The Financial Disadvantages Women Experience Beyond the Gender Pay Gap

The gender pay gap – the difference between average earnings for men and women – shows women tend to earn less than men on average. 

Research suggests full-time working men earn more than full-time working women across industries and occupational categories. Yet, in addition to getting paid less, women are likely to be subject to a range of other factors that lead to further financial disadvantage. 

Factors The Disadvantage Women Financially

These social and cultural trends may both drive the pay gap and work separately to negatively affect women’s earnings relative to men. 

Superannuation Balances

Women on average have less money saved by retirement age. 47.3% of seniors state there is a gender gap when it comes to superannuation balances at retirement. Men receive $12 billion more in superannuation guarantees than women each year, and on average women retire with 36% less in super than men. 

At every stage of their working lives, women on average have less super than their male counterparts. Whilst the gap is slowly closing, equality is unlikely until 2122 at the current rate. 

One factor behind this gap is the fact women are more likely to move in and out of paid work as they provide caregiving for children and parents. Women are also more likely to be working in casual and part-time roles. 

Family And Caregiving

If you’re female, you’re probably doing more family and caregiving work than the males in your household. 

A factor that could partly be driving the pay gap could be family responsibilities that negatively impact women’s earning power. Women spend 64.4% of their average weekly working time on unpaid care work, compared to 36.1% for men. This means that for every hour men commit to unpaid care and domestic work, women commit one hour and 48 minutes. 

This is also a financial disadvantage in itself, as this cultural and social trend can lead to interruptions to a person’s work history. The fact that women tend to be responsible for caring, child rearing, and other unpaid domestic activities means they have less time to dedicate to a full-time and/or high-earning job. They also have more challenges when it comes to dedicating the longer hours needed for given occupations, due to these historically gendered responsibilities. 

Disadvantage In Divorce

Another potential financial disadvantage is the impact of a marriage breakdown, which can hit women harder than men when it comes to money. As many as 40% to 50% of marriages end in divorce. Frequently, women aren’t in charge of household finances and may not have a clear understanding of assets they own either jointly or separately. Poor financial literacy could impact how fair a share women get in the event of a marriage breakdown. 

As women are more likely to take time out of the workforce to help raise the family children and care for elderly parents, it’s even more important they’re compensated for any time they gave for caregiving activities if the marriage results in divorce. 

Undervaluing Of ‘Female’ Jobs

Yet another source of financial disadvantage for women is the undervaluation of jobs traditionally seen as ‘female’. Female-dominated occupations in healthcare, social services, and retail come with lower pay than those in ‘male’ industries like construction and mining. 

In addition, these so-called male industries tend to provide more discretionary payments like bonuses, commissions, profit-sharing, and shift allowances, unlike female-dominated industries. 

What’s more, if you’re a woman seeking to enter these male-dominated occupations, you could be facing strong barriers ranging from gender stereotyping during educational years, social expectations, and bias from employers.

Bias In Hiring And Pay

If you’re a woman, you are likely to be discriminated against in hiring, pay, and promotion decisions. Whether the bias is conscious or unconscious, it puts women at a clear financial advantage because they’re less likely to get the job, get promoted, or receive a pay raise or a fair salary. 

Behind this might be cultural biases and gender stereotypes about the type of work a woman is capable of doing. There could be negative preconceptions about how women might fit in a male-dominated industry, workplace, or occupation.

Lack Of Female Role Models And Mentors

Finally, a lack of women in leadership as role models and mentors could also lead to concrete financial disadvantages for females. As little as 17.1% of CEOs are women, and women occupy just 25.8% of board members and 30% of crucial management positions. 

Since women are more likely to suffer the burden of historically gendered responsibilities that need flexible approaches to work, decision makers could be acting from the belief that women aren’t as suitable for senior roles. As such, fewer females in leadership and mentoring roles could be making it harder to normalise women in senior roles and for women early in their careers to aspire to higher-paying jobs. 

Women Are Financially Disadvantaged

Women tend to end up more financially disadvantaged relative to their male counterparts in just about every area of life: retirement nest eggs, earning potential, unpaid work for family, and divorce. 

