How to convert PDF files into Excel ?

Adobe PDF files are the acronym for portable document format. It is one of the most popular file formats that is being used across the globe by people in different professions. Many printable documents available online are in PDF format. If the file name has .pdf at the end of its name it shows that it is a file in PDF format. 

The use of PDF files is growing rapidly with the passing time. If you are sharing the document in Word format then you would come across the words .docx file at the end of the file name. The receiver or the receivers of the file can open this file format only if they have Microsoft Word installed on their set up as the default file format. If the other side has the same then it is easy to open the file. The risk factor is also there as in addition to the user anyone with the format downloaded can easily edit the file and the text within. 

In this respect, the PDF files are a much better option as it is not possible to edit the document in this format. However, you can use PDF converter download to convert files. It is only for viewing the document. No matter how many times you share the document it would look the same to each person getting it and viewing it. It is for this reason that the PDF is a better choice as an official file sharing option. 

What is an Excel file?

Excel is a file format by Microsoft. It is an integral component of Microsoft Office Suite. Unlike the other productivity software under the MS Office Suite, it is a more organized way of managing the data. The file contains sheets that have columns and rows to adjust the data accordingly. The data can be added in the form of text, numerical value, or formula. Excel was introduced back in 1985 with the code name Odyssey. 

Excel is a tool introduced by Microsoft to perform multiple tasks. It can calculate, analyze. And represent the data the way you like. The Excel sheets are highly beneficial in organizing the financial data to track the different changes happening in the data. 

It is for the multiple features of the excel sheet that the people prefer to use the excel file for their different tasks. If you have to apply a mathematical or statistical formula to extensive data then the excel sheet can help you manage it easily. The sheets help in organizing the routine chores to create a planner format. 

Why convert pdf to excel?

Sometimes it becomes important to convert PDF to excel. Despite the differences and the features of PDF, it becomes necessary to share the file in Excel format. Here are a few reasons that make the conversion essential: 

  1. If you have to do a few tasks repeatedly then you need to get the Excel format of the file. This format can record a macro that can automate the recurrent tasks. The macros record the action and then help in executing the same task again and again without additional effort. Macros permit minor editing quite easily. 
  2. It is possible to add the comments against each cell without any effort. This is special;y helpful when you are handling a shared task. Just use the shortcut shift+F2 and the comment will be added with any inconvenience. The comments help in improving and correcting the task in time. 
  3. Excel comes with an outclass feature known as pivot Tables. These tables help in looking at the data available in the table carefully. These tables ensure a thorough analysis of the data that ensures the least errors. 
  4. If you have a PDf file then you need to know that it is not editable. This prevents from making real-time changes to the data. If you are doing a shared task and need to make changes from time to time then it is the Excel sheet that can help. The time and date features allow us to create timesheets to ensure that each task is being handled as per the schedule. 
  5. With the Flash Fill Feature, you need less time to customize the document according to your personal needs and choices. 

Difference between PDF and Excel format

Before finding out how to convert the PDF into Excel format it is very important to understand the features that make them stand out from each other: 

  • It is easy to share a PDF file as compared to the Excel sheet. There is no fear of our requirements for additional dependencies. While sharing the Microsoft file formats you are often faced with the challenge of compatibility. In case your system does not have the required version, font format, or the image supporting application you cannot do the task. There is no such limitation when it comes to PDF files. 
  • PDF files have universal compatibility so that it can be easily used with any OS even the iOS and the Android for your handy gadgets. 
  • The display and readability are not impacted by how and where you share it. It is reliable because unlike Excel it can not be edited by anyone unless the one sharing permits to do so. 
  • The PDf files are easy to create. If you have the right PDF creator you can convert any format file into a PDF without any technical challenges. 
  • The excel sheets can sometimes be too heavy to share. As you convert the format to PDF it becomes possible to share the file with ease as the size reduces considerably. 

How to convert the PDF to Word/Excel?

