Dr. Ryan Shelton- 5 Super Foods For Entrepreneurs To Boost Work Productivity


Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy. We know that eating right can help in keeping diseases away, improve better efficiency, and boost work productivity. For corporate professionals and entrepreneurs, food can play a major role in determining their success story, increments, promotions, and more. 

In this article, we are going to speak to a leading medical expert, dr ryan shelton. We request him to shed some light on how what we eat affects our work performance and productivity. We specifically ask him to list down five superfoods that can help us achieve the same. 

According to a study done by the World Health Organization, what we eat in a day could affect the way we eat by as much as 20%.  If you are someone who is looking to alter your diet plan or understand the benefits of a healthy meal, please read the article till the end. 

The Benefits of Eating Healthy for Corporate Professionals and Entrepreneurs

In this section, we are going to explore how the eating right has a beneficial impact on your body- 

Boosts the Body’s Immunity

The first major benefit associated with eating healthy is that you are less likely to fall sick and be prone to infections. Healthy food items work to improve the body’s immune system and prevent infections and diseases. 

Builds Working Stamina

All of us want to carry on with longer working hours. We know the harder and longer we work, the more we can stand to benefit in terms of perks, increments, and promotions. Food is like fuel for your body that builds physical stamina. 

Keeps your Mental Headspace Positive

What you eat has a major role to play in how you feel. Eating healthy allows you to stay happy, cheerful, positive, and energetic. Smoking, drinking, and fast food tend to make you feel sad and depressed. 

Improves the Brain’s Retention Powers

Studies have shown how superfoods like nuts tend to build brain cells that help in increasing retention powers of the brain. This is great if you are looking to provide creative and innovative inputs at work. 

Helps Promote Regular Sleep-

Eating has been closely linked to the kind of sleep you get every night. If you are not eating healthy, you will start suffering from irregular sleep patterns. In extreme cases, poor eating leads to Insomnia. 

List of 5 Super Foods for Entrepreneurs to Boost Productivity

Nuts and Dry Fruits- 

Depending on which part of the world you are reading this article, nuts or dry fruits are a great source of proteins and nutrients. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and raisins help in boosting productivity levels, build immunity and allow for increased stamina. As an entrepreneur or a professional, you should carry them and eat whenever you start feeling peckish. 


The humble banana does not get the attention or credit that it should deserve. The small fruit packs a large punch when it comes to giving you an energy boost through the injection of glucose. Bananas are also packed with positive carbohydrates that ensure you feel full and do not have to keep looking here and there for items to snack on. 


Everyone from our grandmothers to our distant aunts swear by eggs. They make breakfast the most important meal of our day. Eggs are rich in healthy proteins. They also contain Vitamin B that is known to help in speeding up retention powers. You can cook and eat them in so many different ways. Eating one egg a day is going to help you improve productivity massively. 


You don’t have to be Bugs Bunny to love your carrots. Carrots help in promoting digestion, are packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins. They can be consumed as a salad with a little dressing of hummus. You can also just sauteed the carrots with a little bit of salt and pepper and munch on the amazing crunchiness. 

The Bottom Line

According to Dr. Ryan Shelton, in addition to these five above-mentioned superfoods, there are several others like salmon, green tea, and dark chocolate that can help in improving work productivity and efficiency in the work of entrepreneurs. 

If you have any other questions or clarifications that you would want Dr. Ryan Shelton to answer, please mention them in the comments section below. We will try to request the doctor to answer as many of them as possible. 

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All you need to know about Covid-19 tests

We’re one year into this dreadful pandemic, and while things are getting better, there’s still a long way to go. Vaccines are out, but until we all get vaccinated, there’s plenty of time left. Covid is still out there, and while we all continue to wear masks, wash our hands and follow social distancing, there’s still a risk of contracting the virus. Therefore, if you ever get infected or are experiencing symptoms, be sure to get yourself tested. You have three options when it comes to testing. 

  1. Covid-19 Antigen tests: 

This test is also known as the rapid antigen test that helps identify the foreign covid-19 antigen in the body. It gives you your results much faster than any other molecular test because it’s fairly easy to detect antigens in the body than antibodies or molecular changes for instance. To get a rapid antigen test, your nose and throat swab will be collected and tested for antigens. However this test is prone to errors. It also does not accurately measure an active ongoing infection, which is a huge drawback. 

  1. Covid-19 antibody tests: 

Also known as a serological test, this test is used to detect covid antibodies in your bloodstream. An antibody is an immune response that your body generates in response to the presence of a particular antigen. In this case, the covid antigen triggers the production of covid antibodies that fight against a future infection. An antibody test however can only detect a previous infection and not an active ongoing one, because antibodies are formed only after an infection. So it’s not reliable to detect an ongoing one. 

  1. Covid RT-PCR test:

This test detects the presence of mRNA in the throat and nose swab sample. The mRNA is part of the genetic composition of the coronavirus and this detecting for the presence of the proteins that transcribe the virus is what makes this test significantly more reliable that its counterparts. The RT-PCR test is the gold standard of all Covid tests today and can most accurately detect the presence of a real-time ongoing infection. Thus it is most recommended if you are undergoing symptoms of the virus or have travelled, attended a crowded event, met an infected person, etc. It is an extremely safe test and even pregnant women introducing weaning to their children, obese people, hypertensive people can get this test done. 


To get an RT-PCR test, you can simply get your samples collected from the comfort of your house, through Mfine! It allows you to book a COVID test at home and delivers your results within 24 hours. Your samples are tested in trusted partner laboratories following which you can discuss the results with well known general physicians around you, on the MFine app itself.