Behind all these outcomes are likely social, cultural, and economic factors that undervalue women’s contributions and promote bias in hiring and pay decisions. Correcting the imbalance will likely take a lot of time and effort, and both the private sector and government should play leadership roles in bringing about change, so women can enjoy a fairer share of the positive social and economic outcomes they undeniably contribute to bringing about.

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5 Tips for Logistics Managers Seeking to Improve Supply Chain Visibility

As supply chains grow longer and more complex, the risk of waste is greater than ever. A 2021 study conducted by the commercial recycling and waste management company RTS revealed that approximately 30-40% of food produced by farmers is never consumed.

One of the biggest reasons for this is the prevalence of waste throughout the supply chain, where even the most advanced and vigilant tracking systems still suffer from significant blind spots. Enhancing visibility is the best way to combat the loss of product, since stakeholders gain a full view of potential bottlenecks.

Here are five ways logistics managers can improve the visibility of their supply chains.

Identify Weak Links

When conducting supply chain reviews, most companies automatically identify inventory management as a weak link. However, this might not apply to all companies. You need to involve every stakeholder in internal reviews if you’re going to identify what’s truly holding visibility back.

For instance, inventory management might be a problem, but the real issue might be a lack of technology that allows you to monitor and react to storage condition violations. Identifying weak links should be followed by an evaluation of the best solutions to fix the issue.

For instance, adopting reliable warehouse management software is a good idea to detect the gray areas of supply chain and logistics in warehouses. Managers can use WMS software to manage, scale, and monitor warehouse activities in real-time. With cloud fulfillment platforms, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) companies can drive supply chain modernization. Therefore, it’s high time for logistics managers to shift from legacy systems to cloud supply chain management solutions.

Often, the problem doesn’t lie with technology but with internal workflows. Unnecessary paperwork or process steps might be jeopardizing shipment quality. Identify the goals you’d like to achieve before creating a process workflow.

Involve all process stakeholders, including input solicited from third-party vendors and customers, before defining a new workflow. Set a deadline to implement the new process.

Track Everything

As the need for visibility in supply chain logistics grows, companies need to review the technology they rely on. Tracking systems are the building blocks of a transparent supply chain. While analytics packages help you identify patterns and design smart delivery routes, they’re built on data provided by data loggers attached to shipments.

The more you track every step of your supply chain operations, the more you can refine and create more efficient processes. For instance, monitoring the condition-related data of your on-site inventory will help you identify any blind spots in inventory management.

Tracking is extremely useful when determining the cause of damage. Was a product transported in a compromised state, or was it the shipper who caused the damage due to faulty storage? The answer to these questions have significant insurance impacts, and tracking is the only thing that will help you avoid issues.

Data tracking also helps you gain a full picture of the performance of your suppliers and shipping vendors. Some vendors might perform better during certain times of the year, while others might have infrastructure suited for specific products. Create a product map of your vendors and rate their performance. 

This way, you’ll always know who’s best to turn to when a new order hits, based on the specifics of that order.

Increase Vendor Collaboration

Many logistics providers keep their vendors at arm’s length and consider them as fully replaceable. There’s no doubt that the shipping landscape is competitive, and there are many service providers offering bargain rates. 

However, choosing a provider based on pricing alone isn’t always wise. Bringing your vendors on board with regards to processes will help you identify the pain points they face. For instance, the route you’re choosing to transport goods might not lend itself to maintaining product integrity, irrespective of the infrastructure the shipper has. 

Alternatively, your data might not be up to speed, and the shipper will have better insight into local conditions, having navigated them regularly. Taking these considerations on board and communicating your new process goals will help you create a cohesive supply chain network. 

Your vendors will help you achieve your visibility goals when you collaborate to create processes with them instead of forcing new work models onto them.

Open your communications lines to vendors. For example, include a dedicated service line or staff to handle all vendor matters. Keep in mind that regular communication and collaboration can streamline processes to avoid delays and impede operations. 

Any communication gaps, such as contract misunderstandings, must have immediate resolution. Logistics managers must reach out to vendors and work on mutually agreed concrete solutions to nurture good vendor relationships. In that way, logistics managers can boost supply chain visibility with full vendor support.