There are several applications including Adobe Acrobat DC, that can be used to convert PDF to word. All these follow some basic steps that any user can follow for the conversion. These steps include:

  1. Launch the application that you are using and then check for the PDF file that you want to convert. Choose the analysis.pdf to convert to the Excel/Word format. 
  2. Go to the Tools pane and click on the Export PDF option. Choose the Excel/Word option from the File Format. Go to the format radio buttons and choose the file type. Once done click on the Export option.
  3. Choose the destination folder for adding the file you want to export. Create the folder by giving a name and then save it.
  4. Once the conversion and the Export are complete it is time to open the document in excel. The PDF file is now available in the native Office format. Hence, it is possible to edit the file as per your personal needs and requirements. It would now work as a regular Office document. 

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Is NetSuite Better Than QuickBooks?

With more than three million online subscribers, QuickBooks is the go-to accounting software. Still, that doesn’t mean it’s the right solution for every business out there.

In fact, there are plenty of other options that could be better suited for your business. One software solution you might be considering is NetSuite.

This QuickBooks vs NetSuite guide is here to help. It will help you understand what both solutions do, as well as how they might help your business.

Compare QuickBooks and NetSuite Uses

The first step in choosing software is understanding what they do and how they work.

QuickBooks started out as a payroll processing program. Today, there are several versions of the software, each aimed at a different audience.

You can choose from:

  • QuickBooks Enterprise
  • QuickBooks Premier
  • QuickBooks Online

There are also specialized versions for the self-employed.

NetSuite is a newer software suite, owned by Oracle. It uses the cloud, and it also includes accounting functions.

Unlike QuickBooks, though, NetSuite doesn’t only do accounting. In fact, NetSuite offers a wide range of solutions. These include software for:

  • Customer relationship management
  • Supply chain management
  • Human capital management
  • E-commerce and retail management
  • Project management

In fact, NetSuite is better thought of as an enterprise resource planning system, or ERP.

Which Is Better?

If you’re trying to decide between NetSuite and QuickBooks, it’s best to consider what you actually need.

A small business owner who wants to do payroll may not need all of NetSuite’s available features. QuickBooks may be fine for them.

If your business has more than 30 users, you may find QuickBooks doesn’t have enough capacity for you. If you’re interested in software that will do more than “just the books,” then you should take a look at NetSuite.

If you’re in the market for anything beyond accounting, then it might make sense to invest in NetSuite. You don’t need to get all NetSuite’s functionality at once, but the option is always there.

What’s more, is NetSuite’s software is all optimized to integrate together. If you choose QuickBooks, you’ll need to make sure it integrates with the other software you use.

QuickBooks vs NetSuite Costs

If you’re growing your business or know you need several types of software, then you might want NetSuite.

One concern for small business owners is almost always priced. So, how do QuickBooks vs NetSuite price points stack up?

QuickBooks is popular because it can be quite affordable. QuickBooks Online, for example, costs less than $200 a year. QuickBooks Enterprise can cost quite a bit more, starting just shy of $1,000 for the year.

What about the NetSuite cost? Costs are dependent on how many users you have. User fees are charged monthly, so a business with lots of users can quickly rack up a big bill.

Power Your Business the Right Way

When it comes to QuickBooks vs NetSuite, it all depends on what your business needs. If you have a small budget and need reliable accounting, then QuickBooks might be best. For anything more, then NetSuite could be a smart investment.

Looking for more insights about software solutions for your business? Check out more in-depth guides in our archives!

How To Sell Your House Without An Agent?

Selling your home is not the same anymore. A lot of changes have taken place over the last few years. A few years ago, people would give agents 1,8% of their home’s selling price just so they could get a valuation, listing in-branch and online, photographs, and supplying a sales board. 

As of today, the figure has reduced to 1.42%. This means that agents receive a total of 4,260 pounds for a property that is worth 300,000 pounds. The money they receive can have a small variation of less than 1% to even 3.5%. This results in frustrations among some sellers. How can sellers take matters into their own hands? 

