Ways to Grow Your Business

Do you run a business that has been fairly successful but you are ready to take things to the next level? Whether you run the business entirely on your own, you have a small team of employees, or you are running a medium to large size business, there are various ways that you can help it grow so you can continue to do well long into the future. To help you start generating some ideas for your own organization, we’ve compiled the helpful tips below. 

Make Smart Investments

One way to keep your business going strong is by making smart investments that will help you do things like lead your team more effectively or produce products more efficiently. Whether you invest more of your own money into your business if you are a sole proprietor or you invest in better machinery for your large company using its profits, the goal is the same. The key is to make the right investments so you don’t end up wasting hard-earned money and resources on things that won’t be helpful. In the same way that you’d check a forex economic calendar to make smarter forex trades with your own money, you’d want to see the direction that your industry is going in, and what your competitors are up to, so your business could keep up and get ahead. 

Keep Your Existing Customers Coming Back for More

Another strategy that can help you grow your business involves finding ways to keep your existing customers happy and coming back for more. Many businesses do this by giving current customers access to special offers. For instance, you might send out discounts to customers who have bought from you in the past and signed up for your email list. And, to encourage them to bring new customers to you, you could create a referral program that rewards them for referring their friends and family to you. If these methods work, your existing customers will become increasingly more loyal, they won’t forget about you, and they will feel appreciated enough to want to tell other people about how great your company is. This can lead to substantial growth over time. 

Focus on New Ways of Promoting Your Business

You already know that marketing and promoting your business effectively is a key to your success. But when was the last time you took a good look at your marketing strategies? Are they out of date? Are they still working for you or are they not performing like they used to? If it’s time to make changes, make them as soon as possible so you can gain momentum again when it comes to attracting customers to your brand. You might need to hire experts, such as social media managers and content creators who can write articles for your blog or make videos for your Facebook page. It’s all about keeping your brand relevant and in front of customers who would otherwise forget about you. 

Get Customer Feedback

Finally, if you want to grow your business, you might want to ask your customers how you can do better. Simply asking for their feedback can be a great way to do some research into what your strengths and weaknesses are. Then, you can focus on your weaknesses to implement improvements that will make your customers happier and help lead to more growth. 

f what you are looking for is rapid growth, you can look for EOR services and outsource your services abroad safely, avoiding all the problems that may arise with administrative procedures.

Trapezium- Definition, Real-life Examples, Area, Various Types and Properties

A trapezium is a two-dimensional geometrical figure which consists of one pair of sides that are parallel to each other. We can see various real-life examples of the shape of a trapezium, some of which are buckets, suitcases, popcorn boxes, etc. The word ‘trapezium’ has its origin from the word ‘trapeze’, a Greek word, the meaning of which is the table. This two-dimensional geometrical figure can be classified as a quadrilateral whose opposite parallel sides are known as the bases of the trapezium and the other two remaining sides are known as the legs of the trapezium. In this article, we will discuss the area of a trapezium, various types of the trapezium, and also discuss some of the important properties related to the quadrilateral along with solving some examples.

Area of a Trapezium

The total area that is occupied by a trapezium is known as the area of a trapezium. Calculation of the area of a trapezium is very easy. We can calculate it by obtaining the average of the two bases of the trapezium and then multiplying it with its altitude. To put it in a mathematical manner, we can say that the area of a trapezium is: A = h (x+y) / 2 square units where x and y are the bases of the trapezium and h is the altitude or the height of the trapezium.

Various Types of Trapeziums

We can classify trapezium into three broad categories which are discussed as follows:

  • Right Trapezium: A trapezium is known as a right trapezium when two of its sides have angles equal to 90 degrees that are adjacent to each other. 
  • Isosceles Trapezium: A trapezium is known as an isosceles trapezium when its two legs are of equal length i.e., one leg of the trapezium is equal to the other leg of the trapezium.
  • Scalene Trapezium: A trapezium is known as a scalene trapezium when neither its sides nor its angles are equivalent to each other.

Various Properties of Trapezium

Each and every geometrical figure has its own set of properties that are unique which helps in the differentiation of the geometrical figure from the rest. The properties help us in understanding the given geometrical figure more vividly. The various properties of a trapezium are as follows:

  • It is a two-dimensional geometrical figure.
  • The two sides of the trapezium that are parallel to each other are known as the bases of the trapezium.
  • Both the diagonals of the trapezium are of equivalent length.
  • Trapeziums have diagonals that always intersect each other. 
  • In a trapezium, all the interior angles sum up to 360 degrees always. This property is common in all the different types of quadrilaterals.

Some Solved Examples of Trapezium

Example 1: Find out the area of a trapezium if its height is 6 units and its bases are 16 units and 14 units respectively.

Solution: The area of a trapezium can be given as A = h (x+y) / 2 square units.

Here, x = 16 units, y = 14 units, and h = 6 units. 

Thus, area of the given trapezium =  h (x+y) / 2 = 6 (16 + 14) / 2= 6 * 15 = 90 square units.

Example 2: One of the angles of a right trapezium is 80 degrees. Find out the fourth angle of the right trapezium.

Solution: We know that a right angle trapezium has two angles as 90 degrees. 

We also know that the sum of all the interior angles of the right trapezium is 360 degrees.

Now, we can conclude that, 90 degrees + 90 degrees + 80 degrees + 4th angle = 360 degree.