Invest in Analytical Talent

Data collection happens all the time throughout the supply chain. However, making sense of data is easier said than done. Most companies have been slow to invest in analytical talent that can help them clean, prepare, and analyze the vast amounts of data they collect.

Some logistics providers have turned to AI to help them create better processes. However, AI isn’t at a stage yet where it can completely take over the process. These algorithms need training, and this is where a data analyst or scientist comes in handy. 

These people will help you avoid biases in your analysis methods and will help you create robust models that automate processes for you. The result is less clerical work and more value creation. 

Employing data science-oriented talent in your company will require you to change your culture. However, the investment will be well worth it.

Refine and Improve

Increasing visibility in the supply chain is an interactive and iterative process. You have to constantly track your data and improve your thresholds. 

Storage and external conditions change all the time. Constant refinement will help you stay on top of these trends.

Create regular reviews of your data and automate reporting. Identify new KPIs that can measure your efficiency more accurately. 

With technology, logistic managers can monitor key performance indicators (KPI) in real-time. The supply chain management KPIs include the cash-to-cash cycle time, customer order cycle time, fill rate, perfect order rate, inventory supply days, inventory turnover, on-time delivery, reasons for return, on-time shipment, and supply chain cost. Monitoring these KPIs can have a significant impact in the strategic decision-making for successful supply chain operations.

Throughout all of this, keep up your collaborative efforts with your vendors.

A Perspective, not Just a Process

Bringing increased visibility and transparency to your supply chain requires you to adopt a different perspective from the past. 

Think of your supply chain as a network instead of a collection of different parts. This attitude will help you design better processes that will delight your customers and increase your bottom line.

How Can Telematics Data Improve Freight Transporation_page-0001

Infographic created by Track Your Truck, a vehicle tracking system provider

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How Do You Media Train A Spokesperson?

Public speaking is a classic fear held by a large proportion of people, and for many this may only get worse when sat in front of a live TV camera. 

If a representative from your company is set to speak to the media, they will of course need to come across as poised and professional (and to give a good impression in general). 

To make sure they can do this, it’s an extremely good idea to prepare your spokesperson with a media training course. This will set them up to feel comfortable with the situation, to know what they can expect, and to have a sense of how to best conduct themselves in a television or radio interview scenario. 

So what are some things you can do to prepare for a media appearance? In this article, we’re going to look at several techniques you can use to prime your spokesperson and get them ready for their big moment in the spotlight – and ensure they know just what to do to represent you in the best manner.

What Is Media Training?

A media training course is a kind of communications training that is designed to help individuals prepare for interviews or other appearances with television, radio or print outlets.

It primes them with knowledge and techniques to cover lots of potential problem areas, such as:

  • What should they talk about and how should they stay on topic?
  • How should they answer if they receive any difficult questions?
  • What are some techniques for appearing professional and likeable on television?

Often, a media training program will incorporate ‘mock interviews’ to get the interviewee comfortable with the format and help them to relax around cameras and microphones. 

This is all done to ensure that the spokesperson can relax on the day and can give a great impression. By the time they appear on the viewer’s TV screen, they will have already practiced numerous interview scenarios and will be comfortable enough to deal with whatever happens.

How To Prepare Your Spokesperson For A Media Appearance

When preparing for a media appearance, the first thing to get right is to really know your talking points and stick to them. 

In order to have an impactful media appearance, you need to clarify your key messages and make sure they come across loud and clear. Your spokesperson shouldn’t go too far off topic and should try to make their points with precision. This is one area where a training course can help.

A television interview is a chance for the public to put a face to the brand, and with this in mind, it’s also vital that your spokesperson comes across as honest, credible, and likeable. 

This means that they should always try to stick to the facts and not embellish the truth – and it also means that they shouldn’t make up a reply if the host asks them a question they don’t know how to answer.

Doing your homework

Before the interview, it’s a very good idea to research and plan for some of the likely questions your spokesperson will face (a good media training course will cover this). 

This might include standard queries about the spokesperson, their role in the company, and their credentials for speaking on the given topic (as well as the salient points concerning the business itself).

It’s also advisable to think about the specific show they will be appearing on and the presenter they will be talking to. What kinds of things tend to get brought up on this programmed, and what does the host tend to respond well to?

