Looking for a web host? Why you should avoid the cheap option

Web hosting is one of the most important parts of your digital framework. It ensures that your website runs safely and efficiently. What’s more, it helps troubleshoot any technical problems that may arise in your site’s daily operations.

Given that you’re currently searching for a new provider you have no doubt come across some fascinating prospects. You know the ones: they offer ostensibly awesome packages for outrageously “good” prices. It’s the kind of thing designed to excite any business owner into thoughts of massive digital savings.

But cheap is cheap, and nothing can be more detrimental to your digital framework than cheap web hosting! Conversely, a top tier provider with a solid reputation will ensure that your site is running safe and smoothly. What’s more, the best WordPress website hosting will have a customer response team to back you in the event of a technical error, ensuring your site doesn’t experience too much downtime.

With this in mind, here are five reasons to avoid a cheap package:


  • They are reviled for their dodgy customer service


Cheap providers offer such low costs that it is a near-impossibility for them to provide robust customer service. They are slow to respond and hardly experienced, ensuring that your site will suffer when attempting to troubleshoot any unforeseen problems.

Conversely, a world class provider will still offer awesome website hosting costs Australia business owners can enjoy whilst receiving the very best in customer service. You can trust that they will be there to assist you with any technical difficulties and help avoid that unwanted downtime!


  • They are hardly reliable


You need a provider with top class servers and cutting-edge software. This requires a lot of work from a team who is passionate about their craft. It also requires the funds to maintain such a network – something a cheaper option usually doesn’t have.

If your potential package is suspiciously cheap then it is highly likely that your site will be susceptible to its pitfalls. Therefore, investing a little extra in your package will ensure that you have a team who will maintain your site’s upkeep. You can relax with the knowledge that they will maintain your site system in a way that avoids dreaded downtime.


  • They also have slow sites


Business owners can easily lose customers through having a slow website. If that page takes just a few seconds too long your customer might bounce like it’s a bad party. The cheaper options maintain thousands of sites on the one server. This, of course, makes sites a lot slower, thus leading to further downtime and a negative effect on SEO.


  • They often have hidden fees


And why are we not surprised by that? These cheapo providers often promise a great deal then sucker you in on premium charges for added services. These services are regularly included in the plans of reputable providers. Therefore, they are not hiding any hidden fees from you like these nefarious practitioners.


  • They often don’t have an emergency response


Hackers are everywhere these days. Your site is susceptible to hundreds of attacks each and every day (crazy, right?). Therefore, it’s imperative that you have a service provider that can take the fight to the hackers and keep them at bay.

Unfortunately, a cheap provider is by no means equipped to deal with any problems. They are weak, feeble and inexperienced. We don’t mean to sound harsh, but they simply don’t have the resources to protect your site from an attack.

A top tier team will provide constant backups and security updates that will mitigate the threat of a heinous cyber criminal!