Now, the fourth angle of the right trapezium is = 360 degrees – 260 degrees = 100 degrees. 

If you want to learn more about the concepts of trapezium from the best teachers of the subject and in an interesting way, visit Cuemath. 

6 Tips for Tax-Savvy Online Retailers

Taxes are a pain, but they’re an unavoidable reality for online retailers. If you’re in this position and your business is just starting to take off, it’s important to know the basics of sales tax law so that you can plan accordingly and avoid costly mistakes. Fortunately, we’ve got six tips from TaxConnex that will help get you started:

Take Advantage of Tax Deductions

One of the best ways to reduce your taxable income is taking advantage of business deductions. This includes expenses related to your online stores, such as purchasing inventory and supplies, advertising, and even office rent.

Keep Track of Business Expenses

It’s important to keep track of all your business-related expenses so you can claim them come tax time. You can do this manually with a spreadsheet or accounting software or use an app like QuickBooks Self-Employed to automatically categorize your purchases and help you stay organized. Make sure to save all receipts!

 Claim Any Expenses That are Related to Your Business

In addition to the standard business expenses, there are a few other deductions you may be able to claim, depending on your situation. This could include Internet access fees, domain registration fees, and even credit card interest charges if you use a separate card for your business purchases. All business expenses should be claimed on your tax return and help you save money.

Claim Incentives If Available

In addition to federal incentives, some states offer special tax breaks for businesses. For example, California has the “California Competes” program, which offers tax credits and other benefits to businesses that expand or relocate to the state. You can find a list of state-specific incentives on the Small Business Administration’s website or check out the State Incentives for Business Database.

Get a Separate Credit Card

If you’re using your credit card to buy business supplies, you must pay off all purchases before accruing interest charges. However, if you don’t pay off the balance in time, your business purchases may be subject to interest. It’s best to keep track of everything and get a separate credit card for your company. To avoid this hassle, consider applying for a separate business credit card so that everything can be paid in full at the end of each billing cycle.

Keep Track of Sales Tax With an App or Website

If you don’t have experience with sales tax law, there are plenty of tools available online to help keep track and make sure nothing gets overlooked—and these services won’t even cost you anything! Apps like TaxJar and Avalara offer sales tax automation for online businesses, making it easy to calculate and file your taxes. There are also plenty of free services that offer similar features.

Online businesses are faced with unique tax challenges. To ensure you’re taking full advantage of all the deductions available to your business, be sure to follow these tips. They include keeping track of what you spend on supplies and inventory, making purchases related to your online store, claiming any expenses that apply (including Internet access fees or rent if they’re incurred to run your business from home) while also getting a separate credit card so that any money spent before it accrues interest charges can be paid off right away.

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5 Reasons Why Virtual Data Room is Mandatory for Businesses

Businesspersons always look for ideas that can help in growth and it is not possible with accurate integration of technology. Data storage is a real headache for many especially for businesspersons who are not aware of artificial intelligence and VDR. 

However, it is crucial to have a look at the pros of a virtual data room for storing important information because it is based on a secure system. Once businesses start trusting VDR, they can handle data transferring and other tasks without any sort of complications. Let’s ponder the reasons mentioned below:

Preserve Documents 

VDR is effective for the preservation of documents and when you need a secure platform, there is no suitable option other than this. However, it is important to contact a top-rated VDR provider for quality services. You won’t have to worry about storing precious data because VDR is based on AI and is known for safe use. 

It doesn’t matter how large the data is, you can still get the perfect use of VDR. You won’t have to worry about hacking or data sealing because accessing personal information on VDR is impossible for intruders. 


Cost-effectiveness is important for every business and when we talk about virtual data rooms, it does not prove expensive and helps you achieve the desired goal. You can cut a lot of costs by storing data on this reliable platform because it doesn’t require any sort of maintenance expense and serves the purpose accurately. 

VDR companies charge for their services and most of the time, they provide free 24/7 support. So, you can contact them for fixing the issues on time because they do not charge an extra amount for that. 

Access from Anywhere and Anytime 

Here is a prominent advantage of VDR. You can access it from anywhere because it does not require physical presence. If you are not in the office, city, or country, you can still access the info from anywhere. 

Moreover, there is no restriction of time in this case because it is available 24/7 and you won’t need to wait for accessing personal data. Most of the data storage options come with restricted hours but VDR ensures round-the-clock access. 

Effortless Transaction

You won’t need to attend lengthy training sessions for understanding the procedure of a virtual data room because it can be done easily. However, we suggest understanding seamless integration procedures by service providers, and then you’ll be able to use it confidently. 

Effortless transactions will make your work easy and you can focus on key business goals without being worried about the storage of important data. Most IT companies believe that virtual data rooms can reduce stress because data handling can be tough without integrating it. 


Another important reason to store important documents in a virtual data room is the saving of time. You can manage multiple tasks at the same time including storing, processing, and transferring information on VDR. We suggest avoiding other platforms that seem less secure and do not come with a guarantee. 

You should prefer to read reviews about VDR companies and then ask for their services to avoid any sort of problems. The time saved due to VDR can be utilized for other important purposes. 


In short, if you ponder the above-mentioned facts, you will come to know that a virtual data room can prove extremely effective for business. You won’t have to go through the trouble of hacking and stealing because it is safe to use and intruders cannot access it. Safety of information can save your business from major losses. 

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