It also helps if your representative will be able to back up their points with data and research, so it’s prudent to equip them with all the necessary facts and figures beforehand and to make sure they know them inside and out. 

Steering The Conversation

Depending on the nature of the interview, the host may attempt to change the subject away from what your spokesperson wants to discuss. Sometimes, this may even be an attempt to bring up a controversial topic you would prefer not to address.

It may be tempting to want to shut this down and say “no comment”, but this is a really bad tactic. To the general public, this response sounds evasive and implies that a full answer would represent ‘bad PR’ for the company. 

Instead, it’s much more effective to learn some strategies for steering the conversation naturally back towards a more desirable topic. 

One classic technique taught on media training courses for doing this is known as ‘bridging’ (as it allows the speaker to bridge the gap between one topic and another). This might include the use of phrases such as:

  • “That’s a good question, but the really important issue here is…”
  • “I don’t have that information to hand, but what I can tell you is…”
  • “I understand the concerns, but our research shows that…”
  • “I’d need to look that up, but what I do know is…”

These bridging elements (and others) can allow your spokesperson to segue smoothly from a potential problem area back to more familiar territory – all the while giving the impression that they have fully acknowledged the interviewer’s question. 

Showing Some Personality

Of course, your spokesperson can’t just get through a media appearance by repeating pre-prepared lines like a robot. 

Part of the point of putting a spokesperson on TV is to allow the public to put a face to the brand name and create some human connection. More than ever before, people would much prefer to deal with a real person than a faceless corporate monolith – and you want them to see that your company is run by real people who care. If your spokesperson comes across as warm and likeable, so does your business. 

So while it can be a good idea for your speaker to rehearse some lines and soundbites ahead of time, they won’t want to sound too stiff. They shouldn’t say things that don’t sound like them, and shouldn’t be afraid to be themselves (within the bounds of broadcast propriety, of course!). 

Final Words

A successful media appearance can make an enormous difference for the profile and credibility of your business. 

And with the right training course for your spokesperson, you can make sure they are fully primed and ready for whatever the interviewer might throw at them.

If you need help with your spokesperson media training needs, consider using a broadcast PR agency for professional support.

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How to Prepare for Your Sole Trader Journey

Are you looking to start a business as a sole trader? Do you want to make sure you start your journey as a sole trader on the right foot and as prepared as possible? Well then, keep reading! In this blog, we’ll teach you how to prepare for your sole trader journey so that you can increase your chances of success in your new profession.

Consider the Pros and Cons

As with everything in life, you first need to consider the pros and cons of working as a sole trader before making a decision on how you want to work as one. Understanding the pros and cons of working as a sole trader will allow you to take advantage of the potential benefits, and minimise the costs of the disadvantages.

The main pros of working as a sole trader include:

  • Being able to use your own name as the business name without having to register separately with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  • Being simple to set up and operate
  • Retaining complete control over your business assets and related decisions
  • Being able to use your individual tax file number (TFN) to lodge your sole trading tax returns.
  • Not having to pay costs such as payroll tax, superannuation for employees and workers’ compensation (as you are not considered an employee of your own business)
  • Being a relatively simple business structure to transition out of if you wish to grow your business or experience a change of pace

In contrast, the main cons of working as a sole trader include:

  • Being personally liable – meaning all your personal assets are at risk in the unfortunate case that things go wrong with your sole trading business
  • Having little leeway for tax planning (you are personally liable to pay tax on all the income earned from your sole trading business)

Be Mindful of Your Business Name and Trade Marking

Although you can use your own name to avoid having to register for a business name, sometimes a separate unique business name may be more preferable. In such a case, you will need to get an Australian Business Number (ABN) to apply for a business name.

It is also important to consider trade marking your business name, or any other names you use for your business to protect it from misuse by others. You can work with a trade mark attorney to ensure you take the correct and necessary steps to trade mark your business name and other intellectual property.

Purchase Insurance

As a sole trader, you will be responsible for all the liabilities of your business. This means that your personal assets are at risk. As a result, it is important to purchase insurance for yourself, as well as your business assets (e.g. work-related equipment) to provide yourself with a safety net in case things go wrong.