Tips on how to sell your house without an agent. 

  1. Ensure the house is sell-able 

If you have decided to sell house without an agent, make sure the process is as easy as it can be. Make sure your house is sell-able as much as possible. Traditionally, kitchens and bathrooms are the rooms that make a house sell-able. If you are not in a position to change the kitchen, then don’t do it. Just tidy it up or rather replace any elements that are broken.

  1. Set a price 

With your house having an upgraded look, the next task at hand is picking a price for the house. This is where you will mostly rely on an agent for help. This does not mean you can’t do it on your own. You can surprise yourself. 

Most agents give inflation values which in most cases is normally a tactic to make sure you choose them. At no moment can an agent have a higher price than the other. The market is the same. This is all thanks to the ability of what the internet can do. You should carry out your own research and evaluate comparable properties. 

  1. Write a description 

Once you have your price set, then you are ready to show potential buyers what your property looks like. Before showing off the property, write down a few words about your home. This will play a major role in enticing buyers to your front yard. Do not be tempted to write detailed information about how beautiful and wonderful your property is, keeping the information brief will prove to be more efficient. 

  1. Take quality photos of your home 

Photos will not do the property any justice if they are of low quality. If you choose to use photos for marketing your home, then make sure that the photos are of that property. If the property is located in a rural setting, then buyers will want to get a glimpse of land that is available and other views around the property. 

If the property is modern and is located in a central location, take shots of the lifestyle setting around that area. This will be more interesting compared to just taking bathroom and kitchen photos. While taking photos, make sure you take shots displaying the front and decent garden shots. 

  1. List your property 

Now that you have decided not to utilize the help of an agent, you will have to handle the issues of advertising, pricing, and viewings on your own. According to, This is an ideal option if you already have an interested buyer. You can also make use of websites that do property advertisements. Most of these websites do not charge any commission to sell the property. They make their own money by carrying out targeted advertising. 

However, these advertising websites do not provide you with any access to major property portals since some of them accept advertisements from estate agents only. You can use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to reach a larger audience. 

  1. Arranging viewings 

Estate agents always come in handy when it comes to showing your property. This is always an advantage to those who work during the day. You can enlist friends and family members to help you show potential buyers your home. This will save you from paying estate agent fees. 

  1. Negotiating a price 

When it comes to financial issues, you must keep a straight head. Do not be intimidated by the process. Decide the price that you will be okay with when offered and don’t accept anything below your desired price. 

In case you refuse to accept a price, make sure to do it in a friendly way. Make sure to keep the communication as friendly as you possibly could. 

  1. Accepting an offer 

If the offer works in your favor, do it verbally then later through email. At this point, nothing binds you legally until you exchange contracts with the buyer. 

  1. Instruct a solicitor 

After accepting the offer, you will need to instruct a conveyancer or solicitor to take care of your legal work. Make sure to choose a licensed conveyancer. 

  1. Take care of renegotiation 

When the buyer gives instructions to his surveyor that they want to renegotiate the price of the home. Handle the renegotiation on your own. 


Selling the property without the help of an agent might seem tasking, but once you do some research about it, the whole process will be easy.

How To Start a Virtual Restaurant By Renting a Kitchen Space

Virtual restaurants have increasingly become popular not only among consumers but also among traditional restaurant owners. Virtual restaurants are also known as ghost restaurants or cloud kitchen, and they are not the traditional brick and mortar restaurants. Ghost restaurants leverage on innovative digital applications to offer a delivery-only food service to their customers. Ordering food online rather than dining at a physical restaurant is a trend that has become the norm over the recent years. Advancement in digital technology in the food delivery ecosystem and digital payments coupled with the aforementioned change in consumer behavior makes it a perfect time to launch your own virtual restaurant. This is a guide on what you need to know about starting a virtual restaurant. Do check techguru for more!

