4 Must-Have Tools For Your Trucking Business

The trucking business is where you own trucks that help clients ferry their goods from one point to another. The goods are often large-scale. And running a profitable trucking business requires that you have the right resources. What are these resources? They include personnel, technologies, equipment, and finances. 

This article focuses on the technologies you need to have in a trucking business. Read on to find out more about these tools and consider the following:

  • Load Board

Every truck company owner wants to make as many deliveries as possible. However, you might find it challenging to get as many clients as you’d desire. Like any other business, there are good and bad days. Therefore, you want to take up as many opportunities as possible to give your trucking business exposure. And a load board will help you gain exposure. 

Load boards are online marketplaces where truck owners find clients and clients find trucks to ferry their goods. In most cases, brokers are involved mainly in assisting clients in finding carriers. How to do this?

  • You need to post that your truck is empty and you need a client. 
  • The broker can then choose you and connect you with a client. 

In the process, you’ll get to serve more clients in addition to your normal clientele.

  • Tracking System

For the most part of a business day, you don’t see your trucks; they’re en route. As a business owner, you want to keep track of your investment and know where each truck is and whether it has made a delivery. A tracking system can help you monitor your truck’s whereabouts. How? 

  •  You’ll need to install a GPS on your trucks.  
  • Connect it to your computer systems for monitoring. 

With this system, you can easily send assistance to the driver should there be an accident and it needs towing. It saves time, unlike when a driver tries to explain their location after an accident, leading to unnecessary delays.  

It’s also beneficial for the system you adopt to be cloud-based where anyone with authorization can access the system and see a truck’s location. Thus, your clients will benefit from such a system. How? 

  • They can easily monitor their goods in transit  
  • They can make arrangements when the truck nears their location for off-loading.  

The customers don’t need to call every two hours or so, asking where their goods are; your team can focus on other crucial matters.  

  • Vehicle Diagnostic Tools

Your trucks are the reason you’re in business. For them to deliver goods, they need to be in good condition. Being in such condition means that your trucks perform efficiently, and there are no faults in their systems. You might have scheduled regular maintenance for your trucks, but what if an issue arises before the schedule?  

Your vehicle could break down during transit, rendering your operations stagnant. And to make matters worse, you might not know the source of the issue. It means the mechanics will take more time diagnosing your trucks. More than that, the downtime you’ll experience is not good for your business.  

To avoid all these mishaps, invest in a vehicle diagnostic tool. What is it, and how’ll it assists you?

  • The tool operates like a computer, and you’ll connect an On-Board Diagnostics scanner to your truck. 
  • It’ll then collect all the data regarding your vehicle’s operations. 
  • After which, it’ll analyze and show you the problematic areas and potential ones. 

With such information, you’ll repair your truck and do what’s needed in advance. Therefore, in no case shall your vehicle experience unexpected downtime due to mechanical issues. Your trucks will always be in transit making deliveries and bringing you money.

  • Routing Device

As previously stated, you want to make as many deliveries as possible within a day. Thus, it might often be unachievable due to the travel time of your trucks. A driver might leave in the morning for a delivery that should take three hours, only to meet an accident on the road and take six hours. Because of that, you’ll have missed one delivery, reducing your returns.  

However, a routing device will come in handy for your business. How?

  • It’ll also utilize a GPS, like the tracking system, but in this case, it’ll connect to the roads. Once your driver takes a certain route, you’ll key in to the destination.
  • The tool will then find the shortest route the driver should take to make quick deliveries.
  • Should there be an accident or road closure on your driver’s route, it’ll inform the driver and provide an alternative route.  

There will be less travel time and eventually, ensure prompt delivery of goods. Your customers’ satisfaction will increase, which is a plus for your trucking business. And you’ll also make many deliveries in a day, increasing your turnover.


Ensuring your trucking business is running efficiently is the only way it’ll be successful. This article discusses tools you should consider investing in to bring about this efficiency. The choice is yours on whether to adopt them; make the right choices that won’t affect your trucking business in the long run.  