If you are considering becoming a sole trader, be sure to take the following steps to prepare yourself for the challenging but rewarding journey thoroughly.

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9 Strategies for Building Brand Awareness

You simply can’t skip ads when you have a business. You have to make people be aware of your company and let them know that you have the solution to their problem.

Building brand awareness is a process, and you can achieve it using several marketing strategies, including those that don’t overwhelm the audience. Yes, you can be promotional in ways that feel natural and foster genuine interactions with the community.

Ads That Don’t Annoy

Your online ads can be effective and unobtrusive for a better user experience. They can blend into search results that Google deems to be relevant for the user. (There’s still the word Ad next to the result for transparency.) Or they can appear on related websites based on your targeted keywords. You need to work on such advertisements so that they show and perform as expected. Learn how to grow your ads for better results.

Contests That Generate Buzz

Running a social media contest can generate natural buzz for your business. It’s the participants who will spread the word through their posts on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram using the official hashtag and by mentioning their friends. You can make the contest timely, like picking the most heartfelt Mother’s Day message or challenging netizens to make the most creative product presentation. 


They are less complicated than contests but can still boost your social media presence. You can offer a freebie for having 100 or 1,000 followers or reward 10 people who liked and commented on the promotional post.  

Here are some helpful reminders to avoid flopping or incurring the wrath of the internet community: 

  • Set clear mechanics, including mentioning the contest period and location restriction.
  • Offer prizes that are too good to be passed up. They can be limited-edition merchandise, vouchers, and anything related to the brand.
  • Promote the event to attract more participants.
  • Post engaging content to maintain the momentum. 

Gifts That Wow Clients, Employees

Express your appreciation for the people or businesses you work with. You can opt for the tried and tested items, such as pens, shirts, mugs, bags, and golf umbrellas with the company logo and name. Or make way for modern gifts, such as spa essentials, socks, succulents, and s’mores. Whether it’s a thank-you gift or a performance incentive, show your employees that you care. 

Guest Posts That Provide Information

Writing for other websites or blogs raises brand awareness and website traffic. There may be billions of web pages, but quality content still rules, and here lies an opportunity. After all, you are guest posting to inform or educate readers. Any link to your website or pages can go to your author bio or where it fits naturally in the post. 

Pro tip: Don’t neglect your own backyard. Keep your blog updated with free insightful resources.

Collaborations That Match Your Brand

Like the essential workplace dynamic, collaboration as a modern marketing strategy involves working with a vlogger, blogger, or someone who wields influence. As some people say, you are basically tapping their reach to promote your business sneakily. To gain value out of the partnership, choose an influencer who have these qualities:

  • Matches your brand values
  • Collaborates with you to create the content
  • Speaks to your intended audience and gets them engaged
  • Agrees to work based on your budget 

Product Placements That Look Natural 

This kind of advertising is common in TV shows, music videos, and movies, where the appearance of cereals or laptops seems random but their brand names are clearly visible. It can cost you a lot to do one product placement in traditional mass media. In the alternative, you can work with an influencer, as noted above, to do the product placement on their social media accounts.  

Packaging That Presents the Brand

Treat packaging as separate from the product, with packaging design a distinct art and science. The packaging sets a great first impression and enables customers to associate it with warm experiences like unwrapping presents. So draw attention to the pouches, mailer boxes, and custom product packages that are branded with your aesthetic. The contents, from cookies to cosmetics, should be equally good. 

Products That Deliver on Their Promise

One customer’s positive experience can encourage others to do the same. And a friend’s recommendation sometimes resonates more than a celebrity’s endorsement. This all means that you have to ensure the quality of your products and that they fulfill their intended purpose. Create an environment where customers can easily share their feedback, including points that can still be improved on. Lastly, let them know that you are listening.    

Are you all set to make a good, lasting name for your business? 

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Dr. Ryan Shelton- 5 Super Foods For Entrepreneurs To Boost Work Productivity


Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy. We know that eating right can help in keeping diseases away, improve better efficiency, and boost work productivity. For corporate professionals and entrepreneurs, food can play a major role in determining their success story, increments, promotions, and more. 

In this article, we are going to speak to a leading medical expert, dr ryan shelton. We request him to shed some light on how what we eat affects our work performance and productivity. We specifically ask him to list down five superfoods that can help us achieve the same. 