How does a Virtual Restaurant work?

Firstly, cloud kitchens are located in a centralized and licensed facility, which does food production. You rent space in the facility where you prepare food for your consumers from the said licensed facility. It is more like a technological incubator but for restaurants where multiple brands and restaurants carry out their food production under one roof. The facility contains food processing and cooking essentials such as hood vents, stoves, stainless steel prep tables, sinks and ovens. The virtual restaurant provides a menu online, where customers are able to order and have the food delivered by third party Apps such as Uber Eats

Identify your Target Market

Even though the food delivery market has grown exponentially over the last five years, there is still stiff competition. Therefore, it is important to do a sort of market analysis and identify your niche market. Understand what consumers want and what other business are doing wrong. Additionally, understand what cuisines have the highest demand or an area that other restaurants have not fully exploited. Your target market could range from students, vegans, stay-at-home mothers and busy professionals. 

Find a Commercial Kitchen space

One cannot simply sell food to consumers without the necessary licenses from the local authority. This is why you need to find a legally licensed commercial kitchen space. Rent kitchen space by visiting Occupyd, to get either shared kitchens that rent by the hour or day. You are able to rent kitchen space by zip code or city, therefore, you get kitchen space that is closest to your location. As stated earlier, a commercial kitchen space has all the essentials you need for food preparation such as ovens and stoves before packing the food for delivery. Additionally, it is important for you to be aware of some of the requirements commercial kitchens will demand you meet. Firstly, the restaurants needs to be registered with the relevant authorities and has a business license. Secondly, you must be a certified food handler, a certificate gained from relevant authority within the country.

Liaise with service providers

The most important service providers for a virtual restaurant are the third party Apps, which provide food delivery services. You have to identify the Apps that are popular among consumers and operate within your city. Additionally, there is need to cooperate with a company that offers digital payment service solutions. Digital payment is important for a virtual restaurant as it through them that you will conduct the financial transactions for your restaurants. Additionally, leverage on data provided by these digital platforms to make an informed decision based on market analysis. Lastly, you will also need to find a supplier for your ingredients. 

Benefits of having a virtual restaurant

First, latest consumer trends indicate and paint a picture of increased consumer spending on online food delivery. Virtual restaurants provide you with the opportunity to benefit from this trend by having a share of this increased spending. Second, the virtual restaurant industry has very few barriers to entry, making it easier to launch business compared to traditional restaurant business. Third, you save costs, which you would have otherwise incurred with the traditional brick and mortar restaurants. Your rent costs are lower compared to those a physical restaurant. Fourth, virtual restaurants have lower overhead costs such as electricity bills and staff wages. Lastly, virtual restaurants give you the opportunity to have insights about the market based on data analysis.

Are Chauffeurs Ready For The Future?

COVID-19 has made a lasting impact on everyone’s lives. The travel industry as a whole has taken a huge hit. Travelling has never been more restricted which makes it difficult for those that depend on chauffering as a source of income. With local lockdowns limiting people’s ability to travel, there has been a huge decrease in the demand for chauffers.

The loss of life is the ultimate tragedy to come from this pandemic. With our hearts focused on the future, what can we do to return back to a state of normality? Planning ahead when the industry starts to move again will separate those that acted quickly and those that didn’t act at all.

In these uncertain times, what can you do to ensure your future in the travel industry? Implementing stability where you can is the only way that you can prepare for the future during times of difficulty. Whilst local lockdowns are impacting the travel industry, it isn’t a futile decision to try and implement stability elsewhere in your business. Making your business COVID compliant if it isn’t already is a great step forward whilst the rise in lockdowns makes the future unsteady at best.

Making Your Chauffeur Business COVID Compliant:

Ensuring that your operation as a chauffeur is fully COVID compliant is vital if you plan on working under local lockdowns. Measures like not having passengers in the front seat, making face masks compulsory and also installing temporary plexiglass shields between the passengers are all best practice. Providing anti-bacterial hand sanitiser during your trips is also a good measure to take as it reduces the risk of transmission especially between passengers.

