to your mailing lists, or download your app.

I often think of user experience design (or UX design) as psychology rather than development.

Good UX design is all about getting inside the head of your visitors.

It’s anticipating their every move, and creating a website that is simple, intuitive and enjoyable to use.

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer or silver bullet for good UX design. It’s the culmination of lots of tiny tweaks. Each one improving the experience on your website.

With that in mind, I’ve rounded up a checklist of 25 small (and easy) tweaks that will make your UX design shine.

1. Speed

Website speed is your very first chance to make a good impression. It’s your first UX hurdle.


Too slow and your visitors are already agitated and less likely to trust you. We instinctively associate speed with professionalism, and most visitors expect your website to load within two seconds.

Anything slower than that, and it’s a poor user experience, right from the start.

Make sure your server speed is up to scratch, and slim down the weight of your site so it pops open quickly.

2. Who Are You And What Do You Do?


Your next big challenge is quickly informing your visitors. Who are you? What do you do? And what value can you give them?

Netflix value prop


This is called a value proposition, and it’s so important we wrote an entire blog post on it. You’ve only got a few seconds to convince your visitors, so make it count!

Try it now: summarize your entire website in one sentence and signpost where you want visitors to go next.

3. Make Sure Visitors Can Get In Touch With You


A core part of UX design is eliminating any worries or anxieties your visitors might have.

One of the biggest worries for new visitors is whether they should trust you or not – especially if you’re a new website.

One way to remove this anxiety is by showing them there’s a real person behind the scenes. Add a business address, a phone number and a real email address. (NOT a contact form – people tend to distrust them compared to a straight-up email address).

Even better, use a live chat box so users can instantly ask questions.


Tagove Live Chat


If something goes wrong, it’s good to know they can easily get in touch.

4. Always Give Visitors A Way Back Home

We’ve all gotten lost on websites before. You follow links and end up down a rabbit hole.

If this happens, your visitors become agitated and frustrated. They’ll instinctively hit the “X” button to close the browser.

Instead, make sure there’s a clear and defined ‘home’ button, so they can always start over. Typically, users expect your logo to link back to the home page too, so make sure it does.

5. Even Better, Leave Breadcrumbs So They Know Where They Are

As well as giving them a quick restart, use ‘breadcrumbs to explain where they are in the process.

Large progress bars are great for this. If it’s during the checkout process, for example, let your user know exactly where they are, and what’s left to do.




Again, this is simple psychology. For example, going for a walk is much more tiring when you don’t know where the end is. We feel much more comfortable when we have a map. The same idea applies online.

6. Remove Any Repetitive Actions

It’s super frustrating inputting the same data twice on a form (like a billing address and a shipping address). Try to get rid of any repetitive actions that slow the purchasing process.

It’s things like this that lead to cart abandonment. Your visitors will look elsewhere.

Even better, create a system that remembers your customers’ preferences. It will surprise and delight them when it’s all there waiting for them again. It’s a simple thing that improves the chances of return customers.

7. Use Tool-Tips To Help Newbies (But Don’t Impede The Experts!)

Some of your visitors will be regulars. They’ll blast through your signup sheets and purchasing process. Others will be brand new, and they might have some questions along the way.

Little ‘tool-tip’ icons (often identified with a question mark) will help the newbies understand what they need to do. But at the same time, they don’t get in the way of your experts.



You can even provide shortcuts or fast-tracks to help speed up the experts. You’ll often see ‘skip this’ links on most website and app explainers, for example.

8. Create A Big, Bold Call-To-Action


call-to-action tells your visitor exactly what to do: ‘Sign up’ or ‘Buy now’ for example. Make sure it’s commanding, straightforward, and explains the value of doing so.




Better yet, make it a clear, bold color (greens and oranges work wonders here), and surround it with white space. That should draw your users’ eye straight to it, giving them a clear indication that this is what you want them to do.

9. Make A Clear Distinction Between Primary And Secondary Calls-To-Action

With a lot of calls-to-action, you’ll see two options. ‘Submit’ and ‘cancel’ for example. Or ‘download now’ and ‘free trial’.



It’s clear which action you want the visitor to take, so make sure they know it. Check out Spotify’s homepage. They’ve made the ‘go premium’ button bold and eye-catching. They’ve made the ‘play free’ button fade into the background.

This is just simple psychology again. You subtly let your users know which one to click.

10. Use Hierarchy To Show Users Where To Go Next


Hopefully, you should have a clear ‘user journey’ in mind. Let’s say you teach online courses through your website. A simple user journey might look like this:

Read latest blog > download free report and sign up to the mailing list > enroll in your paid online course.

If you have a clear journey, you can create a visual hierarchy to direct users where you want them. In this case, you’d make sure your blog was the first thing they see. Then, you’ll begin to include lots of links to your mailing list.