According to a study done by the World Health Organization, what we eat in a day could affect the way we eat by as much as 20%.  If you are someone who is looking to alter your diet plan or understand the benefits of a healthy meal, please read the article till the end. 

The Benefits of Eating Healthy for Corporate Professionals and Entrepreneurs

In this section, we are going to explore how the eating right has a beneficial impact on your body- 

Boosts the Body’s Immunity

The first major benefit associated with eating healthy is that you are less likely to fall sick and be prone to infections. Healthy food items work to improve the body’s immune system and prevent infections and diseases. 

Builds Working Stamina

All of us want to carry on with longer working hours. We know the harder and longer we work, the more we can stand to benefit in terms of perks, increments, and promotions. Food is like fuel for your body that builds physical stamina. 

Keeps your Mental Headspace Positive

What you eat has a major role to play in how you feel. Eating healthy allows you to stay happy, cheerful, positive, and energetic. Smoking, drinking, and fast food tend to make you feel sad and depressed. 

Improves the Brain’s Retention Powers

Studies have shown how superfoods like nuts tend to build brain cells that help in increasing retention powers of the brain. This is great if you are looking to provide creative and innovative inputs at work. 

Helps Promote Regular Sleep-

Eating has been closely linked to the kind of sleep you get every night. If you are not eating healthy, you will start suffering from irregular sleep patterns. In extreme cases, poor eating leads to Insomnia. 

List of 5 Super Foods for Entrepreneurs to Boost Productivity

Nuts and Dry Fruits- 

Depending on which part of the world you are reading this article, nuts or dry fruits are a great source of proteins and nutrients. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and raisins help in boosting productivity levels, build immunity and allow for increased stamina. As an entrepreneur or a professional, you should carry them and eat whenever you start feeling peckish. 


The humble banana does not get the attention or credit that it should deserve. The small fruit packs a large punch when it comes to giving you an energy boost through the injection of glucose. Bananas are also packed with positive carbohydrates that ensure you feel full and do not have to keep looking here and there for items to snack on. 


Everyone from our grandmothers to our distant aunts swear by eggs. They make breakfast the most important meal of our day. Eggs are rich in healthy proteins. They also contain Vitamin B that is known to help in speeding up retention powers. You can cook and eat them in so many different ways. Eating one egg a day is going to help you improve productivity massively. 


You don’t have to be Bugs Bunny to love your carrots. Carrots help in promoting digestion, are packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins. They can be consumed as a salad with a little dressing of hummus. You can also just sauteed the carrots with a little bit of salt and pepper and munch on the amazing crunchiness. 

The Bottom Line

According to Dr. Ryan Shelton, in addition to these five above-mentioned superfoods, there are several others like salmon, green tea, and dark chocolate that can help in improving work productivity and efficiency in the work of entrepreneurs. 

If you have any other questions or clarifications that you would want Dr. Ryan Shelton to answer, please mention them in the comments section below. We will try to request the doctor to answer as many of them as possible. 

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4 Baking Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Are you looking to start a new baking hobby? Do you want to bake delicious goodies for your friends and family to enjoy? Although the baking process is usually quite simple – especially if you have a good recipe to follow – there are certainly a few tips you can keep in mind to turn your mediocre baked goods into mouth-watering and memorable ones. Keep reading to find out what these tips are and how you can apply them to your own baking adventures!

Be Mindful Of The Room Temperature

When a recipe tells you to make a mixture according to a specific room temperature, be sure to stick with it. This is particularly important for ingredients like butter. This is because such ingredients are easily affected by their surrounding temperatures, as changes in it can cause problems with consistency – for example, lumps may develop over time. As such, be mindful of your room temperature when preparing your baking mixtures and be sure to follow the recipes you are using to the T to avoid inconsistent textures in your pastry or dessert!

Use Parchment Paper

A rookie mistake many beginner bakers make is to forget to use parchment paper on the bottom of their pan before layering their dough or batter and baking. It is important to place parchment paper on the bottom of your baking pan so that your pastries, biscuits or desserts don’t stick to it once baked. Greasing your pan with oil spray may also help with this.