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How To Build A Successful Auto Repair Business

You could open an auto repair shop if you want to start a profitable business. This is because cities are becoming more congested as the number of vehicles on the road increases. 

On the other hand, car owners always want to ensure that their vehicles are in good condition. Hence, they seek auto repair companies for regular maintenance and repairs. Your auto repair business can address car owners’ needs and preferences for car care by offering a wide range of auto repair services. 

However, generating a good steady flow of business revenue isn’t instant. You have to know how to effectively build a successful auto repair business, which this article will discuss. 

  • Advertise Your Auto Repair Business  

There are important factors to consider before advertising your business. First, you need to specify your target audience according to the location and size of your business. This will help you create more targeted ads that appeal to your intended audience.  

Once you have done that, check for advertising options and platforms available. Compare their differences in inclusive services and prices. You can advertise your business through mass media, like your local cable channel and radio broadcast, to reach potential local customers. 

Additionally, it’s also good to advertise your business through online media publications and social media. However, when making ads for your auto repair business, you should be more creative. Check out these auto repair advertising ideas for your reference. 

  • Create Your Auto Repair Business Website  

Successful auto repair businesses in the country and worldwide have dedicated websites to highlight services, expertise, credentials, awards, and client testimonials. Creating your auto repair website can help build awareness and visibility online. 

By doing so, you’ll be able to explain on your website why your auto repair shop stands out from the rest. Hence, an auto repair website makes a good marketing tool for your business. 

On the other hand, you can create your website by using a website builder or by hiring a professional web designer and developer. It’s best to entrust building a website to an expert to incorporate the best features and functionality. Professional web designers have the right knowledge, experience, and tools to build functional business websites.  

  • Implement A Good Digital Marketing Strategy  

Aside from paid advertising, implementing digital marketing is one of the most effective ways to build a successful auto repair business. Check out the following digital marketing strategies suitable for automotive repair services: 

  • Social Media Marketing 

Create your auto repair business page on social media and post relevant marketing content. For instance, you can post photos of your mechanics working on a car project. Another example is a short video of your auto repair shop highlighting the advanced tools and equipment you use to repair cars. 

Social media ads can also help boost online exposure and brand awareness. Moreover, being active on social media, commenting, and answering user queries can also drive more customers to your auto repair business. 

  • SEO Marketing 

Search engine optimization (SEO) marketing is a great way to increase your online business visibility. 

Because many car owners research online for common vehicle troubleshooting tips, it’s best if your website comes up in the first few pages of local searches to provide expert recommendations. In this way, you can establish credibility and a good reputation. 

  • Email Marketing 

Get the email address of your existing customers to provide them with updates about the status of their vehicles and implement email marketing campaigns in the future. When creating an email blast, personalize the content and offer useful information as much as possible.

In addition, you might want to follow up and remind your old customers about regular maintenance checks to encourage them to return and avail themselves of your auto repair services.  

  • Always Find A Way To Offer Something New  

Most auto repair companies offer the same services, like changing oil, tire replacement, or engine repair. So, it’s important to think of effective ways to gain more loyal customers and make your auto repair shop an interesting place to visit.  

For instance, you can offer new auto repair service packages wherein car owners can save money from discounts or freebies. You can also announce new auto services on your paid ads and social media, such as auto detailing services. Or you can try enticing new customers by selling and installing high-tech car accessories like dashboard cameras and parking sensors. 


You can build a successful auto repair business with the right sales and marketing strategies. While no formula applies to all automotive businesses, assessing your services, customers, and market trends can help set your business apart. This will help you plan strategic moves to gain more clients and increase revenues for your auto repair business.

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5 Surefire Ways To Generate 380% Returns Through Cold-Emailing

Generating leads through cold emailing can be a daunting task. Often it isn’t easy to know where to begin and how to improve your click-through rates.

Particularly if your business lacks a big marketing budget or if your industry is highly competitive.

