5 Hacks For Entrepreneurs In The Auto Industry

The auto industry is a vast and ever-changing market. If you’re an entrepreneur looking to get a piece of the action, it can be tough to know where to start. There are different things to consider when manufacturing and selling cars, and it can be challenging to stay ahead of the competition. Here are five sure hacks that will help you succeed in the auto industry.

1. Know Your Numbers

It is imperative in the auto industry because of the large sums of money involved. You need to know how much each car costs you to make, how much you can sell it for, and your margins. This helps you make decisions about what to deal with.

Tips for knowing your numbers:

  • Your car’s price is more than the sum of its parts
  • You have to research your competition
  • Find out what consumers want and are willing to pay for
  • Consider your production costs
  • Understand your target market

By knowing your numbers, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about what models to produce and how to price them. An excel spreadsheet is useful in tracking your numbers and margins for different car models.

Car buyers are looking for value, so it’s crucial to find the right balance between quality and price. Offer them vehicle transport services if they are buying from you. Giving your buyers the option to have their new car delivered is a great way to show that you value their time and provide them value in the form of convenience.

2. Stay Up to Date On Technology

Cars are becoming increasingly complex, and new technologies are emerging. To stay ahead of the competition, be aware of these new technologies and be prepared to adopt them into your business model.

Subscribe to industry publications and attend trade shows to stay up to date on new technologies.

Tips on how to stay updated on technology:

  • Subscribe to industry publications
  • Attend trade shows
  • Talk to suppliers
  • Invest in research and development
  • Follow thought leaders on social media
  • Have a dedicated team member responsible for keeping up with technology

3. Build a Strong Team

In any business, your team is your most important asset. In the auto industry, this is especially true. A team of experts that help handle different aspects of the business, from manufacturing to marketing to sales, is beneficial.

Hire experts in their field and give them the resources to succeed. Don’t be afraid to invest in your team.

Tips on building a solid team:

  • Hire experts in their field
  • Give them the resources they need to succeed
  • Invest in your team
  • Train your team members
  • Reward your team members
  • Listen to your team members
  • Be open to new ideas

4. Be Patient

The auto industry is a long-term game. It takes years to develop new models and bring them to market. Don’t expect overnight success. Focus on the long term and build a sustainable business. This will help you weather the ups and downs of the auto industry and come out ahead in the end.

Tips on staying put and not giving up. Staying the course can be hard when you feel like you’re not making headway.

  • Set realistic expectations. Don’t expect to become an overnight success.
  • Stay flexible. Be prepared to change your plans as the market evolves.
  • Focus on your customers. Build a business that meets their needs, and they will stick with you through the ups and downs.
  • Persevere. Never give up when things get tough. The auto industry is cyclical, and there will be good times and bad times. If you stick with it, you will be successful in the end.

5. Have a Niche

The auto industry is enormous, and it can be tough to compete with the big players. One way to stand out is to focus on a specific niche. These could be electric cars, self-driving cars, or luxury cars. Find an area that you can excel in and build your business around it.

Tips on selecting a niche:

  • Research the market to see what is popular and where there is room for growth.
  • Consider your team’s strengths and weaknesses and choose a niche that plays to your strengths.
  • Find an underserved market or a market with high barriers to entry. This allows you to build a loyal customer base.
  • Be prepared to change your niche as the market evolves.

This is just the start. It would help if you did countless other things to succeed in the auto industry, but these five hacks will give you a good foundation. Stay focused, stay up to date, build a strong team, be patient, and choose a marketable niche. These are the keys to success in the auto industry.

A 5-Item Planning Checklist For Your Company’s Next Virtual Event

Thanks to advancements in technology and the rise of new streaming and meeting software, planning and attending events have changed drastically. These days, you can attend as many events as possible online without having to leave your home or office. 

As you plan your company’s next virtual event, here are some things you need to consider. How will you retain your guest’s attention and ensure that they are fulfilled and entertained? How do you achieve your event’s goals on an online platform? This article will assist you by discussing a checklist you need to have during the planning stage. Read on for this insight.

Ensure your planning checklist has the following:

  • Relevant Topic

During your company’s virtual event, the topic at hand should resonate with your target group. The aim is to keep the attendees interested and engaged as long as possible. 

Whatever topic you choose should be of interest to your audience. If it’s an in-house virtual event, ensure the topic’s bottom line aligns with the company’s mission and vision. With such a plan, you’ll spike interest for the audience to stay long enough to learn about these topics. To make things interesting, invite different speakers, especially those your target audience fancy or view as role models. The excitement alone will keep them glued to the virtual event.

Also, ensure the discussion you have will leave your audience better than they came; they need to get value from your virtual event.  