11. Don’t Mess With Expected Elements!

It’s often hard to resist the urge to get creative with layouts and elements. But the thing is, we all know what an online store is supposed to look like. We expect products to be laid out in simple categories. We expect product descriptions, reviews and a familiar purchase process.


apple checkout

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel with these crucial aspects! Keep it simple.

12. Stick To A Simple 3-Color Palette

Again, this is all about resisting the urge to over-complicate things. Combining more than 3 primary colors is difficult and it will often confuse your users.



Color is also very useful in shaping your user’s experience as it’s closely connected to psychology and emotion. For example, we associate blue with trust (there’s a reason why Facebook uses blue!)

Match your color palette with your product.

13. Why Am I Getting An Error? And What Do I Do Now?


Sometimes, things go wrong and 404 errors are inevitable. However, you can actually turn this into a positive user experience.

Explain exactly why they’re getting this error by creating custom 404 and 504 pages. Twitter’s ‘fail whale’ was famous for this.


twitter fail whale


For unknown errors, reassure users that you’re working on it, and direct them back to your website.

Dead-ends, like error pages, are dangerous. Users naturally reach for the cross. Reassure them, and send them back.

14. Give Users A High-Five When They Complete Something


Human beings are driven by a sense of achievement and completion. When they complete a task, let them know, and show them where to go next.

You can do this after they submit their email address, after they purchase a product, after they add something to their cart, or simply when they reach the end of a blog post.

It’s a simple, easy, positive experience. It also gives users a sense of collaboration; like you’re actually helping them to achieve their goals.

15. Stick To Just Two Font Families


Consistency and branding is key to a good user experience.

It’s very confusing if your logo font is Futura, your body text is Times New Roman, your call to action is Comic Sans, and your headings are Windings…




Stick to just two font families. It’s easier to read and it looks more professional and trustworthy.

16. Use Distinct And Consistent Alert Messages


Sometimes, your users are going to get things wrong. Maybe they entered their password incorrectly and couldn’t log in. Perhaps they forgot to include a zip code on the signup sheet.



In these cases, you’re going to want a simple, but distinct error or alert message. Make sure it’s distinct in color and style to anything else on your site. It gives a clear indication that something needs action.

You should also make these alert messages consistent across your whole site. Don’t use a different color, style or placement as it just becomes confusing.


It’s just annoying.

Actually, there are more important reasons than that. We actually read uppercase text slower than lower-case. So it’s much more difficult to scan read (which is how we generally read the internet).

Reserve caps lock for when you really need to make an impact.

18. Group Related Items Together

This is specifically for ecommerce websites, but it works across the board.

Try to keep similar and related items in the same place. It means your visitors and customers get a much more tailored service, almost like you’ve anticipated their needs.


grouped items

You can do this with physical products, like Amazon’s ‘more like this’ selection. You can also do a similar thing with blog posts and articles, using a related content section.

It keeps visitors browsing through your site, reduces your bounce rate, and creates a more personal experience.

19. Keep Everything Consistent

The last thing you want is a visitor to click a link and feel like they’ve navigated to a different website.

Make sure your navigation bar stays in the same place, no matter where you are on the site. Ensure your logo is always visible and the color palette remains the same.

20. Design The Layout For Eye Scanning

We don’t read websites like we read a book. Our eyes jump and scan for the important information.



Typically we read websites in an F-pattern, but bold images and calls-to-action are also known to catch the eye first.

21. Build Trust With Testimonials And Social Proof

Most visitors to your website arrive with their guard up. They’re naturally cautious of new sites, and certainly aren’t ready to buy from you just yet.

As I said, a key part of UX design is removing these barriers, and making people feel comfortable on your website. A few well-placed testimonials and factoids will make people feel more at ease. We like to see that other people (ideally big names) have used your product and service, and approve of it.


22. Let Users Know What They Can Play With!

Websites are typically made up of two parts: Number one: content – it’s static and we can’t interact with it. And number two: controls – these are things we can click and play and interact with.


Twitter are great at this. Simple black text for content. Blue text indicates what you can click on and interact with. Icons fill with colour when you rollover to show what you can play with.

Invite people to play with your website!

23. Create A Gentle Learning Curve

No-one likes to get stuck on a confusing and difficult website.

Try to give your visitors a quick-win almost immediately. Ease them in and make it simple – especially if you’re offering a tricky business proposition.

24 Find A Way To Empathize With Your Visitor Quickly


User experience is all about mimicking a human relationship and making a connection with your user. Empathy is a huge part of this – What are your visitors’ goals and dreams? What’s been holding them back so far?

Immediately let them know that you understand their problem. You can do this with an image that they can relate to, or a sentence that sums up their biggest problems.

Your visitor will think ‘this website gets me!’ which is a great user experience to create.