However, cold emailing can be effectively used to generate leads and, in some cases, even over 500 leads in a single campaign – as Brightest Minds, specializing in lead generation email campaigns, can attest to.

According to MailCon, the largest conference devoted to email marketing. Brightest Minds has had a conversion rate of over 122% (with cold emailing) over alternative methods like Facebook or Google ad words.

This illustrates how valuable cold emailing is over most conventional methods of lead generation.

As most people give up on cold emailing after a few failed attempts. They do not realize that there are simple techniques they can use to improve their results.

A cold email campaign is a highly efficient and effective way to generate leads. With the right approach, you can expect click-through rates of around 20-30%.

The traffic from social media is undeniable, but it doesn’t drive ROI like email marketing.

In fact, it has been ten years in a row that email has generated the most ROI.

Investing in email marketing generates a return of $38 on every dollar spent, resulting in business growth.

Therefore, if you want to connect with prospects or customers, emails are the way to go.

Cold email Case study:

The following is what one client (A SaaS Contact Center) achieved by implementing unique cold email strategies:

  • In 6 months, our campaign generated 289 leads
  • 75 interesting replies in 6 weeks, 4% bounce rate
  • Response rates were 21.2% – while open rates were 47.6%
    Source: Brightest Minds

In Implementing several of the strategies discussed in this article, this client achieved the results mentioned above and was able to:

  • Book 59 demos,
  • Resolve the deliverability issue for their domain,
  • A weekly average of 12 new prospects & more!

Victor, the founder of My Learning Hub, explains in this video how he achieved higher conversion rates and saved over 10 times as much using email strategies from Brightest Minds as opposed to Google ads.

How to E-mail Cold Leads

By using persuasive email body copy, this article will show you how to increase open rates and ultimately get recipients to click through to your website.

Plus, we’ll provide you with tools and resources that will help you optimize your campaigns.

1. What cold email conversion rates are expected, and how do they vary by industry

Cold emailing conversion rates depend on a few factors. These include the quality of your list, the Subject lines you use, and the content of your message.

Among the most important factors is the industry you’re targeting.

Industry matters because different types of businesses have different expectations regarding conversion rates.

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For example, a B2C company might be happy with a 2% conversion rate, while a B2B company might be expecting more like 10%.

Of course, these are just general guidelines. You should know what conversion rate you should aim for through testing and tracking your results.

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Starting out, you can use these benchmarks to get an idea of what to expect. Below are some average conversion rates for cold emails by industry:

  • E-commerce: 2% – 4%
  • B2B services: 4% – 6%
  • Consulting: 6% – 8%
  • Software: 8% – 10%
  • Recruiting: 10% – 12%

Remember, these are only averages. If you’re already achieving a high conversion rate in one of these industries, there’s no reason you can’t continue to improve on your results.

2. Click-through strategies (to get recipients) to visit your website

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You can obtain click-throughs for your cold emails to your website or landing page by using the following methods:

  1. Write concise emails. Sending an email that is easy to scan and understand increases your recipients’ chances of clicking through
  2. Be sure your subject line accurately reflects the content of your email. In this way, you will encourage recipients to open your email.
  3. Keep it value-driven by talking less about the product and making it highly relevant to the prospect.
  4. As much as possible, personalize your emails. A personalized email will make the recipient more likely to click through.
  5. In your email copy, ask rhetorical questions that encourage readers to click through to find out the answer.
  6. Telling a compelling story in your email content will captivate readers and entice them to read more.
  7. Demonstrate your products or services’ benefits through customer testimonials or success stories.
  8. The use of numbers in cold emails is always attractive. For example, cold emailing has an ROI of 110% higher than Facebook or other social media.
  9. Make a strong call-to-action (CTA) that will encourage recipients to visit your website, sign up for a free trial, or make a purchase.
  10. Include social media sharing buttons or links in your emails so recipients can share them with others.

3) Tools and Resources for optimizing Cold-email Campaigns

For cold email campaigns to be optimized, you must have the right tools. It can help you speed up personalizing cold emails and more.