  • Technical Supplier

There are various platforms available that you can utilize based on the size of your event and the virtual corporate experiences you want to have. Some platforms handle large events better than others. It’s wise to check out your options before committing to any virtual platform.

For one, it should be easy to utilize with minimal technicalities. Don’t hesitate to seek referrals from other companies in your industry who’ve hosted virtual events before. They’re much better placed to advise you on which platform to use. 

Besides the platform, it’s essential to have a technical team on standby. This is because issues might arise, and you need to solve them promptly to ensure the continuity of your event. Once again, it’s advisable to seek referrals on the suppliers to hire for your company’s virtual event. In addition, ask to see a portfolio of the clients they’ve worked with before. If possible, ask to speak to these clients to get one-on-one feedback from them.

  • Feedback From Previous Event

With the occurrence of any event as a company, it’s always good to seek feedback from the attendees. This information will give you insight into how the event was, the good things, and what you should improve on. In addition, since you were also part of the event, you must have noticed an issue or two. 

Therefore, before hosting your next company’s virtual event, make sure you list all the things that failed or didn’t work efficiently in the previous event. With the list, you can mitigate the issues in your forthcoming event to prevent repeating the same mistakes. This increases the chances of you hosting a successful virtual event in the future.

  • Guideline

Before starting any virtual event, it’s essential to provide guidelines on the event. The instructions should include a step-by-step guide on how to join the meeting and the tools available during the event that they can utilize, such as chat tools. Also, the instructions should include the dos and don’ts of the event. For instance, everyone should turn off their mics to prevent disturbance during the event and allow for clarity in the discussions. 

There’s a need to fill out a registration form in most cases, where the attendees give out their information. Ensure you provide the form early in advance before the event happens; the same happens to the other guidelines. This avoids a last-minute rush to register when your systems are packed, which might lead to website crashes, leaving most potential attendees out of the virtual event.

  • Easy To Use Tools

A virtual event means that everything happens online, and technology is used, from basic to complex systems. With you adopting all these tools, it’s good to acknowledge that your target audience has varying technical capabilities. Some are technology savvy, while others only have basic knowledge. Either way, the technology you utilize for the virtual event should be easy to understand and enhance the user experience for all.

It’s also important that the event is accessible on various gadgets, such as mobile phones, laptops, and tablets. The aim is to accommodate everyone and have a wide audience.


With this article’s information, you can now plan for your company’s next virtual event without any worries. Be sure to incorporate these tips, and you won’t leave out any of the crucial aspects of your virtual event. The major take-home is to use your target audience as the guiding principle. Your target group will help you choose the right topic and best tools to use for the event; these are the cornerstone of your event, even as others follow.

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Eight Surefire Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses in 2022

The most relevant question every small business owner has is, “How to effectively do marketing for my small business and scale sales on a tight budget?”. It can be daunting when you have to decide where to invest your time and limited resources in marketing.

A well-thought-out marketing plan has a large share to contribute to the success of your small business. Using various strategies, you can attract customers and scale your business. Companies usually have a sales goal and formulate marketing strategies to achieve that goal

Your efforts in marketing reflect increased brand awareness and a peak in sales volume. As a small business owner with a small source of resources, spreading the word can be difficult. It can be challenging to grasp the prevailing marketing trends. You might not be sure about where to get started. You will have to figure out what works best for your small business and invest in it.

In this read, you will learn the concept of marketing strategy and various popularly working strategies for you to choose for your small business.

Marketing Strategy – the Basics

You have a particular sales goal when you run a small business or an e-commerce store. But, how are you planning to get it? That is when marketing comes into play. With concrete marketing strategies, you can push your sales by attracting customers.

A marketing strategy is a detailed plan on how you will reach your sales goal. It includes all the efforts you will put forth to overcome the risks and pain points in attaining your success. It also analyses the present and past performance of your business. It predicts your business’ performance in the future with some implementations on the marketing side. Also, it spells out what you have been missing in line with your set objectives and suggests plans to accomplish them.

Marketing strategy is more than a tactic.

A strategy is not merely guessing what is about to happen and taking efforts accordingly. It is a clear-cut step-by-step plan focused on helping you attain your sales goal. You must also be able to figure out what will be your proactive steps if plan A does not turn out well as a part of formulating your marketing strategy.

Marketing strategy usually involves three things.

Set a specific achievable sales goal

A sales goal is the destination to which a marketing strategy is a road map. Without a specific purpose, you have no direction to move forward. There is no point in deriving a marketing strategy without a sales goal. So, primarily, have a sales goal to run towards it.

Understand the challenge

It is a realistic understanding of the current state of the business and the market. Look out for what is happening in your market and where your business stands in the market. You will be able to find out the hurdle that is keeping you far from your sales goal. 