25. Use Micro-Interactions To Create A Dialogue


Try to provide feedback to your user at every small part of the journey. It will create a real communication and relationship that users respond to.

You can do this with copy, such as “Good job!” “We thought you might like this”, “would you like to speak to an expert?”

progress bar


Or small graphics and visuals, like a thumbs up, a smiley face or a ticking clock on a loading page.


Combine these small tweaks and you’ll create a user experience that builds trust, connects with your target audience, and leaves them feeling happy and with a sense of achievement.


Are you using any of these UX design tricks? I’d love to hear about any I’ve missed to! Let me know in the comment section.


How to Promote Yoga Studio: 11 Yoga Marketing Ideas

As the world of yoga is growing, people everywhere need yoga classes, yoga studios, and yoga retreats. Starting a yoga studio is one of the most soul-fulfilling and profitable things to do in today’s day and age.

Starting a yoga studio is easy work at least easier than promoting the yoga studio. To promote yoga studio takes effort, creativity, open-mindedness, passion for yoga, and so much more. It’s not easy, but it’s also not that hard and is totally doable.

Here are 11 ideas for you to promote yoga studio.

Have An Engaging Website

Use the internet and use the World Wide Web to have a robust website. Your website is the place where all internet surfers will find you, and the number of internet surfers has quadrupled over the last decade.

Make your website creative. According to research, you can tell if a website is well designed and created by checking how much time people spend on a particular website. The average daily time spent on social media by people is about 3-4 hours. An important question to ask yourself is: “what can I do, so people spend more time on my website?”

The website should be user-friendly with a good functioning speed. Make sure the website also is phone friendly, so people have access to it on their phones. Make sure the colors, texts, and designs of the website are appealing and engaging.

Include the yoga styles, time, and details of the class on your website. Having a blog on the website is the perfect recipe for building a solid blog and getting a good amount of traffic on the website.

Hire freelance writers to write articles related to yoga, health, spiritual growth, Ayurveda, and similar topics. Publish your own articles on the blog, too, as people get to know you and your perspective on these topics.

Smart Use Of Social Media

Social media includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other similar socializing platforms. Social media is one of the most powerful tools we have today to reach like-minded individuals and to market our business.

Social media is the place where people of all ages spend a lot of time and receive a lot of information and ideas on what is going on in the world. Online shopping through these platforms is also booming these days expansively.

Use Facebook by making a page of your yoga studio, or you can promote your yoga studio from your original Facebook page. According to research, what has proven effective is making a separate page for your yoga studio on Facebook.

Once you have created a Facebook page for your yoga studio, you can start having fun with it. Post quotes, articles, blogs, YouTube videos, your yoga schedule, a live video stream of your yoga class for people to get an idea of how your classes are, and so much more.

You can also make videos related to yoga, meditation, spiritual growth, and similar topics and post them on YouTube under the name of your yoga studio. Daily short videos, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, and stories will get more attention to your yoga studio on social media.

One thing to keep in mind is that most of the time, social media takes time to work, but once it starts working and reaches the large audience and the right kind of people, boom you are in business.

Understand The Importance of Search Engines 

Since hundreds of people use the internet and specifically search engines like Google, Yahoo and Hotmail are some of the most top-ranking search engines on the internet. To rank higher on Google, Yahoo and other search engines, the information you post on your website, blog, Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media platform you might use needs to be SEO friendly.

When your content is SEO friendly and creative, engaging, truth-oriented, and giving people what they truly need in terms of information and food for thought, chances are you will rank higher on Google.

Hire a good SEO content writer or freelance SEO content writer to write articles, blogs, posts for you, and watch your website rank higher in Google. If you are on a tight budget, you can also do your own research on SEO writing. YouTube has plenty of amazing videos where you can learn all about SEO and then apply it to your content.

Quality SEO writing is one of the primary keys to promote your own yoga studio and be successful in it.

Go Local

Tie up with local fitness shops, juice shops, sports shops, clothing shops, medical stories to promote your own yoga studio. This is a great way where all parties involved in this partnering can make profits.

For example, if you partner up with a fitness shop, they can guide their customers to your yoga studio, and you can guide your customers to their fitness shop to buy yoga mats, blocks, and other yoga merchandise. If you partner up with the juice bars in your local area, the fitness and health enthusiastic customers can be guided to your yoga studio, and you can guide your customers to their juice bars for maintaining good health.

This is a fantastic way to get to know other local business and help each other like a community that is growing together. With these local business partnerships, you can exchange pamphlets, stickers, or boards of your business for promoting your own yoga studio.

Host Unique Community & Local Events

One of the best ways to promote your own yoga studio and get new students is to host exciting local and community events. Host unique local events to attract nearby people who would benefit from yoga classes you have to offer.