Studies have shown that sending personalized emails can increase performance rates by six times.

But you might wonder who has time to personalize each email.

By using cold email personalization tools, you can customize each email (out of 1000’s even) in your cold outreach campaigns.

Aside from cold email personalization tools, you can track metrics, manage leads, and automate tasks with the right software. Such tools can make a huge difference in your campaign’s success.

We have outlined a few tools that are useful for cold emailing below:

1) Linkedin Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is a tool that enables sales professionals to find and connect with potential customers on LinkedIn.

The service provides users with advanced search features, contact recommendations, and InMail credits, which can be used to send messages directly to their inboxes.

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Benefits of using Sales Navigator include:

  • Finding and connecting with potential customers.
  • Sending InMail messages directly to users’ inboxes.
  • Access to advanced search features.

2. Woodpecker

Woodpecker is a tool that helps you automate your cold email outreach. With Woodpecker, you can create and send customized cold emails at scale.

You can also track your results and get detailed reports on your outreach efforts.

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Benefits of Woodpecker include:

  • It helps you automate your cold email outreach
  • Allows you to deliver personalized emails on a mass scale
  • Tracks your results and provides detailed reports

3. Zapier

Zapier allows users to automate their workflows, it provides a platform for connecting different apps while automating tasks.

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The Benefits of using Zapier:

  • Workflows can be automated
  • The ability to connect different apps
  • Automating tasks to save time

4) Hunter

Hunter is a powerful cold email tool that can help you find contact information for almost anyone.

It is user-friendly and efficient, making it an excellent option for anyone looking to improve their cold emailing skills.

The Benefits of using Hunter include:

  • Finding email addresses quickly,
  • The capability to search by domain, company, name, etc.
  • With results displayed in a result

5) GetProspect

This tool is essential for sales and marketing teams that need to quickly identify ideal leads.

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The benefits of using GetProspect include:

  • Using size, location, and industry filters to target your search,
  • you can also see detailed information about each lead.
  • With GetProspect, you can be sure you are sending cold emails to the right people.

These are just a few of the many tools available to help you optimize your cold email campaigns.

Using these tools can greatly improve your chance of success and lead generation.

4) Examples of effective cold-email subject lines

One of the first steps to writing the perfect cold email is crafting captivating subject lines.

Your subject line is, undoubtedly, one of the most important factors in determining whether your email will be read.

Here are some tips on crafting effective cold email subject lines.

Shorten the subject line

Make your subject lines brief and to the point. You want to pique the recipient’s interest without overwhelming them. Try to keep it below 50 characters.

Specificity, please

Subject lines without specifics are often ignored. Ensure that you target the recipient with something relevant that will grab their attention and compel them to learn more.

Use keywords wisely

Keywords can make a big difference in whether your email gets opened or not. Avoid using spammy words like “free” or “win”; instead, use terms more likely to prompt a response.

Personalize your Subject Lines

Your email is more likely to be acknowledged if it is tailored to the reader (especially the subject line). Try to incorporate the individual’s name or company name into your subject line whenever possible.

Some examples of effective cold email subject lines include:

  • (First Name), let’s talk about earning more from your work
  • (First name) I saw you mention (a competitor’s product or service). Would you consider (your product or service)?”
  • (First name), Can we arrange a call to talk about (specific topic)?”

By following these tips, you can create cold email subject lines that are more likely to get opened and read.

5) How to Write a Convincing Email Body

Cold emailing can be effective with these tried-and-tested copywriting formulas that have been proven to intrigue and persuade all types of audiences.

Before you begin your B2B cold email lead generation campaign, consider these two proven email copy frameworks.

1. AIDA Formula for B2B Cold Emailing

This type of email illustrates the four stages a customer goes through before making a purchase decision – based on the AIDA formula.