Always Sift Your Dry Powders

When munching on a cupcake or cookie, there is nothing worse than finding out the insides are unevenly baked. Oftentimes, this is due to powders not being sifted properly, causing uneven distribution in ingredients in the batter and dough. As a result, it is important to sift all your dry powders before adding them to any mixture, so that your pastry or dessert’s texture turns out smooth and evenly cooked. Sifting is a simple manual process, simply add your powder or flour into a sift and tap on it lightly so that the grains separate and dust into your baking mixture nicely.

Measure As Accurately As You Can

Even just a millimeter more of a flavouring or a few grams more of flour can really mess up the taste of your pastry or dessert. As a result, it is always important to stay as closely as you can to a recipe and make accurate measurements. There are a couple of tools available in the market today to help you make accurate measurements, such as etched and even plunger-type measuring cups. Digital scales can also help measure the weight of your ingredients. It is important to invest in these measuring tools so that you can produce the best baked goods you can!

Are you looking for some more baking tips to help you make delicious baked goods? Be sure to reach out to relevant food suppliers for their tips and tricks on baking for beginners!

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How Does Workers’ Compensation Work: A Detailed Analysis By Legal Experts


Workers’ compensation is also often referred to as workman’s comp.. It is basically an insurance program, which offers financial and medical benefits to those employees who are injured in a work-related accident or illness. 

Workers’ comp gives injured or sick employees access to medical treatment, regardless of cost, along with compensation for lost wages during rehabilitation.

The workers’ compensation program is a “no-fault” program, which means it does matter who is at fault; as long as the injury or sickness is work-related, the employee will get the compensation. 

It is really crucial to remember that the employees have to prove that the illness or injury was sustained at work. In every state apart from Texas, the workers’ compensation coverage is a mandate. If you have had an injury or work-related illness, you should contact a lawyer who is skilled in personal injury law to help you with your case. 

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work? 

The workers’ compensation process begins with filing a claim, or more specifically, a workers’ compensation claim. Generally, all employees need to do is inform their employer of your injury or illness. The employer, along with the insurance company, should help get the claim started for you.

If a dispute arises, injured employees can contact the workers’ compensation board in your particular state. If you live in the Florida area, it is best to seek the help of Orlando workers comp lawyers

Workers’ compensation should cover the entire medical cost that is related to a work-related injury. In addition to this, while the affected employee is receiving care or unable to work, he or she will be provided two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage. 

In some cases, an employee may desire a payout of his or her compensation, the injured worker always has the option of negotiating this with the employer and insurance company. At this point, it is always a good idea to involve an experienced attorney, especially when future medical expenses need to be taken into account. If a claim is settled via payout, the worker who is injured or affected may forfeit coverage of the upcoming future injury-related medical bills. 

How To File A Claim?

Filing a claim after an injury may be embarrassing or stressful, but it is needed. Here are the basic steps that you need to follow when you are going to file a workman’s comp claim. 

  • Report The Injury To Your Employer

The very first step is to inform your employer about the accident, injury, or illness you encountered. The employer will need to document the circumstances surrounding the event.

The employer will then prepare a report which will be used throughout the process when referencing your injury or illness event. So, be sure that you give a detailed report to your employer.

  • File A Claim

Your employer will have the official form that you need to fill out. Filling out a workman’s comp claim involves a lot of paperwork. If your employer fails to offer the form or is unable to give you the form, be sure to inform your doctor that it is a work-related injury.

Along with the form, you might also need to submit documents, such as your medical bills, doctor’s reports, etc. 

  • Insurer Review

Your paperwork will end up on the desk of an insurance adjuster. The insurance adjuster will look after your claim on behalf of the insurance company and he or she will review your claim. Once your claim is approved, you will receive compensation.

The Bottom Line

If you are injured at work, be sure to report it immediately. In the case of workman’s comp, even if the injury seems small, it is better to report it so you’re protected if the injury becomes worse. There are many other things involved in a work-related accident, but these are the basic things that you need to know about the workers’ compensation process.