You can support a cause like donating the money earned in that event to orphanages or animal care centres. You can host an event and invite a celebrity yoga instructor to take a yoga class of Vinyasa yoga.

According to research, Vinyasa yoga is one of the most loved yoga classes in yoga studios. Inviting a celebrating will attract more attention to your yoga studio, making people more intrigued and excited about attending the yoga event.

Charge a nominal fee or even better make it a “pay what you want” event where people can pay how much they want from 0 to any number. This way, people feel more welcomed and confident about the class. Giving all the proceeds from this event to a charity that is close to your heart will help promote your yoga studio even more because everybody loves to help those in need.

You can also make this a free event to attract more people. This way, people can experience your yoga classes, enjoy the event, and decide if they want to continue further. Research shows that a free event shows high traction and an increase in new yoga students.

Point System Benefits

Many yoga teachers and fitness trainers have started using the point system in their studios. The system works like – every small improvement in the postures and fitness goals will earn the students more points.

These points can then be converted into getting a discount for the next month or year in the yoga studio. This is a great way to push people, motivate people, and also keep them interested. This is also a great way to get repeat students for several years.

When students know that their yoga teacher cares about their progress, and the students see that they are making progress, they are definitely to stay with your yoga studio for many years.

The points system also works in another way where if they buy a yoga package for six months, they earn a certain number of points. These points can then be redeemed later on for the next purchases of yoga classes. This way, students feel like they are getting a discount on their classes, which also keep them interested further.

Use Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is an integral part of promoting your own yoga studio. People talk, that’s what they do. Human beings are social animals, and socializing is one of the ways people share information.

Since you are providing excellent yoga classes to your students, don’t hesitate to ask them to spread the word about your yoga studio. Ask your relatives, your friends, your peers to spread the word about the yoga classes in your local community.

Students can ask their relatives and spread the word forward. Request your students to spread the word with their like-minded friends and relatives who would also benefit from yoga classes. You can offer your students discounts as a way of saying thank you if they manage to get a few more yoga students for you.

And most importantly, don’t hesitate to invite people personally.

Offer Unique Classes

Offer unique yoga classes as compared to what is being offered by other yoga studios in your area. Here you need to get creative, offer unique yoga classes that no one else offers but you.

Yoga is in so many ways is about finding our own uniqueness and authenticity. It’s about dancing a dance only we can dance; a dance which is unique to us. You can offer meditation sessions, Acro yoga sessions Ashtanga yoga sessions, Hatha flow yoga sessions, Iyengar yoga sessions, power yoga sessions, and so much more.

Offering unique and creative classes is an X-factor that adds to your yoga classes. The students don’t get bored with the same routine and yoga style and can learn more and diverse styles of yoga.

The world is your oyster, and you can decide what you want to offer. As you offer more unique classes and may be a yoga retreat to your students, they will not hesitate to tell their friends and peers about your yoga studio.

Build a Strong Mailing List

Having a strong mailing list is a great way to stay on top of your A-game. You can have a subscription button on your website where everyone who visits your website has the option of subscribing to your newsletters.

Sending out daily or weekly newsletters is great to promote your own yoga studio and get new students. The newsletters are a great way to be seen and remembered by people who might be looking for yoga classes.

Research suggests that sending daily newsletters can actually work against you unless the newsletters are exceptionally good every day. Sending creative newsletters once a week has proven to be an effective way to reach people and get new students.

The newsletters can include beautiful and moving writings about yoga and spirituality and can also include the date and time of the upcoming yoga classes.

Find The Right Yoga Software

Using the right interfacing software is an important aspect of promoting your own yoga studio. The right yoga software will keep track of all your payments, expenditures, yoga schedules, and all other information that needs to be documented.

Having the right yoga software helps ease the documentation and logistics aspect of the yoga studio so you can focus more on other elements that need more attention. Some amazing software can also schedule your social media posts and send newsletters on the designated time and date, making it way easier and smoother to attract new students.

We live in the 21st century where technology is evolving rapidly; why not take advantage of that?

Advertisements & Banners

If you have a large budget, paid ads and banners are one of the most effective tools to promote your own yoga studio. Putting up creative banners about the yoga studio around the local area will help your yoga studio to be seen and noticed.

If you are running yoga retreats and teacher training programs, you can list your events on yoga retreat booking websites. There are lot’s of popular websites out there and most of them don’t charge for the listing.

You can also make video and audio advertisements that can be put on social media, YouTube, and the local radio. With creative advertisements and banners, nothing can stop you from running a thriving yoga studio.

Running a yoga studio is beneficial on all levels. You get to do what you love and, at the same time, make a good living from it. It’s a beautiful dream that requires a passion for yoga, efforts, commitment and a never-ending dedication.

As Sally Kempton says, “The very heart of yoga practice is ‘abyhasa’ – steady effort in the direction you want to go.”