Adding yourself to the NHS’s Track & Trace database is also advised as this helps reassure your clients. Whilst the current system is in place for venues, there will be a system put into place for “public transport” which chauffeurs can then implement.

Having a policy put into place that is tailored to your specific situation is also advised. Being able to set guidelines for your business is a huge signal to your clients that you’re thinking about the current situation and that you’re working to restrictions in place. Bespoke mitigation policies have never been more important and it would be a smart choice to implement one as soon as possible.

Ensuring You Are Future Proofed:

Future-proofing your business is vital if you want to maintain your chauffeur business. Whilst the demand for chauffers, taxis and other forms of transport has dropped, there has never been a better time to future proof your business. Even with dark times looming, there are still opportunities to be had. Whilst the public sector may be quieter, universities, organisations, private schools and event spaces are still operating so there are still jobs to be gained.

Limitations with local lockdowns will undoubtedly make it hard for chauffers to operate normally, however ensuring that you’re able to be found is vital to the future of your business. People are actively looking for safer alternatives to travelling instead of public transport, so having an online presence is crucial. This could be in the form of a website or social media so that people are able to find you when they are planning their travels.

Having an online booking system is more important than ever since the industry is moving to a more formalised procedure of booking.

If you have the resources available, a mobile application is also a great way of improving your reach as a business. Utilising smart booking systems would benefit your business greatly since it makes the process much simpler for you and your clients.

Moving with the times is a common phrase coined but this has never been truer for businesses during COVID. Embracing the changes that have been caused by the global pandemic is essential for the future and progression of your business.

Cite large taxi firms like Uber who were very quick to adopt a strong stance with their COVID policy. They implemented mitigation measures immediately for their drivers, ensuring both drivers and passengers were safe. Within the transport industry, they have set the trend of adherence to COVID. Whilst they have seen a negative impact of the pandemic, they are currently weathering the storm better than most.

Finding Specific Insurance Policies That Will Protect You:

Whilst it’s a sound plan to future proof your business, mitigation measures like finding apt insurance policies are also smart when it comes to planning for the future. Having insurance policies that are specific to your needs is invaluable to those in the industry. Generic car insurance policies won’t cover you in the event of an incident so having the appropriate policy for your situation is a must. If you’re taking bookings and charging customers for the journey, chauffeur insurance is a must since the level of risk is much more varied than a regular car insurance policy. Conventional car insurance policies won’t cover you in the event of an accident if you are on the job.

As a chauffeur, it’s very likely that you’ll be transporting and carrying clients in a luxury vehicle. Usually, as a chauffeur, payments will be settled by an account’s invoice as opposed to exchanging cash within the vehicle. It’s also important to be aware that chauffeur insurance will only cover executive vehicles.

Making use of a sector-specific insurance policy is another step you can take to prepare your business for the future. Whilst it may not be COVID specific, pairing a bespoke policy with COVID mitigation measures is a surefire way of protecting your business as a whole.

A typical chauffeur insurance policy will include:

  • Single Vehicle Policies
  • Fleet Policies
  • Breakdown Cover
  • Any Driver Policies
  • No Restriction for Celebrity Passengers
  • Camera Systems (optional)
  • Telematics Systems (available for fleet operators)
  • Breakdown cover
  • Direct debit facilities

Having the appropriate cover as a chauffeur is one less thing to worry about especially in current times. Knowing that you’re able to operate whilst being fully protected is a breath of fresh air when dealing with the prospect of a worrying future.

Preparing your business for the unknown is an all or nothing investment. Those that don’t jump in with both feet will be left behind due to the speed of which the industry is changing. Crucial decisions have to be made in order to guarantee your business’s survival through these trying times.