In order to motivate recipients to take action, your cold email content must grab their attention, interest, and desire. These four steps are outlined below:

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  • Attention: You should hook your reader with an attention-grabbing subject line in the attention stage. Your business email subject line should attract the recipient’s attention and prompt them to open it.
  • Interest: In this phase, you need to connect with your users, and the content must engage them. The cold email introduction aims to generate interest among the recipient and convince them to read the rest of the email.
  • Desire: It should demonstrate the benefits your customers can gain from your offerings and inspire them to desire your product or service.

It is also possible to use FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) in your template, as missing out on something enhances our desire to acquire it.

  • Action: A business needs to encourage its target audience to try or buy its products at this stage. The best way to get the reader to click, respond, or purchase would be through a CTA button.

It is possible for your business to create an email copy using the AIDA formula email model. This email campaign will result in a higher conversion rate.

2. The 3-B Plan

The 3-B Plan is a simple yet effective email marketing formula that can help you get more leads and sales. It stands for:

  • Brevity — Cut it short.
  • Blunt — Get straight to the point.
  • Basic — Don’t complicate things.

The cold email technique lets the recipient know exactly who you are and what you would like from them. One of the keys to the 3-B Plan is to be blunt.

It doesn’t mean you can’t be persuasive; it just means you don’t need to try to be clever. Other forms of writing call for stories and jokes, but emails don’t.

Instead, focus on the reasons for the recipient’s prompt response. According to Brightest Minds research, shorter emails receive quicker responses.

Write Great Email-Copy Now

The biggest challenge is often crafting a compelling email body copy to persuade recipients to take action in email marketing.

Whether you’re promoting a new product or trying to increase attendance at an event, nailing the perfect email body copy can make all the difference.

Here are some tips for creating persuasive email body copy:

Start with a Strong introduction

You must capture the reader’s attention from the start of your email body copy so they continue reading.

It would help if you started off your article with an attention-grabbing hook that will entice people to keep reading.

Examples of Strong introductions:

  • “I’m reaching out {{First-Name}} because I think we can help each other.”
  • “Many writers are seeking alternative revenue streams for their efforts. Is this true for you {{First-Name}}?”
  • “{{First-Name}} I found this article that I thought you would find interesting for {{Client’s Company}}.

Examples of Poor introductions:

  • “Hi, my name is _______ and I’m a ___________.”
  • “I’m emailing you because I want to sell you my _________.”
  • “I was hoping you could help me with ___________.”

2. Don’t Go Overboard (Write an essay)

Short emails (to the point) are more likely to engage readers.

Don’t include unnecessary fluff in your email body copy. Get straight to the point.

The following is an example of a good, short, straightforward cold email template:

Here is an example of a bad cold email with fluff:

“Hi, there!

I hope you’re doing well. As I was thinking about you, I wondered if we might be able to work together because of your passion for (Product/service).

It would benefit both of us.”

World’s first tactile device that lets hearing and speech impaired talk with regular people

Best Regards,

3. Use Persuasive Language

Your email body copy should be engaging and convincing to persuade the reader to take action.

Persuasion often depends on the language you use just as much as the content of your message.

Your words should resonate with your audience, so carefully choose what you say.

Here are some examples of persuasive text you can use in your email body copy:

  • “{{First-Name}} I think we could significantly help each other out.”
  • “I’m convinced that I can deliver great results for {{Client’s Company}}.”

The following are examples of poor email body copy:

  • “I may be able to help you out.”
  • “I’m not sure if I can do a good job, but…”
  • “I hope this works out.”

4. Include a CTA

There should always be a “Call-to-Action” (CTA) in your email body copy.

CTA’s are perhaps the most important part of any email, so making sure they are effective is very important.

Make your CTA concise and easy to understand, so the reader can easily take action.

Cold email CTA examples:

  • “{{First-name}} If you’re interested in working together, how about a quick chat?
  • “I’ll send over some more information {{First-name}} if you’re interested in learning more.”
  • “Let me know if you have further questions for {{Client’s company}}” to gain from (your product/service)

Provide examples of poor CTA’s for cold emails:

  • “If you want to learn more, just reply to this email, and I’ll send over some more information.”
  • “Click here to learn more.”
  • “I hope to talk to you soon!”