Design an overall approach to subdue the challenges

Here, you have to formulate a strategy that directs action towards overcoming the challenge. Also, this step rules out the other methods. Analyze the platform and its highs and lows, and stick to a system.

Write a step by the step action plan.

You need to be more descriptive and elaborative in this part. Think of every inch you will take forward to achieve your goal and arrive at a set of coherent actions you need to take to get there.

Eight Small Business Marketing Strategies for Sales Growth

Some tried and tested techniques are practical and affordable for small businesses to understand various marketing strategies better

1. Paid Media Marketing

When a popular and credible media vouches for you, it is a surefire succeeding marketing. It is not just a matter of reliability earned from them, but it also puts your brand in front of a broader range of the public. You can take advantage of the media’s existing customer base.

Not only press and public relations, but you can also reach influencers and bloggers. These people can share your brand with their followers and endorse it. Choosing a credible influencer from your domain can give you an exponential reach and a potentially significant sales boost.

Though primitive, publicity stunts can also help you gain media attention and target the market. 

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an online marketing strategy that works for any business these days. Content marketing not only touts your brand but also intends to stimulate interest in your products and services.

Creating content for your target audience adds a lot to your marketing efforts by generating new leads. Make sure that your content is relevant and exciting to the people. Your target audience is your potential customers. So, capture their interest and build trust by offering an appealing range of tips, tricks, how-tos, discounts, and offers.

Try to answer your customers’ questions online. This improves your brand awareness. Always push in your prospects and reasons why they should choose your product.

When we say ‘content’ marketing, it is not just about texts, blogs, and articles. Instead, you can offer heterogeneous content incorporating infographics, videos, and podcasts and can be of any presentable form

Content marketing can be as simple as a Twitter post, Quora answer, a YouTube video, or as garnish as a tutorial or events on your social media. Moreover, great content can earn you backlinks that help your website’s domain authority. 

3. Partner Marketing

Collaboration with another company with a typical target audience can increase your reach. You can pool your marketing resources and widen your marketing abilities. You can partner with products that compliment your product or service. You can bundle offers, co-branding programs and run ads and campaigns together. Partner marketing, when done right, is a win-win for both parties involved and can achieve exponential sales growth

4. Social Media Marketing

Social networks are a great way to build a community around your brand and product. You can create a relationship with your customers through your social media channels and posts and encourage conversations and engagement. This is where you directly connect with your target audience and manipulate them towards your product. These channels cost you nothing to set up and engage

Most customers check out the social media pages for reviews, feedback, and even customer service concerns. As a result, social media presence improves your conversion rate to a greater extent.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Studies have shown that more than 90% of searches happen through Google. The same applies to customers who want to buy a product or know about a brand. This is where optimizing your website for SEO becomes extremely important.

You can rank your website up on the ladder and introduce your brand and products to leads with high purchase intent with efficient SEO practices. Then, when a potential customer surfs through the web for a particular answer or solution, and your website pops in and renders what they are looking for, you earn credibility and brand recognition.

6. Email campaigns 

Email campaigns help you build a personal connection with your customers and greatly benefit customer retention. This scheme works great when you have garnered an email list of people interested in your products. Right and persuasive promotional content at the right time to potential customers can boost your sales. With an efficient email campaign, you can build relationships with your present and future customers and influence their purchase decisions without hurting your marketing budget.

7. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliates are an efficient way of marketing. You can cut out the cost of heavy advertising and can pay only for the sales that happened. As an affiliate, they get paid for every sale they push forward, and you need to pay only for a successful sale. These affiliates can again be influencers, review sites, or even leading professionals in your industry. Depending on your business nature, you can structure the program to pay per click or lead or sale. 

8. Loyalty Programs and Referrals

Your happy customers can earn leads to your subsequent sales. For example, draw up a loyalty program and offer coupons, discounts, and freebies to recurring customers to encourage long-term customer retention. Or set up point-based loyalty programs where they get offers on reaching a certain point.

Also, you can reward your customers when they refer your products to someone else and make a purchase. Or you can offer discounts to both your existing customers and the ones they refer for the first time to cultivate loyalty from both of them. But make sure the freebies and deals do not hurt your profit score.

Key Takeaways 

There are tons of marketing capabilities through which you can scale your sales on a tight budget. Use different approaches to build a solid customer base and sales growth. Think creatively and strategically about your marketing efforts and make the strike. You can surely achieve and even exceed your sales target.

Suppose you are a small business owner using QuickBooks- in that case, you must manually enter numbers into QuickBooks to get your accounting done. If that’s the case, you shall try using PayTraQer and automatically sync all your e-commerce sales and transactions into QuickBooks. PayTraQer comes with a 30-day free trial to explore and get comfortable before you purchase a plan. 

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