Whilst the industry is seemingly quiet, there has never been a better time to think about the sustainability of your business. Be brave and take a look at ways that you can innovate what you’re doing to stand out from the crowd. Putting effective mitigation measures in place is the only thing you should be thinking about. If you aren’t, your competitors will be.

Eight most fascinating uses of a VPN

The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word “VPN” is online privacy.

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) protects users from hazardous exposure to the internet. It offers an additional layer of security and anonymity for anyone who wishes to protect their digital privacy.

With a VPN, you can do almost anything out there without compromising your identity or exposing your location. It hides your real IP address from spying eyes, whereas it displays the address of its servers. You’ll be surprised that a virtual private network has more uses than these essential functions.

For instance, a VPN can stop your ISP from monitoring your online activities, thereby shielding you from bandwidth throttling.

It can also enable you to enjoy cheaper deals while shopping online. So, there’re many other things you can do with a VPN.

That’s why trustworthy security resources such as, which boasts a team of privacy geeks, keep recommending the use of VPNs when connected to the internet. And in this article, I’m going to show you some fantastic benefits of a virtual private network.

Interesting uses of a VPN

1. A VPN helps you to access restricted content

A VPN service enables you to break through censorships anywhere in the world. Internet censorship is widespread in this era because the internet is a harbinger of all kinds of content. Some of these contents are perceived as malicious or harmful, while others may be heavily copyrighted.

Some governments may restrict users’ access to the specific content they perceive as unfit by banning such websites in their countries. If you travel to these countries, you will be disappointed because your favorite content would not be accessible.

Also, the restrictions may be to block unauthorized access to copyrighted content. For instance, you can’t access BBC iPlayer unless you’re in the U.K because the service is available to U.K residents only.  So, to bypass such restrictions and geo-blocks, you’ll need a quality VPN service.

2. It ensures your security on public WiFi

Using public WiFi is not bad, but the dangers of being on it are numerous. Many libraries, schools, coffee shops, airports, etc., offer these services to improve people’s stay. But these free WiFi networks are not as secured as your home routers that secure traffic with encryption protocols.

The access is usually permitted without passwords, or sometimes, they may be using a shared password. It is dangerous to use the unsecured network without a VPN because hackers can intercept the traffic and steal users’ information. But if you’re using a virtual private network on the public Wi-Fi, your traffic will be encrypted. Then even if the hackers hijack the traffic, they could not access your data. A VPN network scrambles your data to keep it secure from hackers and spies.

3. Shields you from bandwidth throttling

 Are you aware that your internet service providers can sometimes reduce your bandwidth to prevent congestion on their network? We can understand their reasoning.

But the result is usually annoying to the end-user because the action reduces your browsing speed. You’ll waste precious minutes trying to stream or download your favorite content due to network buffering.

The truth is that your ISP can’t do that to you if you’re using a VPN. They only throttle the bandwidth of users whose online activities are visible to them.

If they notice that you’re streaming or gaming or even downloading torrent files, they may reduce your speed because those activities are heavy pullers. They can also do that if you’re trying to access restricted websites too. But if you use a strong VPN network, your ISP will be blind to whatever you do online and can’t throttle your bandwidth. 

4. Virtual Private Networks secures your conversations

If you don’t want your conversations to be public, use a VPN. You may not know this, but sometimes, some people listen to other people’s conversations online. It may all sound like one of those conspiracy theories, but are you willing to take the risk?

VolP service these day are indeed more secured, but some online hackers are constantly evolving too. Some of the services can also become an eavesdropping tool for anyone desperate to hear everything you’re discussing online.

So, it’s better to keep your conversation private as it should with a VPN service. If you traveled to a country where you can’t even use Skype, you’d need to use VolP and a strong VPN network to make calls and browse the internet. 

5. VPN ensures anonymous uploads and downloads

Using a virtual private network while engaging in file-sharing activities online is critical. It will protect you from your ISP and also protect you from cybercriminals. Your ISP may slow down your network when they notice that you are engaging in peer-to-peer activities.