5. Customize your Email

As the examples above illustrate, when writing a cold email (besides personalizing the subject line), it is crucial to personalize the email body copy as much as possible.

By personalizing the email, you increase the chances that the recipient will read your email and respond favorably.

Some ways to personalize your email body copy include:

  • Addressing the recipient by name
  • Mentioning something that you have in common with the recipient
  • Referring to a recent event or news story that the recipient may be interested in
  • Asking a question that is specific to the recipient’s situation


So there you have it – a comprehensive guide on how to generate leads and improve click-through rates through cold emailing.

Of course, the best way to find out what works for your specific business is to test different tactics and see what produces results.

But with these tips as a foundation, you’re sure to see an increase in engagement and conversions from your cold email campaigns.

Author Bio: John B. Martyn has worked with SaaS-based products for over half a decade. He enjoys learning new things and is passionate about writing. Currently, he works for Brightest Minds, where he writes and edits content on Lead Generation strategies.
Email: john.martyn@brightestminds.io


A Mobile Security Checklist for Small Businesses

The cybersecurity industry is bigger than it has ever been. In fact, the growth of the field of cybersecurity is completely necessary, as the frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks generally tend to increase by the year. More and more businesses are seeing that they need to invest in the proper services and tools to protect their networks.

Mobile security is becoming a particular focus. There was a time when cybersecurity was easier, because we didn’t have laptops or other portable devices – there were just desktop computers in the office that needed protecting. We spoke to TechQuarters, a provider of IT support services in London, about mobile security. They said that, because employees are now accessing company resources via mobile, usually using multiple Wi-Fi networks in the process, that securing mobiles is especially important. Below is a list of what their mobile security checklist for small businesses includes:

  • Access Control

Controlling access to a mobile device is a good way of eliminating the risk of unwanted users accessing data on the device. The most basic form of access control is setting up a password or pin on the mobile device – facial and fingerprint recognition is also popular nowadays. Access control can be made even more specific. For instance, location and time-of-day can be used as criteria for whether a mobile device can be accesses – thus is a device is stolen, it’s harder to unlock.

  • Mobile Data & Comms Encryption

There is such a thing as man-in-the-middle attacks that commonly occur on public Wi-Fi and mobile (4G or 5G) networks. It means that users can steal data in transit – such as while it is being sent from a mobile data to an app server, or to a public network. Therefore, all data and communications on a mobile device for work should be properly encrypted. It is recommended to use SSL connections to ensure that communications over all networks are encrypted.

  • Data Leak Prevention

Some businesses might have a BYOD (bring your own device) policy that means users have business apps on a personal device – or the inverse, they install social media apps or other personal apps on a business device. This can sometimes lead to data leaks occurring. However there are ways to ensure these leaks don’t happen. For instance, you can disable copy and paste functions for all business apps. Likewise, you can disable screen captures. You can even prevent sensitive data from being downloaded onto a mobile device whatsoever.

  • Device Theft Protocol

If an employee’s device is stolen, there should be a procedure in place to secure the company’s data. The most reliable solution is either mobile device management or unified endpoint management. Both solutions enable an organisation to remotely all corporate data from a device, or wipe the entire device entirely, or lock a device. Another solution is ensuring that all corporate data is stored in the cloud only.

  • Antivirus and Malware Scanning

Particularly with BYOD policies, it is important for devices used for work to be scanned regularly for viruses and malware. A business may provision users with a license for an antivirus software. It is also important that a business’ IT department ensures that mobiles have the latest patches and updates for business apps installed on them. These updates are often to close loopholes that were discovered, so out of date apps could be vulnerable.

  • Employee Education

Finally, it is of utmost importance that employees in a business are properly educated on best practices for mobile security. For instance, employees should be aware of all the common mobile security threats – including phishing attacks, downloaded apps and software from unauthorized vendors, vulnerabilities presented by rooting or jailbreaking phones, etc.