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How to Start a Small Business from Home

For many people, owning a business has always been the dream. Others eventually find that it just makes financial sense to them to monetize a particularly marketable skill that they have. Whatever your reason for owning a business, starting your business out of your home can be a smart way to minimize your startup costs and fine-tune your business model. But even home-based businesses come with a lot of responsibility and information that you need to know. You might be full of questions: Does my city allow me to start a business in my home? What kind of license do I need? What is a surety bond, anyway? Here’s the info you need: the seven major steps to starting a successful small business from home.

Make sure you’re allowed to run a business from your home.

Before you make any plans for running a home business, you need to ensure that you’re allowed to have a business in your home. If you rent your home, look at your lease. Many landlords specifically prohibit their tenants from using rental properties as a place of business. However, even people who own their homes should check neighborhood laws about whether zoning laws prohibit operating a business from home in your area. You should also consider whether your business idea is a good fit for your neighborhood—for example, will your neighbors be frustrated that your clients are taking up the limited parking on your street?

Decide on a business idea.

You need to answer the fundamental question of what goods or services your business will provide. Your business idea could solve a common problem or offer itself to an underserved market. It could also simply be a business that provides a product or service that’s in high demand. No matter the business type, demand is the one must-have. Once you have a basic idea for your business, think about what goods and services you could sell. Perform some market research and learn about what competitors offer. What are their best products, and what are the ones that you could do better? Don’t rush this stage; take the time that you need to understand the market. 

Write out your business plan.

The second step for your business is writing out a business plan. The plan will be the basic roadmap for your business, so it should include all of its most important fundamentals, such as:

Product and service offerings

Target customer demographics

Financing (including loans, credit cards, or private investment)

Competition analysis

Number of employees and their roles

Each of these aspects will take some serious thought, so, again, take your time with your business plans. The Small Business Administration offers free business plans and advice on writing your plan, including the lean business plans that startup founders often prefer.

Source: This Is Me/

Choose a legal structure for your business.

Decide whether you want your business to be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or an LLC. Other types of business structures exist, such as S corporations and C corporations, but they’re mostly reserved for larger businesses. Here’s a simplified rundown of how each of the major options works:

Sole Proprietorship: This is the simplest structure for a business. A sole proprietorship helps keep things simple because it creates minimal separation between business and personal assets. It can also leave your assets vulnerable if your business has many liabilities.

Partnership: Similar to a sole proprietorship, but for multiple people. Spouses or family members who own a business together often use this form.

LLC or LLP: A limited liability company (LLC) or limited liability partnership (LLP) separates the business’s financial liability from its’ owners, providing the owners some financial protection if the business fails.

Apply for any business or professional licenses that you need.

Most businesses need one or more government licenses to operate legally. Your state and local government might require all businesses to apply for a business permit. You might also be required to get a specific professional license for the industry you’re in, such as a mortgage broker license or a freight broker license.

Application processes vary widely by the type of license you need. They often include taking a licensing exam, submitting an application to the state licensing board, and obtaining a surety bond. A surety bond, such as a mortgage broker bond or a freight broker bond, is a legal document that financially guarantees your obligations as a professional. Always start by learning about the complete application process before you put down any money, as application fees are often non-refundable.

Assemble your insurance, EIN, and business bank account.

There are a few more miscellaneous items to take care of. Insurance is a big one—your business needs to be protected from things like civil liability and property damage, especially since you’re conducting business from your home. Consider starting with a Business Owner Policy (BOP) to consolidate multiple types of coverage into a single policy. 

You’ll also need to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) with the federal government. Applying is essential for any business that has employees or files certain types of taxes. Read the IRS’s guide to EINs to find out more about whether you need one and how to get one. Finally, don’t forget to get a separate bank account for your business. It’s crucial to keep your personal and business finances separate, even if you’re a sole proprietor.

Prepare your home for your business.

Before beginning operations, you need to ensure to set up your home how you need it. Depending on your business model, your home could require any of the following modifications:

  • Standard office supplies such as pens, paper, a printer, and a stapler
  • Shipping and packing supplies
  • A home office or workspace
  • An area suitable for meeting with clients
  • Space for filming video content
  • Room to store and use any required special equipment
  • Parking for a work vehicle

It’s also a good time to make general improvements to your home and do some tidying-up. Starting with a clean house helps get your business off on the right foot!

Source: Martina Pellecchia/

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