Most of them don’t like it, and sometimes, they can restrict your access entirely. Apart from the ISPs, cybercriminals can see your IP address on those platforms that facilitate P2P file sharing.

With that, they can target you for their dubious activities. But if you’re using a VPN, it’ll disarm both the online thieves and your ISP. The VPN will encrypt your traffic and conceal your IP address.

6. You can save money by using a VPN

If you want to book flight tickets cheaper or get affordable hotel deals, you need a VPN. Apart from this, you can even rent a car less expensive in any country by using a VPN. You may not know this, but prices differ according to countries.

Someone in the U.K may pay a cheaper rate to rent a car in the U.S than someone in Canada who wants to rent the same vehicle in the U.S. It’s also applicable to booking a hotel or accessing some services in a particular country.

So, what can you do to enjoy the same benefits? Use a VPN to change your location to the country with price concession and complete your transactions. It means that if they offer cheaper rates to a particular group of people based on geographical location, you can change yours and play their game. 

7. Use a VPN to Shop Smartly Online

If you’re a savvy online shopper, you’ll notice that many online shops and e-commerce platforms discriminate a lot in prices.

They offer different prices to shoppers based on geographical location. Imagine that someone in France can pay lower rates than someone in the U.K for the same products or even subscriptions. While you can’t change these practices, you can do something about it with a VPN. 

If you want to buy a product or subscribe to a service, but the offer is too high, change your location instantly and try again from another county.

8. Ensures your privacy on certain websites

Every internet user who is not privacy savvy is opening a wide door for all sorts of online troubles. For instance, if you search for a particular product on Amazon today, every other site you visit will display ads for similar products.

It shows that your online activities are not hidden at all. Some websites collect your information and even share it with third-parties. So, no matter what you do, you need a VPN to keep your activities private, or else you’re prone to cyber-attacks.

Staying private online should be your topmost priority, and a reliable and robust VPN can help you do that.

Final words

If you’ve thought that a VPN can only change location online for easy access to restricted content, you’ve been mistaken. A VPN empowers you to do a lot of things online and also protect you from miscreants.

But bear in mind that free services may not do all that we’ve listed above. It’s only a reliable and robust VPN that can offer these benefits and even more.

So, if you’ve been hesitating to subscribe to the service all this time, now is your chance to get yours and unlock the benefits.

8 Factors that Influence User Experience:

Websites are crucial to improving first impressions about your brand/cause/company as people are trying to find quick solutions for their issues online. If you are an online business or even an offline business looking to develop a website/app, you need to optimize it so that it appeals to your customers. 

User Experience is an important aspect of web/ app design as it determines whether your app or website will succeed or fail. It indicates and influences how the user interacts with your website/app and for how long. UX goes beyond creating attractive websites, instead, it strives to reduce website abandonment and ensures customer retention and satisfaction in the long run.

User Experience delivers what the customers really want. Adding complex features to your website might seem like the right decision but what customers look for is its simplicity and intuitiveness. Businesses need to shift from an organizational-centric model to a user-centric model when it comes to website design.

  • Accessible: Customers are on your website because they are looking for answers and information. If the message/ information is not conveyed or is hidden on your website, customers will most likely abandon your website and look for other sources. It is important to write your content first and then design your website later. 

Your web design should highlight the critical information and hide unnecessary or additional details. Accessibility also entails creating content for all people, even users with physical disabilities such as visual impairments. Many companies neglect this type of audience as they believe that people with physical impairments are just a small fraction of the population. But it is important to note that if 1 in 4 people cannot access your website, you are still losing a significant customer base. By making your website accessible to all, you will also improve your brand image and reputation. 

  • Usable: Usability means allowing users to use your products efficiently to solve their problems and achieve their objectives. Even if you add many features to your app/website, they will of no use if they cannot support the customers. Web designers should ensure that users can understand and use the features. All the options on the website need to be available to the customer. The best way to ensure that your app/website is usable is by carrying out usable tests. You can also develop an MVC with the basic features of the app/website to check how the users interact with it and use it before investing in a complete app/website.
  • Credible: Credibility refers to the level of trust your customers have in your service. The more trust your brand has the more successful you will be in the market. Credibility can be achieved when you deliver what you promise through your app/website. Try displaying reviews, testimonials, or information about your past projects on your websites/apps. Developing credibility will also improve customer retention and engagement with your brand.
  • Desirable: Desirable websites/ applications often have standout pricing, utility, design, and feature/s. You can attract users to your brand by designing your app in such a way that it sends out an impactful or emotional message. Various elements influence the desirability factor of a website such as aesthetics, branding, and identity. The desirability factor of your website can be assessed by noting how many customers are spreading the word about your website and sharing their good experiences with others. In other words, the desirability factor for your website or app will increase the chances of satisfied customers bragging about your website/app to others. Customer satisfaction makes your website more desirable to new users. 
  • Valuable: When you launch your website/application it is important to make sure that it gives the best results and adds some value to your brand. The product should improve and benefit customers. If there are any issues with your website or services make it a point to fix them. The lack of value will damage your company’s reputation and may make you lose credibility. Learn and improve the User Experience from customer feedback and solve the queries presented by your customers through customer helplines or chatbots. Develop a system that boosts your reputation.
  • Findable: Creating a usable and attractive website is not enough. A company must advertise its products and services to its target audiences. When people learn about your website, it increases the chances of them using it to find solutions. Convey what your website/app does differently through promotional activities to stand out from your competitors. 

On your website display all the main features and your contact information. Make your services easy-to-use for your target audiences. Try to reduce the efforts of the user, for instance, you can provide the option of Google or Facebook log-in without asking your customer to create a registered account on your app/website. The customer should be able to navigate through your site without any hassle.

  • Simple: Many businesses get tempted and attempt to show all the features they have got to the users right off the bat. This strategy however does more harm than good. Complicated websites affect User Experience negatively and reduce conversion. It is important that you limit menu options and icons. Allow your customers to explore your website before dangling all your features in front of them

Providing your users with multiple options will make it difficult to choose or decide on one thing. Ensure that your website has a simple call to action button and make sure each page leads your customer to a contact form. Another benefit of going with a simple web/app design is that they load faster. Customers hate waiting and might simply leave your website if it takes a lot of time to load. A study has revealed that users do not wait for more than 4-5 seconds before they exist a website/app.

  • Useful: In the fast-paced technological world, it is important that your website/app does not have any distractive or obstructive elements. Your app/website should provide a quick and effective answer to the customer’s issues. Your web design needs to be intuitive, relatable, and create an emotionally positive User Experience. For instance, Quora only displays the most helpful or voted answers on the top for each question page and collapses spam answers. This is useful for members as they can avoid irrelevant or spammy answers and get solutions faster.

To sum things up, the above eight factors indicate how your website/app is performing in terms of user experience. To come up with better features, always think from the perspective of your end-user, study competitor websites, and keep your website as simple as possible.  Avoid prioritizing creativity over usability, even if your website looks good, it may confuse your end-users. Do not overuse visual elements and add a search bar and contact information without fail. Adding technical jargon, complicating website navigation, and not creating content beforehand can deteriorate User Experience. 

UX design can be tricky for amateur designers or beginners, however, it is crucial for your website and organization to succeed. You can always consider outsourcing your web/app development to a reputed software development company. Such companies will have the time, resources, and know-how.


Sameer Mehta is a blogger and entrepreneur and writes on technology and lifestyle-related topics. He has more than 15 years of experience in technology, consulting, and marketing. He has written for Entrepreneur, West Agile Labs, Exegy Consulting, Jewellerista, etc.